The Foursome (2006)

(4,3) basato su 3 voti
Data di uscita
gen 01, 2006
01h 20m
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Moments: Six

A serial killer and the detective who tracked him down find themselves in an unexpected stalemate.
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Moments: Six


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Zombie Fight Club

It's the end of the century at a corner of the city in a building riddled with crime - Everyone in the building has turned into zombies. After Jenny's boyfriend is killed in a zombie attack, she faces the challenge of surviving in the face of adversity. In order to stay alive, she struggles with Andy to flee danger.
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Si riparla dell'uomo ombra

Nick e la moglie Nora vanno insieme al figlio alla villa di un colonnello minacciato di morte che verrà ucciso poco dopo. Come sempre risolveranno il mistero.
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Si riparla dell'uomo ombra


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Wagakki Band Japan Tour 2019 REACT -New Chapter-

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Wagakki Band Japan Tour 2019 REACT -New Chapter-


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Return of the Tooth Fairy

The Tooth Fairy is back. 15 years after the events of the first movie, Corey, now grown up but mentally scarred has gone to a class reunion. However, the Tooth Fairy is back, and this time - You better have flossed properly.
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Return of the Tooth Fairy


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Bring Me the Head of Lance Henriksen

When '80s B-movie icon Tim Thomerson wakes up one day to realize the acting roles are not coming his way any more, he sets out on a quest to find his former co-star Lance Henriksen to discover his secret of Hollywood longevity and gets more than he bargained for in the process.
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Bring Me the Head of Lance Henriksen


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Il ritorno del re

Due Hobbit lottano per distruggere l'Unico Anello nel Monte Fato, mentre i loro amici combattono disperatamente le armate dell'oscuro signore Sauron in una battaglia decisiva.
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Il ritorno del re


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Scooby-Doo: Agence toutou risques, vol. 1 : Le voleur de vélo

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Scooby-Doo: Agence toutou risques, vol. 1 : Le voleur de vélo


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Black Scorpion II: Aftershock

Darcy is back on the force, but still fights on as the Black Scorpion because "it's in her nature." This time, she fights Gangster Prankster; and a new villian emerges when the Mayor tries to protect his federal earthquake relief money: Aftershock. When the two villians team up and kidnap Argyle's girlfriend, Black Scorpion is faced with the theft of the Scorpionmobile and the imminent destruction of Angel City.
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30 Seconds To Mars - iTunes Festival

Thirty Seconds To Mars - iTunes Festival (2013)
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The Latin Explosion: A New America

With more than 50 million Latinos now living in the United States, Latinos are taking their seat at the table as the new American power brokers in the world of entertainment, business, politics and the arts. As Latinos’ influence in American society has soared, they have entered mainstream American culture, and the proof is in the music. Executive produced by legendary music mogul Tommy Mottola, THE LATIN EXPLOSION: A NEW AMERICA features a dazzling array of artists at the center of Latino cultural power and influence, including Marc Anthony, Emilio Estefan Jr., Gloria Estefan, José Feliciano, Eva Longoria, George Lopez, Jennifer Lopez, Los Lobos, Cheech Marin, Ricky Martin, Rita Moreno, Pitbull, Romeo Santos, Shakira, Thalía and Sofía Vergara. Narrated by John Leguizamo.
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The Latin Explosion: A New America


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Angel's Bounty

A cynical and burnt-out Los Angeles bounty hunter (Angel Sommers) spends her days surrounded by liars, gamblers, misogynists and other social deviants. And those are just her co-workers. When a contract comes in that's big enough to fund her dreams of leaving the bounty hunting game and opening her own business, she jumps at the opportunity. The only problem is, the contract is for Tommy Briggs...the man responsible for her father's murder over a decade ago.
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Angel's Bounty


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Matrix - La creazione di un mito

Conosci già Matrix? E allora...benvenuto nel mondo reale! Scopri tutti i dettagli del cyber-thriller che ha lanciato la cinematografia verso una nuova, straordinaria dimensione. Troverai scene inedite tratte dal film originale e riflessioni esclusive di coloro che hanno vissuto la creazione di Matrix.
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Matrix - La creazione di un mito


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Beck 12 - The Loner

An Asian woman is found dead in the water of Stockholm's archipelago. She has been murdered and everything indicates that she was a prostitute. Meanwhile a series of break-ins has occurred on an island outside of Stockholm. Suddenly a retired old man is also found dead in his own yard. Now Beck has two cases to solve and they both point in the same direction.
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Beck 12 - The Loner


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In 1992, Nine Inch Nails released the "Broken" EP. It was followed in 1993 by a short film, roughly 20 minutes in length, known as the "Broken Movie". The movie wove Broken's four music videos together via a violent "snuff film" and included its own video for the song "Gave Up" as its conclusion. Due to its extreme graphic content, the Broken Movie was never officially released. But in Christmas 2006, NIN secretly released it on BitTorrent along with the free 2 DVD set closure deluxe prototype.
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Il ritorno di Superfly

Il ritorno di Superfly è un film di blaxploitation del 1990, diretto da Sig Shore. È il sequel di Superfly e si avvale delle interpretazioni di Samuel L. Jackson e Nathan Purdee, tornato dopo il successo della prima pellicola. Superfly è un ex-trafficante di droga residente in Europa, ma nato a New York. Un suo amico fidato viene ucciso da alcuni trafficanti, e per questo Superfly torna in patria. Viene fermato all'aeroporto, privato del passaporto e costretto a partecipare a delle operazioni miranti a sventare una potente organizzazione malavitosa.
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Il ritorno di Superfly


