Первый Оскар (2022)

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Film Simili a Первый Оскар

Raiders of the Lost Library

Mentre scavano uno dei tanti tunnel della metropolitana di Mosca, gli operai sovietici portano alla luce le rovine di una prigione. Il cantiere è chiuso, il tunnel della metropolitana è deviato e in mezzo al trambusto nessuno nota il caposquadra dei lavoratori del tunnel che mette in tasca un piccolo "souvenir": una cornice grande quanto un libro fatta di metalli preziosi con un'iscrizione in una lingua sconosciuta. Decenni dopo, Ilya, nipote del caposquadra, che lavora come corriere, scopre l'antica reliquia in un mucchio di vecchie cianfrusaglie. Ignara del vero valore del cimelio di famiglia, ne viene presto a conoscenza da un misterioso sconosciuto. La reliquia è la chiave per accedere al luogo segreto dell'inestimabile biblioteca antica appartenuta a Ivan, il Terribile. Ciò che Ilya non sa è che la ricerca della biblioteca perduta va avanti da secoli, e ora persone molto potenti la inseguono. Ilya e il misterioso straniero decidono di tentare la fortuna trovando la biblioteca.
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Raiders of the Lost Library


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Desperate Shareholders

Who doesn't dream of their own apartment, especially in the city center? The heroes of the film, two ordinary married couples, are no exception. However, on the way to their dream stands a cunning developer who, in return for hard earned money, gives a foundation pit for the house. Ordinary Russians do not want to put up with injustice and quite accidentally take the head of a construction company prisoner.
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Desperate Shareholders


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The Penthouse

A married man and his young mistress suffer sadistic torture when Tom, Dick and Harry invade their penthouse.
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The Penthouse


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MARIAN is an 80 year old resident of Meadow Park Rest Home. During a difficult visit, her daughter PHILLIPA is forced out and accidentally leaves something important behind. Wandering out of the rest home, the outside world proves challenging, as Marian battles her mind in an attempt to return her daughter’s beloved possession.
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Peeping Toms

Gote and Eli are two aging friends who don't want to age. Gote is a lifeguard who's fighting peepers on the Tel-Aviv beach. Eli is a guitar player who dreams of building a night club in altman's restaurant.
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Peeping Toms


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Disco Limbo

A young man briefly meets another young man in a party and loses sight of him after a experiencing a quick crush. The search begins, with both love and exorcism. With the help of a girlfriend who now lives far away but keeps him company in her own way, he tries to find him in parties and similar situations to that of their first encounter. But none of this is actually what it seems. Disco Limbo plants its flag on common fiction grounds and creates its own language, made of mountain settings, dubbed voices, animated topographies, tutorials, video games, deserts, karaoke, and endless parties. The result is a journey in which time and space aren’t necessary companions, and where there’s so much distance between words and pictures as it exists between the boy who is searching and the one who –we can conclude– is escaping.
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Disco Limbo


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An undercover Army captain links missing gold and murder to a gambler's ghost.
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My Uncle Manolo

Focused on the experiences of Manuel "Manolo" Díaz Caballero, who was a local police officer in Malaga for more than 30 years, his memories of those years are the subject of this documentary.
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My Uncle Manolo


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Neal Morse: Live Momentum

When progressive rock icon Neal Morse was preparing to tour his highly acclaimed 2012 studio release, "Momentum," he turned to YouTube to audition touring players to support his faithful duo of Mike Portnoy (drums) and Randy George (bass). He had high hopes, but the final players selected from more than 70 applicants dramatically surpassed his expectations. They hit the road for an 8-stop North American tour. And now that band's epic New York performance is captured on the new "Live Momentum" 2DVD/3CD Box Set.
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Neal Morse: Live Momentum


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The life and struggles of a group of high school seniors living in Waco, Texas.
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Herz aus Stein

Wolfgang (13) lives on the street. One night, by chance, he finds the head of a statue for which a large reward is being offered. To collect the reward, he goes to the specified address - a beautiful, old house on the outskirts of the city - and meets with an elderly woman. Because of the unexpected beauty and tranquillity of his surroundings, Wolfgang keeps quiet about the statue head, and stays. But things soon start to change, because the old woman, although mute and tied to a wheelchair as a result of a stroke, suddenly begins to behave strangely, she wants something from him ...
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Sardar Saab

Sardar Joginder Singh alias Sardar Saab (Jackie Shroff) and his younger brother (Guggu Gill) act as messiahs for the people suppressed by the rich, wealthy and powerful. They do not shy away from taking law and order in their own hands. Due to the nature of their work, Sardar Saab sends his son (Daljeet Kalsi) to New Zealand, who meets Mehak Arora (Neetu Singh) and falls in love with her. Daljeet and Mehak want to get married to each other and their parents before the rituals take place. Once Daljeet reaches Delhi, Sardar Saab is arrested by the police and he gets killed in a bomb blast. How Daljeet avenges his killing forms the rest of the story.
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Sardar Saab


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La giungla della settima strada

Il proprietario di una fabbrica di abbigliamento di New York, Walter Mitchell, fa un passo in più, con l'inganno, nella lotta contro gli sforzi dei suoi dipendenti, che si stanno organizzando in un sindacato.
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La giungla della settima strada


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Il segreto degli oceani

Le barriere coralline sono il più grande organismo vivente di questo pianeta. Sono il polmone che ha consentito la vita sulla Terra per centinaia di milioni di anni. Ma oggi qualcosa è cambiato. Le barriere coralline stanno morendo. Tre giovani scienziati, Federico Fanti, Grace Young e Vanessa Loveburg stanno cercando risposte. Ma come possono un geologo e paleontologo, un ingegnere robotico e un biologo marino trovare l’assassino di un organismo che non segue i ritmi degli esseri umani? Ma non tutto è perduto. Il modo per salvare le barriere coralline è nascosto tra le vedute mozzafiato delle Dolomiti.
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Il segreto degli oceani


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The Captain. Paulius Jankunas story

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The Captain. Paulius Jankunas story


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Gros dégueulasse

A fat and disgusting man is rejected by society... A vitriolic adaptation of the famous comic strip by Reiser.
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Gros dégueulasse


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