El efecto ladrillo (2022)

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Paradiso perduto

In pre-World Ward I in Paris, a budding artist, Pierre LeBlanc, falls in love and marries Janine, a dressmaker's assistant. Pierre has a flair for designing clothes, and he and his bride live in a blissful paradise, until the war breaks out and he becomes a soldier. Janine dies in childbirth and, no longer desiring to live, Pierre volunteers for a dangerous patrol behind German lines. While recuperating in the hospital from a wound he received on the mission, Pierre spends his time drawing sketches of dresses. He becomes rich and famous after the war. Years later, after devoting himself to his daughter, Pierre seeks a marriage with a girl no older than his daughter. A conflict develops and to ensure his daughter's happiness, Pierre sacrifices his own plans.
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Paradiso perduto


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Strange Object

An archival investigation into the imperial image-making of the RAF ‘Z Unit’, which determined the destruction of human, animal and cultural life across Somaliland, as well as Africa and Asia.
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Strange Object


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Midnight Movies: From the Margin to the Mainstream

From 1970-1977, six low budget films shown at midnight transformed the way we make and watch films.
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Midnight Movies: From the Margin to the Mainstream


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Children of the Corn 666 - Il ritorno di Isaac

Tutto ha inizio con un viaggio in macchina, in cui Hannah Martin accetta di dare un passaggio a uno sconosciuto. Comincia così una sinistra catena di eventi che porterà al compimento una profezia pronunciata 19 anni prima da Isaac, il maligno predicatore a capo dei Figli del Grano. Il viaggio di Hannah avrà da qui in poi una compagnia in più. La paura.
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Children of the Corn 666 - Il ritorno di Isaac


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Giorni di fuoco

Winnetou, capo degli Apache, vuole ad ogni costo che la sua tribù non scenda in guerra contro i visi pallidi. Ad aiutarlo a mantenere la pace c'è il suo amico e fratello di sangue Old Shatterhand, che è un cacciatore errante e una guida di ottimo livello. Il programma dei due è impegnativo e sulla loro strada c'è un bandito senza scrupoli, Forrester, che semina scompiglio e disaccordo tra le tribù indiane e i pionieri. La guerra sta per scoppiare. Come impedire una nuova ondata di violenza?
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Giorni di fuoco


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Cattivissimo me: Orientation Day

Con così tanti lavori tra cui scegliere, i Minions devono prendere una decisione seria dopo aver visto il video di presentazione. Cosa potrebbe andar storto?!
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Cattivissimo me: Orientation Day


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A boy walks through an abandoned building and films the interior. Suddenly his camera disappears.
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The Dead Can't Dance

Turns out, Native American ancestry causes immunity to the zombie virus sweeping the nation.
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The Dead Can't Dance


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Özcan Cosar live! Old School

Trama non disponibile
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Özcan Cosar live! Old School


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Si salvi chi può

Un progettista navale, nonostante i buoni risultati ottenuti, viene licenziato perché una barca da lui progettata è affondata quando è stata colpita dalla bottiglia al momento del varo. In seguito, però, il natante ottiene un grande successo e l'industriale padrone della fabbrica farà carte false perché il progettista torni da lui.
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Si salvi chi può


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Il marmittone

Bisby, soldato semplice, è una frana. Per impedirgli di combinare ulteriori guai viene affidato prima alle cure di una psicologa, poi alla custodia di due caporali. Ma tutto questo non impedisce a Bisby di farsi abbindolare da un gruppo di malviventi che sta cercando di vendere un nuovo tipo di mitragliatrice a un sultano in guerra. I due caporali, con l'aggiunta di una ballerina, lo salveranno giusto in tempo, anche se in seguito a varie peripezie, dato che erano stati catturati e imprigionati.
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Il marmittone


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3 Men in White

Gillespie has to finally choose his official assistant, or Red and Lee are going to kill themselves in competition. So, it's another diagnosis competition. Lee's assignment is a small girl who falls ill whenever she eats candy. Red has to cure a girl's mother of a debilitating case of arthritis. But when Red needs Lee's help, will either one live with Gillespie's choice?
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3 Men in White


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Curral de Moinas - The People's Bankers

Peace in the fictional Portuguese village Curral de Moinas is disturbed when Quim discovers he had a father who left him a huge inheritance with a bank, the prestigious BLOW-ME (Bank of Loans Over Worth-Market Exchange). So the two friends Quim and Zé head for Lisbon and start living a life of luxury, drinking bubbled wine and cars with more than 20 horse power engines. But money and the big city corrupt Quim... Will their friendship resist the challenge? Will Quim be able to manage BLOW-ME when he can't even sort out the change at a grocery store? Is the night life in Cascais ready for Zé's single eyebrow? Lisbon will never be the same...
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Ciudad Merced

An audiovisual portrait about La Merced neighborhood in Mexico City
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Ciudad Merced


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Paperino e la goccia

Paperino cerca in tutti i modi di addormentarsi ma il suo sonno viene inevitabilmente turbato da agenti esterni che sembrano complottare contro di lui, portandolo sull'orlo dell'esaurimento.
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Paperino e la goccia


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The Limits of Work

Working conditions in the worst-paid jobs in the Czech Republic were examined by journalist Saša Uhlová during six months. She spent several weeks in a hospital laundrette, poultry house, cash register or waste sorting facility. Her experience became the basis of a lived and very personal report of invisible employees working in appalling conditions. Uhlová wrote a series of reports on her project that were published on the Alarm website. Apolena Rychlíková made them into a documentary film consisting of scenes shot at Uhlová's home and video footage taken during her work. Uhlová accompanies the picture with read commentary.
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The Limits of Work


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