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Fulltime Killer

Professional assassin O has resided in an isolated world of killing and loneliness. But his life begins to change once he meets the innocent Chin; hired to clean O's apartment. However, soon the flamboyent and reckless Tok enters Chin's life with a mission to unveil O's identity and usurp his place as the number one sharp-shooting assassin in the game.
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Fulltime Killer


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During the Sarikamis Battle, the Ottoman army runs out of ammunition and appeals to the people of Van for help, who happen to have supplies. However, the First World War is on and all men are fighting at four corners of the empire and therefore can not respond to to the appeal. The young children of Van want to do something...
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Perry Grant, agente di ferro

Lo spaccio di una grande quantità di dollari falsi, mette Perry Grant, agente speciale della CIA, sulle tracce di un certo Roland, italo-francese e lo conduce a Roma. Qui, salvatosi a stento da alcuni attentati, l'agente fa alcune importanti scoperte. Viene così a sapere che il capo dell'organizzazione è Aaron Yosipovic e che i dollari non sono che un mezzo per la realizzazione di un piano ben più criminale: infatti lo scienziato ambizioso e privo di scrupoli, ha attrezzato un laboratorio con, dispositivi capaci di paralizzare le apparecchiature elettriche di un'intera nazione ed è in procinto di agire ricattando il mondo intero. Ma Perry, dopo essere audacemente penetrato nei munitissimi sotterranei dello scienziato, libera gli innocenti ivi rinserrati, sgomina l'intera banda di Aaron e distrugge per sempre le pericolose attrezzature.
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Perry Grant, agente di ferro


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A young man on a bicycle is turning a corner in front of an apparently abandoned building when he begins to hear the ringing of a cell phone. (A prequel to the first version of Ju-on, 2000.)
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L'innaffiatore annaffiato

A gardener is watering his flowers, when a mischievous boy sneaks up behind his back, and puts a foot on the water hose. The gardener is surprised and looks into the nozzle to find out why the water has stopped coming. The boy then lifts his foot from the hose, whereby the water squirts up in the gardener's face. The gardener chases the boy, grips his ear and slaps him in his buttocks. The boy then runs away and the gardener continues his watering. Three separate versions of this film exist, this is the original, filmed by Louis Lumière.
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L'innaffiatore annaffiato


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Il dio nero e il diavolo biondo

Manuel e Rosa, due miserabili braccianti, fuggono dopo aver ucciso il loro padrone. Dopo un incontro breve e sfortunato con una specie di santone, si uniscono a una banda di cangaceiros guidati da "Diavolo biondo". Anche quest'esperienza finirà dolorosamente, ma dalle sue avventure la coppia trarrà un prezioso insegnamento di vita.
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Il dio nero e il diavolo biondo


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The Beads of One Rosary

The crusty hero, Habryka, is an old miner who has won many worker medals and is now retired with his youngest son and latter's family living with him. To build new apartment buildings, the old houses are being bought out, the residents given apartments in the new houses, and being cleared away. But Habryka refuses to sell.
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The Beads of One Rosary


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Borrowed Time

A weathered Sheriff returns to the remains of an accident he has spent a lifetime trying to forget. With each step forward, the memories come flooding back. Faced with his mistake once again, he must find the strength to carry on.
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Borrowed Time


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Assassinio sul palcoscenico

La signora McGinty viene trovata uccisa e della sua morte viene incolpato Harold Taylor. L'unica persona che lo ritiene innocente è Miss Marple. Costei, convinta che l'ispettore Craddock abbia trascurato qualche importante dettaglio, si reca nella villa della vittima ove scopre due importanti indizi riguardanti gli attori della compagnia teatrale Cosgood. Riuscita a farsi scritturare come attrice da Cosgood...
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Assassinio sul palcoscenico


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Io ti salverò

Una giovane psicologa si accorge che il nuovo giovane direttore della casa di cura dove lavora, di cui pian piano si innamora, è affetto da un complesso di colpa che ha radici nell'infanzia. Con l'aiuto del suo anziano professore, la donna riesce a scoprire l'origine delle turbe; in questo modo viene risolto anche un caso d'omicidio. Il film segna l'incontro tra Hitchcock e Ingrid Bergman, che interpreterà poi anche Il peccato di Lady Considine e Notorius. Scritto da Ben Hecht, il film è un po' appesantito dall'ingenuo sottotesto psicanalitico, ed è tra i più seriosi dell'autore. La vicenda si sviluppa come una ricerca della verità in un labirinto disseminato di simboli. Per la sequenza del sogno Hitchcock si valse della collaborazione di Salvador Dalì; per la colonna sonora Miklos Rozsa ottenne un Oscar.
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Io ti salverò


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My Daughter's Psycho Friend

A devious and psychotic student tries to frame a new girl at school for a teen's accidental death at a party.
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My Daughter's Psycho Friend


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Dal tramonto all'alba 3 - La figlia del boia

Messico, primi anni del '900, Johnny Madrid un pericoloso fuorilegge che sta per essere ucciso si salva a seguito di un attentato e fuggendo si porta via Esmeralda, la figlia del boia che prima il padre aveva frustato poiché gli aveva disobbedito. Nella fuga, il pistolero, la figlia del boia e Reece, una fuorilegge compare del condannato, assaltano una diligenza dove viaggiava proprio il famoso scrittore horror, Ambrose Bierce con altri passeggeri. Nel caos sia il terzetto in fuga, sia lo scrittore e gli altri ospiti della diligenza trovano riparo in una locanda, dove al calar della sera, li attaccano dei vampiri.
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Dal tramonto all'alba 3 - La figlia del boia


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