Snart 17 (1984)

(5) basato su 1 voti
Data di uscita
dic 26, 1984
01h 14m
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Film Simili a Snart 17

Jennifer Lopez: Let's Get Loud

"Let's Get Loud" was Jennifer Lopez's NBC Special, which premiered on November 20, 2002 and was recorded over 2 nights in Puerto Rico in the fall of 2001. It was Jennifer's first-ever headlining concert appearance, showing off her talents as a vocalist and dancer. The performance features a variety of Spanish and English songs, including: "Love Don't Cost A Thing", "If You Had My Love", "I'm Real", "Plenarriqueña", and many more.
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Jennifer Lopez: Let's Get Loud


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Un amore dolce

Claire, un'ambiziosa pasticciera, è impegnata con la gestione del suo nuovo locale. La madre Helen è preoccupata per la sua assenza di vita sentimentale e, a insaputa della figlia, la donna le trova l'uomo perfetto. Quando però Claire scopre che non è stato il destino a farle incontrare l'amore, la relazione potrebbe andare incontro a qualcosa di non molto positivo.
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Un amore dolce


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One Nation, One King

„Un peuple et son roi" crosses the destinies of the men and women of the population, and those of historical figures. Their meeting place is the newly founded National Assembly. At the heart of the story lie the fate of the king and the birth of the French Republic.
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One Nation, One King


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Moscow Suburbs Elegy

While people's artist of the USSR Sergey Cherkassky "fights" with the role of king Lear, trying to understand the psychology and actions of Shakespeare's character, his own large family presents him with one riddle after another. His daughter Elena, who broke off her unsuccessful marriage, falls in love with rock musician Dean Makarov. The grandfather does not know that the son of his late daughter - in-law Sonia is gay, who is madly in love with the same Dean. All Sonya's daughter, Lala, "twists" the love with a student Vakhtangov school, the future actor Misha, but dreams of a luxurious life abroad. Son of Sergei Andreevich, father of Vitya and Lyali - Andrey - General, Hero of Russia, serving in Chechnya.
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Moscow Suburbs Elegy


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Sleight - Magia

Un giovane mago di strada è costretto a prendersi cura della sorellina dopo la scomparsa della madre. Si rivolge così al mondo dello spaccio di droga per far soldi ma si ritrova ben presto nei guai con il suo fornitore. Quando la sorella viene rapita, egli deve fare affidamento alla sua intelligenza e ai giochi di prestigio per salvarla.
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Sleight - Magia


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O Palmenbaum

Kati and Jonas have planned to get married secretly during their Christmas trip to Mauritius - but in the end, Kati's entire family gets wind of the plan and shows up at the airport to accompany them.
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O Palmenbaum


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Sundance Skippy

'Skippy' seeks to win the love of celebrities and a women by getting his photograph taken with as many famous people as possible.
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Sundance Skippy


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Red Land (Rosso Istria)

Nel settembre del 1943, nei giorni in cui nei territori italiani martoriati dalla guerra scoppia il caos, il maresciallo Badoglio, capo del governo italiano, chiede e ottiene l'armistizio da parte degli anglo–americani e unitamente al Re fugge da Roma, lasciando l'Italia allo sbando. L'esercito non sa più chi è il nemico e chi l'alleato. Il dramma si trasforma in tragedia per i soldati abbandonati a se stessi nei teatri di guerra ma anche e soprattutto per le popolazioni civili istriane, fiumane, giuliane e dalmate, che si trovano ad affrontare un nuovo nemico: i partigiani di Tito che avanzano in quelle terre, spinti da una furia anti-italiana. In questo drammatico contesto storico, avrà risalto la figura di Norma Cossetto, giovane studentessa istriana, laureanda all'Università di Padova, barbaramente violentata e uccisa dai partigiani titini, per la sola colpa di essere Italiana.
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Red Land (Rosso Istria)


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Father & Sons

Joseph and his two sons, Joachim and Ivan, form a close-knit family but fail to see that each one is losing control of his life. Joachim is supposed to be studying psychiatry but spends most of his time daydreaming about his ex-girlfriend, Ivan cannot fit in at school despite being very smart, and Joseph has secretly quit his job as a doctor and is trying to become a writer. While there is plenty of affection at home, all three are also, clumsily, searching for love...
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Father & Sons


