Les Nuls : La Pub (1992)

(7,6) basato su 7 voti
Data di uscita
gen 01, 1992
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Film Simili a Les Nuls : La Pub

Welcome to L.A.

The lives of a group of Hollywood neurotics intersect over the Christmas holidays. Foremost among them, a songwriter visits Los Angeles to work on a singer's album. The gig, unbeknownst to him, is being bankrolled by his estranged father, a dairy magnate, who hopes to reunite with his son. When the songwriter meets an eccentric housewife who fancies herself a modern-day Garbo, his world of illusions comes crashing down.
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Welcome to L.A.


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George Carlin: Doin' it Again

George Carlin brings his comedy back to New Jersey and this time talks about Offensive Language, Euphemisms, They're Only Words, Dogs, Things you never hear, see or wanna hear, Some people are stupid, Cancer, Feminists, Good Ideas, Rape, Life's moments, and organ donors.
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George Carlin: Doin' it Again


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Welcome, Violeta!

Over the course of her stay at the remote residence, Ana becomes more and more familiar with Holden’s idiosyncratic methods that require the participating artists to abandon their own identities and live emotionally and psychologically as their characters. Captivated by her artistic investigation, Ana immerses herself wholly into the method and starts living as Violeta, until her fiction loses control.
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Welcome, Violeta!


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Noblesse: The Beginning of Destruction

820 years ago, Mujaka, the lord of werewolves finally visits Raizel after a long journey. But the werewolf Maduk interferes in a war of human plotting some scheme. Raizel and Mujaka fall into a hand of tragic destiny, fighting with each other desperately leaving their friendship behind.
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Noblesse: The Beginning of Destruction


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The lion has to become more physically fit. The gazelle does not think he is capable of doing so.
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The Senior Class

By agreeing to keep his crush's secret, a college student becomes her friend. But things soon fall apart when she gets swept up in scandalous rumors.
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The Senior Class


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A Comrade from the Village

It is a cine comedy following "The Lady from the town". Olga is getting ready to go to a meeting of the district women activists, where she will relate her own experience in the struggle against conservative concepts. During a warm atmosphere, Olga sings the first lullaby to her newborn nephew: "Once upon a time there was an Olga who posed as a lady.Time passed by and the lady has become one of us, a comrade from the country"
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A Comrade from the Village


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Mia sorella è invisibile!

Cleo, giovane studentessa prodigio in scienze, trasforma accidentalmente per un progetto scolastico la sorella maggiore Molly, rendendola invisibile. Star della squadra di lacrosse liceale, Molly avrebbe dovuto giocare un'importante partita e Cleo, da sempre cresciuta nella sua ombra, è costretta a prenderne il posto. Mentre tentano di convincere gli altri che è tutto a posto, le due sorelle impareranno a mettere da parte le divergenze e a conoscersi meglio, ingaggiando anche una lotta contro il tempo per evitare che Molly resti per sempre invisibile.
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Mia sorella è invisibile!


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Crossword Mysteries - Abracadavere

Un noto mago muore nel bel mezzo di una performance durante la festa di compleanno della cruciverbista Tess Harper. Scoprendo che si tratta di omicidio, Tess fa squadra con il detective Logan O'Conor per scoprire il responsabile. Si ritroveranno così a doversi muovere in un mondo dove nulla è ciò che sembra.
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Crossword Mysteries - Abracadavere


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Rosalinda 2020

Trama non disponibile
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Rosalinda 2020


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After losing the last two digits of a girl's number, a socially awkward fish enthusiast tries every combination to seek her out.
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Super Crazy

A 36-year-old meek woman realizes that there’s younger people trying to outpace her doing much less, so she makes a risky change by removing her filter.
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Super Crazy


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Emanuelle e Françoise (Le sorelline)

Francoise, innamorata pazza di Marco, subisce le sue quotidiane angherie, sino ad essere costretta a prostituirsi ai produttori di film, ai bookmakers verso i quali il ragazzo è indebitato sino al collo ed agli autori di Cinéma-cochon. Infine, respinta per sempre, si suicida. La sorella maggiore Emanuelle adesca ed irretisce Marco. Lo incatena in uno sgabuzzino nella sua casa. lo droga, lo costringe ad assistere ad orge collettive omo ed etero-sessuali.
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Emanuelle e Françoise (Le sorelline)


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500 Years

From a historic genocide trial to the overthrow of a president, the sweeping story of mounting resistance played out in Guatemala’s recent history is told through the actions and perspectives of the majority indigenous Mayan population, who now stand poised to reimagine their society.
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500 Years


