Pond Life (2019)

(6,5) basato su 4 voti
Data di uscita
apr 26, 2019
01h 40m
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La strega buona Cassie Nightingale fatica a destreggiarsi tra la maternità e il suo nuovo incarico come sindaco della città, quando un reporter impiccione decide di screditarla pubblicamente dopo aver scoperto i suoi poteri. A complicare le cose, la terribile matrigna di Cassie decide di farle visita...
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The Good Witch's Gift - Il matrimonio di Cassie

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The Good Witch's Gift - Il matrimonio di Cassie


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Vincent deve morire


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820 years ago, Mujaka, the lord of werewolves finally visits Raizel after a long journey. But the werewolf Maduk interferes in a war of human plotting some scheme. Raizel and Mujaka fall into a hand of tragic destiny, fighting with each other desperately leaving their friendship behind.
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Noblesse: The Beginning of Destruction


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Sesame Street: Let's Eat! Funny Food Songs

After working hard, Grover has finally gotten a job as a waiter at the hot restaurant in town, Planet Storybook. Now, he can help kids learn about healthy eating while he serves up some of the biggest names in nursery rhymes (such as Miss Muffet). Some of the fun food songs include "Cereal Girl" and "The Most Important Meal of the Day," as well as a special tune from Cookie Monster assuring kids that there is more to food than cookies.
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Sesame Street: Let's Eat! Funny Food Songs


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Buoni a nulla

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Buoni a nulla


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Pippi a bordo!

Avendo deciso di restare a Villa Villacolle e di non seguire il padre per mare, Pippi si getta a capofitto nelle sue divertentissime avventure insieme ai suoi migliori amici! Pippi darà una stranissima festa di compleanno, provocherà il caos al Luna Park, creerà la palla di neve più grande del mondo e celebrerà il Natale in un modo tutto suo! Infine affronterà da sola la scuola...Indovinate chi vincerà?
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Pippi a bordo!


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