Anchorage (2023)

(5) basato su 1 voti
Data di uscita
giu 16, 2023
01h 21m
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Film Simili a Anchorage

Red Dawn - Alba rossa

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Doctor Who: The Waters of Mars

In a Mars base, the inhabitants are being infected by a mysterious water creature which takes over its victims. The Doctor is thrust into the middle of this catastrophe, knowing a larger one is waiting around the corner.
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Transformers - La vendetta del caduto

Sam Witwicky sta per partire per il college e si trova costretto a doversi separare per la prima volta dalla sua ragazza Mikaela e dalla sua famiglia, quando improvvisamente viene colto da visioni che gli attraversano il cervello come lampi. Preoccupato di soffrire della stessa malattia che ha colpito suo nonno, Sam non rivela a nessuno il suo problema fino a che non può più fare a meno di ignorare i messaggi e i simboli che compaiono nella sua mente. Nonostante le sue migliori intenzioni, il giovane si troverà nuovamente coinvolto nella guerra senza confine tra Autobot e Decepticon in cui è ancora una volta in gioco il destino dell'universo.
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L'anello incantato

Un guerriero soccorre un principino il cui padre è stato assassinato da un malvagio stregone.
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L'anello incantato


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Locus of Control

Stuck repeating the same pattern of mistakes again and again, Andrew Egan reluctantly accepts a teaching job to support his floundering, stand-up comedy career. As an increasingly anxious Andrew grows accustomed to the droll institution and its occupants he suspects that one of the students may be his downfall and that the previous teacher may not have left of his own accord. His life slowly unraveling, Andrew's lessons fall on deaf ears and he soon becomes part of a larger cosmic joke.
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Locus of Control


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Chi la fa l'aspetti

Porky hires on Gregory Grunt to watch over his chicken coop to stop the fox from raiding it. He falls asleep, and the fox fills his bag. But Grunt wakes up and confronts the fox who then talks him into becoming his partner. As the fox is leaving, he locks himself into the incubator room by mistake. Porky hears the noise and comes running.
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Chi la fa l'aspetti


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When a Japanese restaurant is extorted by the London Mafia, a father takes matters into his own hands to protect his family and their business.
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One-Two, Soldiers Were Going...

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One-Two, Soldiers Were Going...


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Augsburger Puppenkiste - Am Samstag kam das Sams zurück

Mr. Taschenbier hopes that Sams, that little cheeky, gluttonous, yet lovable green creature with the red hair and blue dots on his face, will come back soon and stay with him forever, once the wishing machine has been set in motion. But, on Sunday the sun must shine, on Monday Mr. Mohn must come to visit, on Tuesday Taschenbier must go on duty, Wednesday is just there, there must be the middle of the week, but Thursday is difficult, because there must be thunder, and Friday must be a day off. But one day it works out, the Sams is back and the wishing machine works. But now one disaster after another happens.
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Augsburger Puppenkiste - Am Samstag kam das Sams zurück


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Men in Black II

Seguito del fortunato Men in Black. L'agente K è tornato a fare una vita normale, dopo che la sua memoria è stata cancellata alla fine del film precedente: il suo compagno, l'agente J., ha preso il suo posto. Questi scopre che Serleena, un pericoloso alieno che ha assunto le sembianze di una sexy modella di lingerie, sta mettendo in atto un piano per distruggere la Terra. L'unica speranza per evitare il peggio è trovare K., restituirgli la memoria e convincerlo a riprendere il servizio.
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Fireman Save My Child

In this popular two reeler where Harold runs to the rescue of a woman on a fire engine, he is seen hanging on the moving vehicle by the released water hose that forces him closer to the ground.
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Fireman Save My Child


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The Cowboy and the Bandit


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Ometto, fai del tuo meglio!

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Ometto, fai del tuo meglio!


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