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Planet Single 3

Tomek e Ania decidono finalmente di sposarsi. Il matrimonio, secondo i desideri di Ania, avverrà presso i familiari di Tomek con i quali non ha contatti da anni. Si scopre che i suoi fratelli e sua madre sono come una famiglia italiana dove ogni conversazione minaccia di portare a un'esplosione e dove una relazione d'amore e una lite sono vicine. Anche la mamma di Ania non fa una bella figura alla mamma di Tomek quando si presenta alle nozze con un compagno molto più giovane. L'arrivo inaspettato del padre di Tomek, che non vede da anni, è la goccia che fa traboccare il secchio.
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Planet Single 3


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Anni '70. Giovane e ribelle, Francesca (Laura Chiatti) ha girato il mondo seguendo l’onda della liberazione sessuale. Quando torna al paesello natio, è una persona completamente diversa dalla ragazzina dalle bionde trecce e gli occhi azzurri che ricordava il suo vicino di casa Matteo (Michele Riondino), da sempre innamorato di lei- Il romantico percorso che Matteo intraprende per conquistare Francesca diventa la scusa per ripercorrere, attraverso spettacolari coreografie e una delicata regia, i più grandi successi musicali di Battisti e Mogol.
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Long Lost

When Seth receives a mysterious letter inviting him to spend the weekend at a secluded mansion in the country, he soon realizes the people inside the house may know him better than he knows himself.
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Long Lost


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Macross: Flash Back 2012

Realizzato come un video musicale dedicato a Minmay, Flashback 2012 parte con quello che doveva essere il concerto di chiusura del film di Macross. Seguono le varie canzoni di Minmay montate su spezzoni della serie e del film. In chiusura un ultimo segmento mostra il seguito della storia con la partenza di una nuova astronave dalla terra comandata da Misa.
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Macross: Flash Back 2012


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Work It

Intelligente ma maldestra, la diciottenne Quinn si trasforma in una ballerina pronta a esibirsi in una gara di danza per l'ammissione alla Duke. Con Sabrina Carpenter.
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Work It


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My Little Pony: Equestria Girls - Rollercoaster of Friendship

Rarity ottiene un lavoro per l'estate, suscitando la gelosia di Applejack, ma quando le loro amiche cominciano a sparire, devono collaborare per ritrovarle.
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My Little Pony: Equestria Girls - Rollercoaster of Friendship


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Based on true events (mostly), Freddie, a 15-year-old runaway becomes intimately acquainted with California’s “Murder City” after being released from jail, just shy of midnight. Absurdly self-reliant, completely broke and 120 miles away from her friends she has nothing to depend on but her wit and youthful charm.
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Rota de Fuga

Manuela reports her husband to the federal police and enters the witness protection program. When he goes to prison, she leaves everything and tries to escape to Europe before he is released.
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Rota de Fuga


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Amore in safari

Kira eredita una riserva naturale in Sudafrica. Decide allora di recarsi sul posto per incontrare Tom, il capo dei ranger. Ha così modo di scoprire che la riserva è vicina al tracollo economico e che potrebbe doverla vendere al rivale di suo zio. Tuttavia, Tom cercherà di incoraggiarla a salvare la riserva portandola in un safari con la speranza che si innamori della terra, degli animali e, perché no, di lui.
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Amore in safari


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Nishant Tanwar : Dilli Se Hoon B*@!%D

Delhi boy Nishant Tanwar’s latest stand-up special “Dilli Se Hoon B*@!%D” is a code for all Delhiites to abide by. Known as bhai by his fans, Nishant shares hilarious life experiences, the background he comes from, his dad, his friends, his girlfriend and his girlfriend’s boyfriend.
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Nishant Tanwar : Dilli Se Hoon B*@!%D


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Friendly Beast

A restaurant owner going over the edge when an armed robbery is attempted at his establishment. He holds everyone captive at gunpoint – criminals and customers alike – and situations corrode into a nightmare state, guided by manipulation and raw compulsion.
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Friendly Beast


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Splendida America

A young Mexican woman crosses the border in search of the American dream, only to instead find her worst nightmare lying within.
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Splendida America


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Waiting for the Carnival

A documentary film about the Brazilian town of Toritama, the self-proclaimed capital of jeans. The workers of the city’s self-managed small businesses only get one real break from their self-exploiting lives in the textile business: the annual Carnival.
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Waiting for the Carnival


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'Gator Bait 2: Cajun Justice

A sweet city girl initiated into the rugged ways of the Louisiana swamp by her good-natured Cajun husband "Big T". She ends up putting her newly acquired survival skills to good use when she is kidnapped by Big T's chief rival Leroy and his swarthy, brutish family as part of an ongoing feud.
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'Gator Bait 2: Cajun Justice


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Night of the Demons III

When a group of rambunctious teens take refuge in Hull House to escape the law, they soon realize their grave error upon meeting Angela.
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Night of the Demons III


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