Giải cứu thần chết (2009)

(5,5) basato su 2 voti
Data di uscita
gen 15, 2009
01h 33m
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Film Simili a Giải cứu thần chết

Battle of the Brides

In the heart of Saigon, Thai and Linh are getting married. But the wedding is suddenly cut short when four other brides show up – threatening to take the groom's life. It turns out that Thai is the biggest player in the city, and has been dating all five women at the same time up until the day of his wedding. Trang is an overly jealous flight attendant, Mai Chau is a doctor who loves to party, Quyen is a sexually aggressive chef while Huynh Phuong is one fiery actress.
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Battle of the Brides


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Let It Bleed

An ordinary man takes revenge only to find it's made him the target of a major crime lord and his army of psychopaths and professional killers.
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Let It Bleed


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L'invasione degli astromostri

Due astronauti (il giapponese Fuji e l'americano Glenn) si dirigono verso un misterioso Pianeta X scoperto vicino a Giove. Improvvisamente vengono attaccati da King Ghidorah, e vengono salvati dagli alieni chiamati Xiliens. Gli alieni spiegano che sono costretti dalle continue incursioni di King Ghidorah (che loro chiamano Mostro 0) a vivere nel sottosuolo. Per questo chiedono ai terrestri di aiutarli: se loro 'presteranno' agli Xiliens Godzilla (Mostro 1) e Rodan (Mostro 2) per combattere il Mostro 0, gli alieni in cambio consegneranno un'assistenza alla loro scienza medica.
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L'invasione degli astromostri


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"Behind every strong man is a strong woman!", Mumine shouts as her husband is arrested. She has 4 children, she's in her mid-30s, and she's the wife of a Crimean Tatar political prisoner. Muslim Crimean Tatars have been oppressed for a long time. They were deported under Stalin, allowed to return under Gorbachev, and since the occupation of Crimea in 2014 under Putin, they are being persecuted again. "Return" is a portrait of Mumine and Maye, two strong women struggling with the consequences of oppression. Their traditional understanding of their role as women does not stand in the way of their dedication. They possess strength, beauty and dignity. Only in their most intimate moments, they are overwhelmed by desperate helplessness.
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Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf 4

Weslie and his crew discover an evil mechanical dragon who defeats Wolffy as he was attempting to capture the goats, but a series of good dragons rescue Weslie and the goats. The good dragons say that evil dragons have taken over their world, and they need the help of the goats.
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Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf 4


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A Very Potter Senior Year

Get ready for one last romp of magical, musical shenanigans because Harry and his pals are back for their senior year at Hogwarts! The gang's in for their biggest adventure yet as they face off against old enemies, new foes and giant snakes! Will they win or will they lose? Either way, this is the end!
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A Very Potter Senior Year


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It Is Just The Night Winds Waving The Tree Branches

Leave a trail of bread crumbs. Part of Brain Dead’s Mutant Sequencer Vol. 1
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It Is Just The Night Winds Waving The Tree Branches


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Wishmaster 4 - La profezia maledetta

Lisa e Sam sembrano decisi a vivere insieme per sempre felici e contenti; ma le cose cambiano notevolmente poiché Sam, dopo essere stato coinvolto in un incidente stradale, perde l’uso delle gambe e immediatamente il rapporto con la sua ragazza, la quale ha da tempo una relazione segreta con il loro avvocato Steven, comincia a logorarsi. Un giorno Steven regala alla ragazza un’antica scatola contenente un piccolo gioiello rosso. Lisa risveglia inconsapevolmente il Djinn, demone mitologico che vive nella gemma rossa e che desidera avverare i tre desideri della persona che lo ha risvegliato per poter riportare sulla terra la sua malefica razza. Questa volta il Djinn riuscirà ad ottenere tutti e tre i desideri, ma avverare l’ultimo non sarà semplice poiché deve riuscire a far innamorare di se la giovane Lisa.
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Wishmaster 4 - La profezia maledetta


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Liberation: Direction of the Main Blow

This five part epic war drama gives a dramatized detailed account of Soviet Union's war against Nazi Germany during world war two. Each of the five parts represents a separate major eastern front campaign.
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Liberation: Direction of the Main Blow


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Wild Horse Mesa

Dave and Chito are working for Melburn who is looking for wild horses. Olmstead has his men looking for then also. When Dave finds them first, Olmstead buys them from Melburn and then kills him. A clue leads Dave to Olmstead's where he breaks in and finds the murder weapon. When he takes his evidence to the Marshal he learns Olmstead has been murdered and he is the one under arrest.
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Wild Horse Mesa


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Six Weeks to Twelve Years

After the death of their abusive father, two estranged twin brothers must reunite and sell off his property.
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Six Weeks to Twelve Years


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Milá ♥ Levy

Trama non disponibile
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New York press operazione dollari