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This film is about the relationship of a mother and her daughter, the split-up of their family, the blessing and curse of belonging together and about coming of age - all this from the perspective of the young girl Aglaja. The story is based on real-life events, an Eastern European circus artist family that fled to the West. If they want to stay in the circus business they have to make up an exotic act. The mother spends all their money to buy a very dangerous act: hanging by her hair high up in the dome of the circus while juggling with burning torches. Every night Aglaja is terrified by the fear of losing her mother. But, on some day, she has to follow the family tradition and become the "Woman with the Hair of Steel".
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A Night on Bald Mountain

Mussorgsky's composition is the soundtrack for this pin-screen animated take on night and wild things. A scarecrow blows down, clouds move by quickly. Beings take shape; a town appears, animals flee, and a horse gallops by. A child looks on. Monsters run and float by: the phantasmagoric is everywhere. A woman's figure tumbles through space. A clash ensues. The horse falls. Goblins take control. The night and its denizens are relentless. Forms appear and become grotesque. Will dawn and calm ever come?
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A Night on Bald Mountain


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At the end of September 1941, Soviet artillery troops in besieged Leningrad realize that pretty soon they will fire their last shot, and after that the defense of the city will be doomed. The film is based on a true event: a small group of fearless soldiers transported a large supply of gunpowder through enemy lines to Leningrad.
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Dolci e delitti - Una ricetta buona da morire

Hannah Swensen, proprietaria di una pasticceria, non riesce a rimanere con le mani in mano quando nella sua cittadina si verifica l'omicidio dello sceriffo Grant, che per anni ha garantito l'ordine con il pugno di ferro. I primi sospetti portano ad accusare del crimine il cognato di Hannah, che ben presto si ritroverà a indagare tra segreti scandalosi, pettegolezzi e intrighi, per far luce sulla vicenda e rintracciare il vero assassino.
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Dolci e delitti - Una ricetta buona da morire


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Buongiorno con delitto: L'incubo di Billie

Billie Blessing - una amata ristoratrice, oltre che conduttrice di un segmento di un programma televisivo del mattino - viene sospettata di omicidio quando uno dei dirigenti delle rete per cui lavora viene trovato ucciso. Quando poi il capo cuoco del ristorante di Billie viene arrestato, la donna decide di prendere in mano la situazione e di condurre da sola le indagini.
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Buongiorno con delitto: L'incubo di Billie


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Toxic Beauty

Beauty products are a multi-billion-dollar industry. Despite public attention, companies continue to get away with harmful practices that leave the average consumer wondering which brand can be trusted. Toxic Beauty's case in point is the landmark class action lawsuit brought by female cancer survivors against Johnson & Johnson, in the face of the company's insistence that their baby talc products are safe.
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Toxic Beauty


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Il teorema della felicità

Palermo, marzo 2020, l'Italia si appresta a entrare in lockdown a causa del Covid-19. Antonio è un bambino di nove anni a cui il fratello maggiore spiega che la paura aumenta il rischio di mortalità negli anziani. Così Antonio, che ama tantissimo il proprio nonno, trova uno modo per salvare tutti i nonni del quartiere: con un sorriso e l'ottimismo darà loro la cura per non ammalarsi.
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Il teorema della felicità


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Twitches - Gemelle streghelle 2

Dopo avere salvato la loro madre e la loro terra Coventry dall'oscurità, è tempo che le ragazze vengano a sapere l'una l'altra cosa vuol dire avere i poteri magici. Mentre Camryn vive uno stile di vita quotidiana con la sua mamma, Alex è impaziente di iniziare la sua nuova vita come una studentessa di scuola superiore. Mentre prova a vivere il più normalmente possibile, le gemelle non sanno che l'oscurità perversa continua a minacciare la loro esistenza. Inoltre le due scoprono anche che il loro padre mancante, Aron, potrebbe ancora essere vivo.
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Twitches - Gemelle streghelle 2


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Living with Michael Jackson

Una rara intervista con l'iconica pop star, che mostra alcuni aspetti inediti della sua vita privata.
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Living with Michael Jackson


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Bonanno - La storia di un Padrino

In un'America senza eroi, dove il corso della storia veniva deciso da gente senza scrupoli, l'unica regola che potesse far sopravvivere un uomo e la sua gente era 'la lealtà alla famiglia'... e questo Joseph Bananno lo sapeva già quando era scappato dalla Sicilia e da Mussolini . Affiliatosi al clan Castellamarese, Bananno divenne subito il più giovane boss malavitoso che avesse mai sfidato il clan di Gambino. La lotta contro Lucky Luciano e gli accordi segreti con Franklin Delano Roosvelt fecero di lui il più potente criminale dell'epoca.
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Bonanno - La storia di un Padrino


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Android Re-Enactment

Ermus Daglek, retired Empathtek engineer, commandeers a defunct factory where he creates androids based on persons from his past and recreates a dinner party where he lost the love of his life - until they malfunction and escape.
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Android Re-Enactment


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