아이를 위한 아이 (2022)

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Data di uscita
lug 21, 2022
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Gojira: The Flesh Alive

DVD 1 - Garorock Show (93 min, Marmande, 4 April 2009): 1. Oroborus 2. The Heaviest Matter of the Universe 3. Backbone 4. Love 5. From the Sky 6. A Sight to Behold 7. The Art of Dying 8. Drum Solo 9. Clone 10. Flying Whales 11. The Way of All Flesh 12. Terra Incognita 13. Vacuity Les Vieilles Charrues Show (15 min, Carhaix, 17 July 2010): 1. Indians 2. Toxic Garbage Island 3. World to Come DVD 2 - Bordeaux (80 min, Rock School Barbey, 9 February 2009): 1. Oroborus 2. The Heaviest Matter of the Universe 3. Backbone 4. Love 5. From the Sky 6. A Sight to Behold 7. The Art of Dying 8. Drum Solo 9. Clone 10. Flying Whales 11. The Way of All Flesh 12. Terra Incognita 13. Vacuity Documentary: The Way of All Flesh Inside (62 min)
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Gojira: The Flesh Alive


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Michael Lives Alone

A young photographer's home is haunted by it's former residents.
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L'incredibile avventura del principe Schiaccianoci

The fairytale story revolves around a young prince who - along with his entourage - is turned into a nutcracker through his own ungrateful and selfish behaviour, and awaits a kindly soul who'll release him from the spell. The mouse-king seeks the magic that made this happen so that he can become all-powerful. The prince (now a nutcracker) finds hope in the form of a girl who risks everything to help him become real again, while the mouse-king and his armies do everything they can to steal the magic for themselves.
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L'incredibile avventura del principe Schiaccianoci


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Iron Man 3

Sono passati più di dieci anni da quando, nel corso di una serata in Svizzera, il miliardario genio-e-sregolatezza Tony Stark s'intratteneva con la bella Maya Hansen e lasciava sul tetto, in vana attesa, il visionario Aldrich Killian, desideroso di contare Stark tra le fila degli scienziati da lui diretti. Intanto, dal Medio Oriente, un terrorista senza scrupoli, detto il Mandarino, dopo aver seminato panico e morte in diverse zone degli Stati Uniti d'America, mira sempre più esplicitamente al Presidente, ma passa prima da villa Stark, radendola al suolo. In pena per la sicurezza di Pepper e in preda a crescenti e fino ad ora sconosciuti attacchi di panico, Iron Man si ritrova chiamato all'azione su più fronti, proprio nel momento di massima debolezza.
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Step Up 2 - La strada per il successo

Chase e Andie sono due giovani che non potrebbero essere più diversi: lui ricco e viziato, lei con molti meno mezzi e molta più grinta. Unico elemento comune una passione sfrenata per il ballo. Due stili apparentemente inconciliabili che uniti da una storia d'amore travolgente creano una miscela esplosiva. Questa volta stare al passo sarà molto più dura.
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Step Up 2 - La strada per il successo


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Akbar, a powerful name in the Mangalore underworld shares his business lead with Mani Menon and Uncle Sam. They share a good relationship until Anto, grandson of Uncle Sam, creates havoc.
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Japon İşi

Veysel loves a singer named Basak. But she doesn’t love him back. One day Veysel saves the life of a Japanese tourist. Later, the tourist sends a gift to Veysel from Japan. The gift is a robot that looks exactly like the singer he loves, Basak.
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Japon İşi


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On the Trail of Bigfoot: The Search

The second half of On the Trail of Bigfoot. The Search takes you deep into some of North America's densest forests in search of the legendary "Bigfoot".
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Trama non disponibile
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I sogni del Cabrini-Green

I migliori amici Malik ed Eric scoprono le gioie e le difficoltà di crescere nel tentacolare complesso di case popolari di Cabrini-Green, nella Chicago del 1992.
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Wallander 12 - The Forger