Un giornalista americano raccoglie un cospicuo dossier sulle malefatte (appropriazioni indebite, corruzione, malversazione) del primo ministro di una paese mediterraneo alla vigilia delle elezioni politiche. Il giornalista però finisce prigioniero su un'isola di proprietà del premier che tenta in ogni modo di sottrargli il dossier compromettente.
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New York press operazione dollari


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Il vendicatore misterioso

In un antico castello inglese in cui sono in corso le riprese di un film, irrompe la polizia che sta svolgendo alcune indagini su un caso difficile e misterioso: lo zio della protagonista del film è stato trovato morto, con la testa tagliata. Scotland Yard si trova di fronte un soggettista pazzo, un domestico dall'aspetto terrificante che tiene prigioniera nella soffitta la ballerina di cui si è innamorato, un dongiovanni che, grazie al denaro, ottiene tutto ciò che vuole. Intanto sono già dodici le persone cadute nelle mani del misterioso assassino.
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Il vendicatore misterioso


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Chubby Killer: The Anthology

Scary tales featuring bloodthirsty supernatural forces, a séance gone wrong and bloodthirsty psycho killers.
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Chubby Killer: The Anthology


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Criminali sull'asfalto

Stanley Baker's O'Donovan viene inviato a rubare i piani dei progetti di auto da corsa di una società rivale, per garantire ai suoi datori di lavoro la vittoria nella competizione. Tuttavia, aprendo una cassaforte contenente i progetti, fa scattare un allarme che porta a uno scontro a fuoco in cui uccide diverse persone. James Robertson Justice, allarmato dallo scandalo che circonda gli omicidi, ordina che il suo agente venga ucciso di nascosto per nascondere il suo coinvolgimento nel complotto. Il film utilizza filmati originali della Mille Miglia, una gara di resistenza italiana su strada aperta, con auto da corsa d'epoca.
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Criminali sull'asfalto


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Angeli o quasi

I giovani cantanti del coro di Vienna hanno voci angeliche ed eseguono brani celestiali. I problemi arrivano con l'età, infatti Peter crescendo, perde la tonalità giusta e non può più cantare. Incoraggiato dal direttore, Peter troverà un nuovo ruolo all'interno del coro.
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Angeli o quasi


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Im Gasthaus zum scharfen Hirschen

Hannelore Reitzler elopes with her boyfriend to the Hotel Liebesnest but he leaves her during the night after failing to take her virginity. Not wanting to return home, Hannelore takes job as a chambermaid which also involves giving sexual favors to the guests at an extra charge. Meanwhile, a female cat burglar visits Das Liebesnest every night and each time she gets caught, she offers her body to the captor to keep them quiet.
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Im Gasthaus zum scharfen Hirschen


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Mondays at Racine

Every third Monday of the month, two bold, brassy sisters open the doors of their Long Island hair salon to women diagnosed with cancer. As locks of hair fall to the floor, women gossip, giggle, weep, face their fears, and discover unexpected beauty.
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Mondays at Racine


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Bitter Springs

A family buy land set around a water hole in a remote location, that is occupied by native Australians. The two groups clash.
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Bitter Springs


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E la festa continua!

Rosa è il cuore e l'anima del suo quartiere popolare nella vecchia Marsiglia. Divide la sua energia strabordante tra la sua famiglia numerosa e unita, il lavoro da infermiera e il suo impegno politico a favore dei più svantaggiati. Ma quando si avvicina alla pensione, le sue illusioni cominciano a vacillare. Sostenuta dalla vitalità dei suoi cari e dall'incontro con Henri, si rende conto che non è mai troppo tardi per realizzare i propri sogni, sia politici che personali.
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E la festa continua!


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Boynu Bükük Küheylan

With his 2 wives Kuheylan started as a doorkeeper in an apartment after immigrating from small town to city. While Kuheylan was dreaming to be rich, his wives got impressed under city culture and joined their forses agains their husband.
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Boynu Bükük Küheylan


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Listeners: The Whispering

The movie is about a psychologist, Tuong Minh who provides psychotherapy to An Nhien, a young female writer suffering from anxiety disorder. Nhien states that she’s obsessed by a certain girl. Strangely, the girl she mentioned is the main character in her first novel, The Whispering.
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Listeners: The Whispering


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The Great Commandment

Portrays the conversion to Christianity of a young Zealot, Joel, and the Roman soldier Longinus through the teachings of Jesus in his Parable of the Good Samaritan.
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The Great Commandment


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The Punch and Judy Man

Walter Pinner is the titular Punch And Judy Man plying his trade in the seaside town of Piltdown. Unhappily married to his social climbing wife, who gets him to perform at the 60th Anniversary celebrations of the town in front of all the local dignitaries, his hatred of snobbery comes to a hilarious head.
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The Punch and Judy Man


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Bagus (10) felt disappointed when his friends left him while playing. His sad feelings changed when he met the village head who invited him to play chess.
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Flowers & Honey

Sparks fly between a city florist and the owner of an apiary business after she inherits her great aunt's farmland.
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Flowers & Honey


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