Ro(c)k podvraťáků (2006)

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Film Simili a Ro(c)k podvraťáků

Czech RAPublic

First documentary about the Czech hip hop scene shows how close the Czech rap can come to humour and irony. Three protagonists of the film, James Cole, Hugo Toxxx and Orion appear in situations where they are confronted with a professor of linguistics, children of a Romany quarter, a strict birth registry clerk, classical music trio, a statute of national revival hero Josef Jungmann, and the chanson singer Hana Hegerova, with whom they have a chance to sing the national anthem: "mimino mi mele nohu máma mele maso a máma mele sele kde domov můj?"
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Czech RAPublic


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Lucky Girl

Nina is a successful TV star, but her life changes when she is diagnosed with cancer. Facing a personal crisis, she has to confront her deepest fears.
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A Choo

Even when they were orphans, Wang Yizhi has always been in love with Xinxin. Now older, Yizhi decides to train as a boxer before he allows himself to profess his love, but only for her to fall for a geeky computer engineer who is secretly a popular superhero. When Xinxin gets kidnapped, Yizhi must prove his love and his fighting skills to get the girl of his dreams.
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Three thieves try to break into a bank and steal its money, but the bomb fails and so does the plan. Now the group needs to decide what to do with the money that would have been stolen.
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Born Beautiful

Dopo la morte della sua migliore amica, Barbs cerca di riscoprire il suo vero sé, fino a quando per amore si trova a dubitare della sua identità e dei suoi sentimenti.
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Picchiarello mago della fionda

Out west, tenderfoot Woody uses his slingshot against Indian Buzz Buzzard in a shooting contest.
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Picchiarello mago della fionda


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... E divenne il più spietato bandito del sud

Billy Bonney, trovandosi occasionalmente testimone dell'aggressione a sua madre da parte di un malvivente, è costretto ad intervenire uccidendo l'aggressore. Il pericolo di una vendetta da parte dei potenti fratelli dell'ucciso, induce il ragazzo ad allontanarsi dal paese, consigliato in questo anche da Pat Garrett, grande amico di suo padre. Ma uno dei fratelli della sua vittima lo raggiunge e Billy ancora una volta deve uccidere per legittima difesa. Ormai, anche senza volerlo, la sua fama di imbattibile pistolero si diffonde e quando sta per iniziare una vita più tranquilla - resa felice dall'amicizia di Tunstall, un pacifico allevatore, e dall'amore della figlia di questi - l'uccisione del suo benefattore lo costringe a divenire un bandito.
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... E divenne il più spietato bandito del sud


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Shadow Cats

A flying cat, ten feet off the ground! …the deadliest feline hunter on the planet… birds smacked from the sky mid-flight! We join Lincoln the serval, Zama the caracal and Nyane, the elusive black-footed cat who prove they are just as extraordinary as their iconic wildcat counterparts, the cheetah, lion and leopard.
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Trama non disponibile
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WCW Slamboree 2000

Slamboree 2000 took place on May 7, 2000 at Kemper Arena in Kansas City, Missouri. The main event was a Ready to Rumble Cage match for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship with David Arquette & Diamond Dallas Page defending the title against Jeff Jarrett. Also on the card was Billy Kidman vs Hulk Hogan with Eric Bischoff as the special guest referee, Vampiro vs Sting, Ric Flair vs Shane Douglas, The Total Package vs Buff Bagwell, Mike Awesome vs Chris Kanyon, Scott Steiner defending the WCW United States Championship against Captain Rection, Shawn Stasiak vs Curt Hennig, Norman Smiley & Ralphus vs Terry Funk defending the WCW Hardcore Championship, and Chris Candido defending the WCW Cruiserweight Championship against The Artist.
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WCW Slamboree 2000


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Rocce rosse

È il 1848 e una carovana con la scorta dell'esercito si dirige verso ovest attraverso il territorio indiano. Il suo esploratore è Davy Crockett, nipote del suo più famoso omonimo. Tra loro c'è una spia che informa gli indiani. Sopravvivono al primo attacco indiano e proseguono. Possono scegliere tra due passi attraverso le montagne. Saputo che il passo è difeso dagli indiani, si dirigono verso l'altro. Ma al loro arrivo, gli indiani attaccano. In qualche modo sono stati informati.
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Rocce rosse


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The Snow Queen's Revenge

The Snow Queen holds Ellie responsible for ruining her plans to freeze the world and sets out to seek revenge. She kidnaps Dimly the flying reindeer and once again Ellie and her friend Peeps the Sparrow are forced to travel, this time to the South Pole, where the Snow Queen and her Trolls have taken up residence.
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The Snow Queen's Revenge


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Buddha Palm Technique

Jian Bei, an unassuming debt collector must care for his sister who has a terminal illness. In order to pay for her treatment, he agrees to undergo an unconventional procedure that results in giving him an ability called Buddha Palm. This super human strength helps him complete a series of three trials, each providing a secret ingredient that can cure his sister's illness. Will he be able to complete these tasks and obtain the cure for his sister?
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Buddha Palm Technique


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Rx Murder

An American doctor, Jethro Jones, comes into a quiet British seaside community and becomes entangled in a murder mystery when the town gossips inform him that all of the three wives of the town doctor, Doctor Dysert (or Doctor Deadcert as they call him) have had mysterious deaths. And now Doctor Dysert is treating his own secretary, Kitty, who he wants to make her his next wife, as she has inexplicably fallen ill.
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