恋する男 (2019)

(7) basato su 1 voti
Data di uscita
dic 03, 2019
01h 25m
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Film Simili a 恋する男

Sole a catinelle

Checco Zalone è sui trenta in quel del vicentino, con moglie e figlio decenne. Sorride sempre, con la smorfia inebetita di chi ha vissuto nel sogno televisivo dell'ultimo ventennio. Di lavoro aspira la polvere, dapprima negli hotel di lusso, dove ha cresciuto la sua mira di ricchezza, poi nelle case delle sue tante zie meridionali, intento a vendere l'elettrodomestico che lo riscatterà economicamente. Ci riuscirà perché è simpatico e ottimista (ma non comunista, anzi qualunquista). Compra tutto quello che serve, ma subito dopo lo perde perché fidi e assegni postdatati si sciolgono come la neve sotto il "sole a catinelle", mentre la moglie operaia vicentina perde il lavoro nel nord-est non più ricco, facendosi paladina di una lotta di classe datata come le trasmissioni giornalistiche di sinistra che la vogliono raccontare. Tornato povero, non è meno ottimista e promette al figlio una vacanza da sogno se prende tutti, ma proprio tutti i dieci nell'ultima pagella.
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Sole a catinelle


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Return of the Tooth Fairy

The Tooth Fairy is back. 15 years after the events of the first movie, Corey, now grown up but mentally scarred has gone to a class reunion. However, the Tooth Fairy is back, and this time - You better have flossed properly.
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Return of the Tooth Fairy


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Return to Horror Hotel

Return to Horror Hotel is an anthology feature with 4 segments. One is about giant a bedbugs, one is about a magical charm that turns girls beautiful, one is about a WWII sailor who hasn't aged and one is about a terrorizing severed hand.
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Return to Horror Hotel


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Ritorno a Halloweentown

Marnie è un’ apprendista strega che sta per iscriversi alla Witch University di Halloweentown all’insaputa della madre. La ragazza, infatti, è stufa di dover nascondere i propri poteri. In questo nuovo ambiente, e in compagnia del fratello minore Dylan, dovrà affrontare un serie di difficoltà impreviste.
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Ritorno a Halloweentown


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Puddle Cruiser

A student falls in love with a fellow student who is defending his buddies in university court. He "proves his love" (more like his masculinity) to her by playing rugby against her ex-boyfriend.
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Puddle Cruiser


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Rurouni Kenshin: The legend ends

Il duello tra Kenshin Imura e il malefico Shishio Makoto non ha ancora trovato fine. L’esito del conflitto tra i due guerrieri è destinato a decidere le sorti dell’intero Giappone…
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Rurouni Kenshin: The legend ends


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Gary Moore & Friends: One Night in Dublin

On August 19th, 2005, on what would have been the eve of his 56th birthday, a statue of Phil Lynott was unveiled in Dublin’s Grafton Street by his mother. There to witness the event were members of Thin Lizzy from throughout the band’s career. The following evening, they joined forces under the leadership of Gary Moore for a concert that paid tribute to Lynott’s memory.
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Gary Moore & Friends: One Night in Dublin


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Six Weeks to Twelve Years

After the death of their abusive father, two estranged twin brothers must reunite and sell off his property.
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Six Weeks to Twelve Years


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Behzat Ç.: Ankara Is on Fire

In the absence of Behzat Ç., a superintendent named Himmet gets replaced as the president of the murder Bureau. When the murder of minister of Interior makes a big impact, Himmet decides to take advantage of it and he makes his team help the fight against terrorism bureau.
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Behzat Ç.: Ankara Is on Fire


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O xenagos

Nine frustrated young architects in an equally frustrated city. A comedy about sexuality, Athens and modern Greeks. Iasonas arrives in Athens starting his new ambitious career as “architects’ guide”. His group consists of international students of architecture, finishing their Erasmus in Thessaloniki. Soon Iasonas faces the contradicting wishes of the students who prefer a day-long coffee or a visit to a graveyard than a guide to the Acropolis. Meanwhile, he meets back with his once (more than just a) best friend Mirsini. Trapped between a friend who progressively sees him less and less as a friend and a group that sees him less and less as a guide, Iasonas will have to give an answer to all his personal questions regarding his sexuality and his career.
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Moments: Six

A serial killer and the detective who tracked him down find themselves in an unexpected stalemate.
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Moments: Six


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Never in My Life!

Judyta is a middle-aged housewife whose peaceful life suddenly falls apart due to divorce. But soon she finds the strength to carry on fighting for her happiness, a place in the sun and love of her life.
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Never in My Life!


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Dirty Soul

When sisters Jana and Anna meet their half-brother at their father's funeral, the siblings' lives entwine as they navigate relationships and setbacks.
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Dirty Soul


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L'energia a-Tom-ica!

Essentially one long chase scene, in an urban setting; at the end, a dog joins in, to Jerry's annoyance.
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L'energia a-Tom-ica!


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Cocoon - Il ritorno

Alla fine del primo "Cocoon" alcuni vecchietti erano improvvisamente ringalluzziti grazie al flusso benefico di enormi "bozzoli" alieni portatori di vita. Stabilito, dopo le iniziali incomprensioni, un rapporto positivo con gli extraterrestri, i vecchietti avevano deciso di trasferirsi in massa sul loro pianeta per scongiurare i problemi della vecchiaia. Lassù ora ci stanno benone (sono diventati praticamente immortali) ma, in fondo, sentono nostalgia di casa e dei familiari. Decidono quindi di tornare sulla Terra per un'allegra rimpatriata. E, naturalmente, qui stupiscono tutti per le loro straordinarie manifestazioni di vitalità, prima di tornare nello spazio.
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Cocoon - Il ritorno


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The film is about the stepmother who tried to be a real mother of a boy. But she could be a real mother only after some difficult events for her and child.
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Night Without Sleep

Upon awaking in the morning, a man finds his thoughts clouded by the possibility that he committed a murder.
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Night Without Sleep


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Koboy Kampus

During college in the 90s, Pidi and his friends, Ninu, Deni, Erwin, and Dikdik founded a country of their own called "The United State of the Republic of The Panasdalam". The problems of college and love stories they experienced.
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Koboy Kampus


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Antony is a ruthless gangster in a town and has a close-knit group, which includes Ann Maria, a college student trained in MMA. Maria and Antony soon get into trouble due to unforeseen circumstances and they set out to solve the issues in violent ways.
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Mobile Suit Z Gundam III - A New Translation - L'amore fa palpitare le stelle

Anno 0087 dell'Universal Century. La Guerra di Gryps sta mietendo le sue vittime sia tra i membri dell’A.E.U.G., il gruppo di resistenza guidato da Char Aznable sotto mentite spoglie, sia tra gli uomini dei Titans, l’ente paramilitare solo formalmente alle dipendenze della Federazione Terrestre. Ma quando in campo scende una terza formazione bellica l’equilibrio di potere instaurato tra le due parti è destinato a rovesciarsi. Haman Kahn, reggente dell’ultima discendente della dinastia Zabi, controlla il manipolo di profughi di Zeon rifugiatosi sul meteorite Axis al termine della Guerra di un Anno. Il suo appoggio politico all’una o all’altra fazione deciderà l’esito del conflitto. Kamille Bidan, vero protagonista di questa storia che molti acclamano quale grande capolavoro di Yoshiyuki Tomino, ha perso tutto, i genitori, l’amore, gli amici… riuscirà la sua forza a sconvolgere le sorti dell’universo?
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