سرقات صيفية (1988)

(8,5) basato su 2 voti
Data di uscita
ott 10, 1988
01h 32m
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Film Simili a سرقات صيفية

The City

Ali, an aspiring actor, works in a government-aided butchery and takes part in a cheap play. Defying his father's wishes, he moves to Paris to fulfill his dreams and starts living illegally alongside many other Arabs. Ali has a life-changing experience there that he won't fully remember until he returns to Egypt.
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The City


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Cena con delitto - Knives Out

Quando il noto scrittore di gialli Harlan Thrombey viene trovato morto nella sua tenuta poco dopo il suo 85° compleanno, il detective Benoit Blanc, curioso e disinvolto, viene misteriosamente reclutato per investigare sull'accaduto. Dalla disfunzionale famiglia della vittima al suo devoto entourage, Blanc si muove attraverso una fitta rete di bugie, segreti e non detti, per scoprire quale sia la verità dietro la prematura morte dell'autore.
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Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba - Tsuzumi Mansion Arc

Tanjiro ventures to the south-southeast where he encounters a cowardly young man named Zenitsu Agatsuma. He is a fellow survivor from Final Selection and his sparrow asks Tanjiro to help keep him in line.
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Ripper's Revenge

One year on from the notorious Ripper murders, London is terrorised once again by a series of brutal killings. When gruesome letters from the Ripper begin landing on his desk, an innocent reporter finds himself drawn into a deadly mystery, threatening the lives of everyone around him.
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Ripper's Revenge


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Detective vs. Sleuths

When Hong Kong is rocked by multiple gruesome murders, the police forms a task force to investigate. Jun, once a brilliant detective who suffered a mental breakdown, begins his own investigation. Eventually, the police learn that the murder victims are all suspects of cold cases being rubbed out by a figure known as "The Sleuth". Now, Jun and a detective from the task force are on a race against time to beat the brutal killer at its own game.
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Il passatempo di Groot

(Terzo cortometraggio). Svegliandosi nel bel mezzo del sonno, nel Quadrante di Eclector, Baby Groot trova una fiala rotta e tracce di liquido color bolla in tutta la nave. Cosa sarà successo?
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The Prank

After their teacher fails them, two high school students decide to teach the imperious, demanding instructor a lesson by falsely accusing her of the murder of a missing student.
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Magnum Opus

(Quinto cortometraggio). Groot si propone di dipingere un ritratto di famiglia con se stesso e i Guardiani, scoprirete quanto possa essere disordinato il processo artistico.
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Magnum Opus


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My Sweet Monster

La principessa Barbara sogna un giorno di poter sposare il principe Edward e passa le sue giornate leggendo storie d'amore. Quando la principessa compie sedici anni, suo padre, il re Elia (voce originale Maksim Volkov) decide di darla in sposa a un arrogante postino di nome Joyce. Ma Barbara scappa dal palazzo reale che il padre ha trasformato in una gabbia dorata. Arrivata in mezzo al bosco incontra il buffo mostro Bogey e il suo amico Coniglio. La giovane principessa decide di rimanere a vivere con loro, mentre il re e tutti i suoi sudditi sono occupati a cercarla pensandola rapita. I suoi nuovi amici la aiuteranno a incontrare il principe Edward e ha salvare l regno da una terribile minaccia...
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My Sweet Monster


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Future World

A young boy searches a future world wasteland for a rumored cure for his dying mother.
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Future World


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The Last Heretic

Juan Conte is a world-renowned spokesman of the new atheism. After suffering a heart attack, he receives a transplant and a change in his personal life begins, opening up to the possibility of being in a couple for the first time. Juan will go on a journey of horror and pain, in which his vision of reality will be put to the test.
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The Last Heretic


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Rewind 3: The Final Chapter

An unfortunate highschooler finds an ancient book that summons Allentown's deadliest maniacs back from the dead.
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It's been 3 years since a mysterious killer murdered Kevin's brother on Christmas Eve. This Halloween, Kevin faces a terrifying showdown when the masked madman returns. -- but this time, he's ready for him.
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Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Sibling's Bond

Tanjiro finds his family slaughtered and the lone survivor, his sister Nezuko Kamado, turned into a Demon. To his surprise, however, Nezuko still shows signs of human emotion and thought. Thus begins Tanjiro's journey to seek out the Demon who killed their family and turn his sister human again. A recap film of Kimetsu no Yaiba, covering episodes 1-5 with extra footage.
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Quando ho smesso di preoccuparmi e ho iniziato a masturbarmi

Un'ambiziosa donna in carriera lasciata dal fidanzato poco prima del quarantesimo compleanno è costretta a ripensare alla propria vita caotica mentre il mondo le crolla addosso.
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Quando ho smesso di preoccuparmi e ho iniziato a masturbarmi


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Encanto at the Hollywood Bowl

A taped performance of the Encanto Live-to-Film Concert Experience at the Hollywood Bowl. The original cast puts on a miracle of a concert as they sing the favorite songs, accompanied by a full orchestra and 50 person ensemble, and the Hollywood Bowl transforms into Casita!
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The Roundup

The 'Beast Cop' Ma Seok-do heads to a foreign country to extradite a suspect, but soon after his arrival, he discovers additional murder cases and hears about a vicious killer who has been committing crimes against tourists for several years.
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The Roundup


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Lie with Me

An author returns to his hometown of Cognac for the first time in 35 years to help promote a distillery. Once there, he meets his first love’s son, Lucas. Memories come rushing back to him: irrepressible attraction, bodies becoming one in the heat of desire, a passion that can never be revealed… His first love’s name was Thomas. They were 17.
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Lie with Me


