Ubal a zmiz (2021)

(3,5) basato su 4 voti
Data di uscita
lug 08, 2021
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Film Simili a Ubal a zmiz

Don't Hug Me I'm Scared 5

The two remaining puppets learn about eating healthy, but things go awry when they receive a mysterious phone call.
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Don't Hug Me I'm Scared 5


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A grieving young inventor finds solace in repairing an antique typewriter.
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Don't Hug Me I'm Scared 3

During a chicken picnic, Yellow Guy gets upset after Green Bird kills a butterfly. Yellow Guy then meets a butterfly that takes him on a journey to discover his concept of love.
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Don't Hug Me I'm Scared 3


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Dev Kumar Verma comes from a middle-class family and must find employment to support his dad and mom. Dev, however, has set his mind upon becoming a music sensation like Elvis Presley. He loses his job because of this, and refuses to work until and unless he gets a job to his liking, much to the dismay of his parents and his brother, Shiv Kumar. Dev does get employment at Charlie's Disco, where he meets with Maya and falls in love with her. When Charlie's Disco's competitor, Rana, finds out about Dev, he wants to hire Dev, but Dev decides to continue to work with Charlie's Disco, as a result Dev and Charlie get a beating by Rana's men, and Dev is unable to sing. After recuperating, Dev is devastated to find out that Maya and Shiv Kumar are in love with each other. What impact will this have on Dev and his brother on one hand, and what of his career in music?
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Ten Minutes of Silence

The mute documentary-experimental film "Ten Minutes of Silence" is a film expression of the trends embodied in the painting "Black Square" by Malevich and J. Cage in music.
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Ten Minutes of Silence


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Barbie: Mermaid Power

Unisciti a Barbie "Brooklyn" Roberts, Barbie "Malibu" Roberts e alle sue sorelle Skipper, Stacie e Chelsea in un'avventura sottomarina mentre si trasformano in sirene per aiutare a salvare il mondo di Pacifica! In Barbie Mermaid Power™, Barbie e Barbie vengono convocate da Isla (di Dolphin Magic) per competere per diventare la custode del potere sottomarino in una serie di sfide volte a scoprire i loro poteri interiori. Attraverso queste gare, scoprono se sono sirene della Terra, dell'Aria, dell'Acqua o del Fuoco, mentre si fanno nuovi amici animali e sirene. In questa storia di amicizia, avventura e coraggio, Barbie, Barbie e la sua famiglia sperimentano in prima persona cosa significhi essere in equilibrio tra i mondi sopra e sotto il mare e imparano a trovare i loro poteri interiori.
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Barbie: Mermaid Power


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Johnny Puff: Secret Mission

Johnny Puff and his friends go on a secret mission to save Taigasville from the evil plans of the villainous engineer Otto von Walrus.
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Johnny Puff: Secret Mission


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Roughly chronological, from 3/96 to 11/96, with a coda in spring of 1997: inside compounds of Aum Shinrikyo, a Buddhist sect led by Shoko Asahara. (Members confessed to a murderous sarin attack in the Tokyo subway in 1995.) We see what they eat, where they sleep, and how they respond to media scrutiny, on-going trials, the shrinking of their fortunes, and the criticism of society. Central focus is placed on Hiroshi Araki, a young man who finds himself elevated to chief spokesman for Aum after its leaders are arrested. Araki faces extreme hostility from the Japanese public, who find it hard to believe that most followers of the cult had no idea of the attacks and even harder to understand why these followers remain devoted to the religion, if not the violence.
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Naruto Shippuden: Il film - Il maestro e il discepolo

Naruto Shippuden: Il maestro e il discepolo è il quinto film basato sull'anime e manga di Masashi Kishimoto Naruto, ed è il secondo dedicato alla saga di Naruto Shippuden. Il film è stato proiettato nelle sale cinematografiche il 2 agosto 2008. È stato annunciato dalla rivista Weekly Shonen Jump insieme alla data di uscita del primo film in DVD. Il primo teaser trailer del secondo lungometraggio è stato trasmesso da TV Tokyo durante la trasmissione degli episodi 40-41. In Italia il film è andato in onda su Italia 1 diviso in cinque episodi dal 20 giugno al 26 giugno 2013, mentre è stato distribuito nei cinema dalla Lucky Red solo il 20 luglio 2015 col titolo Naruto Shippuden il film: Il maestro e il discepolo.
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Naruto Shippuden: Il film - Il maestro e il discepolo


