Arjun (1985)

(5,4) basato su 8 voti
Data di uscita
apr 20, 1985
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Two brothers -- Ranvir and Rajvir along with their parents move to Mumbai. They endure numerous hardships, but their will to survive prevails and they succeed. Soon, their parents pass away, leaving young Rajvir in the care of Ranvir. Now wealthy beyond any means, Ranvir runs the business and Rajvir lives recklessly. When Rajvir falls in love, Ranvir arranges his marriage, but to his dismay finds out that he has arranged his brother to marry the girl he loves.
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Fort Buchanan

Four seasons to tell the fluctuating moods and mores of a small community that shares its daily chores and life experiences in the military base of Fort Buchanan. In this imagined (perhaps dreamed?) location, peculiar habits respond to the needs of a peculiar environment. Roger, a fragile gay man, and his female companions, trying to cope with the absence of their husbands, go through their own brand of challenges for survival, with their own form of outdoor camaraderie, thought-occupying chat and DIY activities. Roger has a tough daughter who runs him ragged, but he has buddies willing to help: Justine, Denise, Pamela and Claudia-Joy.
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... E divenne il più spietato bandito del sud

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... E divenne il più spietato bandito del sud


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