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The Weapon

Dallas is a one-man killing machine on a mysterious rampage. His attacks on biker gangs and meth labs anger the Vegas mob boss who’s holding Dallas’ girlfriend hostage. But who is Dallas working for? Even torture won’t make him talk, and he won’t stop until justice is served.
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The Weapon


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The Sex Cycle

The Cocoa Poodle bar is the central meeting place for the denizens of a bohemian suburban area. Janet, a rather colorless model, is jealous of her artist/mentor Tanya, who attracts the attention of all the local guys. An exotic card-reader offers her a pair of earrings which will give her power over others. She soon becomes the center of attention, but commits a fatal error.
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The Sex Cycle


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Dragon Knight

Molti anni dopo che la guerra è stata persa e tutti i draghi sono stati uccisi, un cavaliere solitario viaggia per le terre di Agonos cercando di radunare un esercito contro il signore dei demoni Abaddon. Quando la visione di un guaritore rivela che un drago è ancora vivo, insieme a un giovane scudiero impaziente, il cavaliere parte alla ricerca della favolosa creatura. Mentre le armate di Abaddon si abbattono sui regni umani, il drago è la loro ultima speranza di respingere l'orda, prima che essa devasti le terre degli uomini. Ma la creatura esiste davvero? E se esiste, combatterà ancora una volta per loro?
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Sognando Marte

In questa commedia romantica con un tocco sci-fi , ambientata in un futuro dove Marte è stato terraformato e colonizzato dal meglio che l'umanità può offrire, due studenti universitari molto diversi fra loro uniscono le forze e intraprendono un viaggio nello spazio, fino al pianeta rosso, per riuscire a riunirsi con i propri partner.
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Project Gemini

Un thriller di fantascienza su una missione spaziale inviata per terraformare un pianeta lontano. Tuttavia, la missione incontra qualcosa di sconosciuto che ha un proprio piano per il pianeta.
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Un gruppo di influencer superstar viene attirato nella villa di un miliardario solitario per poi ritrovarsi intrappolato nella tana di un vampiro malvagio. L'unica via d'uscita è rappresentata da un famoso giocatore online e da un cacciatore di vampiri della vecchia scuola.
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It starts with Rana and his best friend Janu who are climbing a mountain in bad weather. In the middle of a dense forest, they got separated and lost. Janu is lucky to be back home at last. But not with Rana. An extensive search was carried out. Rana not found. A week has passed. Rana's extended family decided to hold a tahlilan. Rana is considered unlikely to have survived and will surely die there. Dini can't accept that. As a mother, Dini doesn't want to just give up and still believes that her daughter Rana is still alive. Sure enough. After the tahlilan, Rana came home in the pouring rain.
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San Francisco filmmaker Konrad Steiner took 12 years to complete a montage cycle set to the late Leslie Scalapino’s most celebrated poem, way—a sprawling book-length odyssey of shardlike urban impressions, fraught with obliquely felt social and sexual tensions. Six stylistically distinctive films for each section of way, using sources ranging from Kodachrome footage of sun-kissed S.F. street scenes to internet clips of the Iraq war to a fragmented Fred Astaire dance number.
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The Machine

Bert Kreischer affronta una crisi familiare e l'arrivo del padre separato quando arriva il fantasma del suo passato intriso di alcol: un mafioso omicida determinato a rapire Bert nella madrepatria per espiare i suoi crimini. Insieme, lui e suo padre devono ripercorrere i passi del suo io più giovane nel bel mezzo di una guerra tra una famiglia criminale sociopatica mentre tentano di trovare un terreno comune.
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The Machine


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Six Hours: Surviving Typhoon Yolanda

In the middle of a broadcast about Typhoon Yolanda's initial impact, reporter Jiggy Manicad was faced with the reality that he no longer had communication with his station. They were, for all intents and purposes, stranded in Tacloban. With little option, and his crew started the six hour walk to Alto, where the closest broadcast antenna was to be found. Letting the world know what was happening to was a priority, but they were driven by the need to let their families and friends know they were all still alive. Along the way, they encountered residents and victims of the massive typhoon, and with each step it became increasingly clear just how devastating this storm was. This was a storm that was going to change lives.
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Six Hours: Surviving Typhoon Yolanda


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Blood and Snow

Scientists find meteor in Arctic. It kills one, infects the other. Nearby base takes in survivor to investigate incident. Survivor's identity raises questions.
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Blood and Snow


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How to Please a Woman

When her all-male house-cleaning business gets out of control, a mature woman must embrace her own sexuality, if she is to make a new life for herself.
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How to Please a Woman


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Roughly chronological, from 3/96 to 11/96, with a coda in spring of 1997: inside compounds of Aum Shinrikyo, a Buddhist sect led by Shoko Asahara. (Members confessed to a murderous sarin attack in the Tokyo subway in 1995.) We see what they eat, where they sleep, and how they respond to media scrutiny, on-going trials, the shrinking of their fortunes, and the criticism of society. Central focus is placed on Hiroshi Araki, a young man who finds himself elevated to chief spokesman for Aum after its leaders are arrested. Araki faces extreme hostility from the Japanese public, who find it hard to believe that most followers of the cult had no idea of the attacks and even harder to understand why these followers remain devoted to the religion, if not the violence.
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A married woman with a lovely daughter lives a carefree life, until she meets her ex-lover at a friend’s wedding. They haven’t seen each other in ten years, but they begin an affair.
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