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The Production House

A story of a small production house facing a challenge that could threaten their whole company
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The Production House


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A Place Called Clayhill

A DHMIS short film that premiered in 2019 at the Sundance Film Festival and was originally pitched as a pilot of Pelling, Sloan, and Terry's 2022 TV show. Though, feeling the Clayhill setting made the series too similar to South Park, and came at the cost of the claustrophobia of the original series, it was scrapped and since been removed from festival circulation. The tester was only shared in a few private premieres, but clips have turned up online over the years.
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A Place Called Clayhill


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Gasping for Air

When his sister disappears after leaving their home in hopes of singing stardom, Luis tracks her down and discovers the grim reality of her whereabouts.
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Gasping for Air


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Barbie e il cavallo leggendario

Barbie e le sue sorelle partono per un'avventura tra le maestose Alpi svizzere, dove entusiaste desiderano trascorre le loro vacanze estive in un'accademia equestre. Qui, Barbie non vede l'ora di trovare un nuovo cavallo da regalare alla sorella Malibu, Stacie è super eccitata all'idea di dimostrare quanto sia brava come cavallerizza, Chelsea sogna di cavalcare cavalli più grandi e Skipper preferisce più scrivere che concedersi ai grandi spazi aperti. Dopo un inizio difficile, la vacanza prende una piega magica quando Barbie scopre un misterioso cavallo selvaggio tra i boschi.
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Barbie e il cavallo leggendario


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Sei iellato amico, hai incontrato Sacramento

Questa storia in rapido movimento ruota attorno al rapimento della figlia di un pugile. Il pugile paga il riscatto ma la ragazza non viene ancora rilasciata. Il suo ragazzo decide di riaverla a modo suo.
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Sei iellato amico, hai incontrato Sacramento


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Unhappily Ever After

María José and Alfredo are about to celebrate their 20th anniversary and their children give them a trip to the hotel where they celebrated their honeymoon, but a spell will make them repeat the same day.
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Unhappily Ever After


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Un giorno... di prima mattina

Biografia romanzata e musicata della soubrette Gertrude Lawrence. Durante il tirocinio come ballerina di fila, Gertrude ha occasione di sostituire la protagonista di una commedia musicale e riscuote un enorme successo. Dopo il divorzio dal marito si lega ad un nobile e quindi ad un banchiere, al quale si unirà in matrimonio.
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Un giorno... di prima mattina


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Trilli e la creatura leggendaria

Il film trasporterà le fatine Disney in un’epica avventura piena di emozioni, sentimenti e suspence. La fatina Fawn pensa che non si possa giudicare un libro dalla copertina (o un animale dalle sue zanne) così fa amicizia con un’enorme e misteriosa creatura chiamata NeverBeast. Mentre Trilli e le sue amiche non sono molto convinte di questa new entry nella Radura Incantata, le fatine Scout sono determinate a catturare questa creatura prima che distrugga le loro case. Fawn dovrà trovare la forza, il coraggio e la fede per convincere le sue amiche ad aiutarla a salvare NeverBeast.
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Trilli e la creatura leggendaria


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Happy Birthday!

An unlucky Birthday boy must fight for his life against a masked psychopath.
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Happy Birthday!


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Terminator 5: The Death of Hollywood

An unofficial sequel to Kefir-Profit's unofficial Terminator sequel... This time featuring Superman, Rambo, Neo from the Matrix, Harry Potter and the evil Agent 007.
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Terminator 5: The Death of Hollywood


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Date A Live: Mayuri Judgment

After performing a huge concert, Miku Izayoi invited Shido, Tohka and everyone for a day at a reserved indoor pool. Later at night, Shido keeps spotting a girl named Mayuri, who quickly disappeared after seeing her.
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Date A Live: Mayuri Judgment


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