When a woman is murdered outside her restaurant in front of her eight-year-old daughter, Wallander and his team link the death to a restaurant mafia.
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Six Hours: Surviving Typhoon Yolanda

In the middle of a broadcast about Typhoon Yolanda's initial impact, reporter Jiggy Manicad was faced with the reality that he no longer had communication with his station. They were, for all intents and purposes, stranded in Tacloban. With little option, and his crew started the six hour walk to Alto, where the closest broadcast antenna was to be found. Letting the world know what was happening to was a priority, but they were driven by the need to let their families and friends know they were all still alive. Along the way, they encountered residents and victims of the massive typhoon, and with each step it became increasingly clear just how devastating this storm was. This was a storm that was going to change lives.
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Anna runs a farm in Sardinia. At night she lets go in sensual dances in the village bar and indulges in short-lived adventures. Until one day, the construction of a mega-resort on her land forces her to engage in the biggest battle of her life.
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Le Grandi Nord Delle Alpi: Eiger

Nordwand in tedesco significa Parete Nord. Un termine generico solo in apparenza, perché per tutti gli alpinisti esso si associa a una parete ben precisa: la Nord dell'Eiger. Fra tutte le grandi montagne delle Alpi, l’Eiger è quella che ha richiesto il più alto tributo di vite umane: i repentini cambiamenti meteorologici, le frequenti scariche di sassi e ghiaccio e lo sviluppo verticale di 1800 metri la rendono ancora una conquista ambita e prestigiosa, una sfida nella quale oltre all’abilità tecnica è sempre richiesta una certa dose di fortuna. Attraverso immagini originali e spesso inedite si ripercorre la storia della famigerata Nordwand, dalle prime spedizioni degli anni Trenta fino alla grande impresa portata a termine nel 2010 dal tedesco Robert Jasper e dallo svizzero Roger Schaeli: la prima ascesa in libera della Direttissima Harlin.
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Le Grandi Nord Delle Alpi: Eiger


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Saved by the Belles

When the Chemical Sisters, Montreal's fabulous club kid duo find an unconscious naked boy on their way out from yet another jetset event, they decide to bring him home and take matters into their own glittery hands. After baptizing their amnesiac boy-toy Chris, the infamous pair takes him on a grand tour of their wild nightlife frolic, their spontaneous media extravaganza and their dazzling diva lifestyle in order to help him find his identity and his way home.
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Underworld: Evolution

Continua la saga della guerra tra Vampiri e Licantropi. Si scoprono le origini dell'odio tra le due razze grazie alle ricerche della vampira Selene e dell'ibrido Michael, che tentano di venire a capo della loro discendenza. Naturalmente questo finirà per portarli ad una nuova resa dei conti...
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O statečném kováři

Hrdinou příběhu je silný a odvážný mladý kovář s dobrým srdcem. Jmenuje se Mikeš a stejně jako jeho otec i on zatouží vydat se do světa na zkušenou. Cestou se spřátelí se dvěma mladými siláky, mlynářským pomocníkem Matějem a pacholkem Ondrou. Když se dovědí o třech krásných princeznách, které záhadně zmizely, přesvědčí Mikeš své lenivé společníky, aby se vydali ztracené královské dcery hledat. Po dlouhé cestě plné překážek se jim podaří zjistit, že princezny unesl zlý Černý král. Když se Mikešovi podaří přelstít ohyzdnou babici, a výměnou za její utržený vous získat její služby, podaří se jim osvobodit dvě ze tří princezen. Boj o záchranu třetí, nejkrásnější princezny však bude mnohem obtížnější.
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O statečném kováři


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At the border between Navarre and Aragon we find the moors known as the Bardenas Reales, characterized by the dust and the omnipresence of the northern wind. This is a portrait of a land, but also a journey through Pilar’s memories. It is a glance at the past but also the present, and about how everything has changed, for better or worse.
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Fans get a front row seat when Jack White's Boarding House Reach tour stops in Washington, D.C..
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