Run Over (2023)

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Film Simili a Run Over

Welcome to L.A.

The lives of a group of Hollywood neurotics intersect over the Christmas holidays. Foremost among them, a songwriter visits Los Angeles to work on a singer's album. The gig, unbeknownst to him, is being bankrolled by his estranged father, a dairy magnate, who hopes to reunite with his son. When the songwriter meets an eccentric housewife who fancies herself a modern-day Garbo, his world of illusions comes crashing down.
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Welcome to L.A.


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Scooby-Doo e la scuola del brivido

Scooby-Doo, Scrappy Doo e Shaggy vengono ingaggiati in una scuola come insegnanti di ginnastica. Al loro arrivo, però, scoprono che gli alunni di Ms. Grimwood sono in realtà le figlie dei più famigerati e terrificanti mostri di tutto il mondo, tra cui Frankenstein, il Lupo Mannaro, la Mummia...
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Scooby-Doo e la scuola del brivido


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Il ritorno di Godzilla

Il giovane Ryota non si rassegna alla scomparsa del fratello Yata, dato per disperso dopo una tempesta. Va a cercarlo con una barca, che a causa di una tempesta fa naufragio su un'isola. Qui Ryota scopre che l'organizzazione dei Bamboo Rossi tiene in schiavitù gli abitanti di Infant Island e per tenere lontani i curiosi dall'isola, usano un mostro: Ebirah, un astice gigantesco. Ryota allora raggiunge Infant Island e si ricongiunge con Yata, salvato dagli isolani. I due fratelli trovano sull'isola Godzilla in una sorta di letargo. Decidono per aiutare gli isolani, di risvegliarlo (piantandoli una sciabola nella schiena che viene colpita da un fulmine) per combattere Ebirah e i Bamboo Rossi...
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Il ritorno di Godzilla


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How I Unleashed World War II, Part II: Following the Arms

After escaping across Europe from Stalag camp, Dolas's ride to Cyprus is stopped when his ship in sunk by an Italian submarine. Although he and some of his fellow sailors are rescued by an Allied ship, they find themselves conscripted into the French Foreign Legion in Beirut, Dolas becoming a cook.
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How I Unleashed World War II, Part II: Following the Arms


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My Mother's Castle

To his chagrin, young Marcel Pagnol and his family move back to their home in Marseilles, France, far from their pastoral holiday cottage in the hills. Determined, Marcel makes the long voyage back to the cottage on foot and lands himself in trouble. One day Marcel's father discovers a shortcut to the cottage, but it requires trespassing. Despite their trepidations, Marcel and his family begin using the secret trail to reach their cottage.
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My Mother's Castle


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Gli eredi di King Kong

Il governo giapponese è riuscito a confinare sull'isola Ogasawara tutti i kaiju del pianeta (Godzilla, Rodan, Angilas, Mothra, Gorosaurus, Baragon, Kumonga, Manda, Varan e Minilla), sorvegliati da un gruppo di studiosi e trattenuti da una serie di misure di sicurezza. Improvvisamente, un gas giallo invade l'isola, addormentando uomini e mostri. Subito dopo, i mostri riappaiono in varie metropoli mondiali, devastandole...
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Gli eredi di King Kong


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The Turbo Charged Prelude for 2 Fast 2 Furious

Il cortometraggio segue il finale del primo film, dove Brian ha dato la sua auto a Dominic Toretto per consentirgli la fuga ed evitargli la cattura da parte della polizia il cui arrivo è preannunciato dalle sirene in lontananza. Il suo atto di amicizia e lealtà nei confronti dell'amico criminale gli costa il posto nell'FBI. Brian diventa un ricercato e fa perdere le proprie tracce, scappando a bordo di una Dodge Stealth rossa. Il giorno stesso, la polizia irrompe in casa sua ma gli agenti trovano soltanto il suo vecchio distintivo. Brian, ormai fuggitivo, rimedia qualche dollaro con delle corse clandestine ma il suo nome e la sua foto sono sul giornale, rendendogli la fuga più difficile.
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The Turbo Charged Prelude for 2 Fast 2 Furious


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Eminem Behind the Lyrics

Rapper, record producer and songwriter Marshall Bruce Mathers III, commonly known as Eminem was born in 1972 in Kansas City, USA. Having sold over 100 million albums worldwide, he is regarded as one of the best selling artists in the world and has been previously ranked as the best selling artist of the 2000's. Eminem burst on to the US charts in 1999 with a controversial take on the hip hop subgenre, horrorcore. His first major label debut album Slim Shady EP contains a provocative fest of violent, twisted lyrics and is claimed to be written from the perspective of his alter ego Slim Shady. While offending an array of individuals and various other artists named in his album lead him to become one of the biggest starts on the planet. Eminem isn't just about controversy and shock value. The often misunderstood major talent has given white rappers credibility with his string of Grammy nominations , his critically acclaimed film 8 mile and three multiplatinum studio albums.
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Eminem Behind the Lyrics


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You the Rich

Pepe el Toro is married to Celia la Chorreada and they have two children.
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You the Rich


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Bayside Shakedown 2

The movie takes place again in the fictional Wangan Station of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department the once empty space within Wangan's jurisdiction has become a popular tourist attraction. When a string of murders of company execs begins taking place, Aoshima jumps at the opportunity to pursue something other than his current case, which he finds less than inspiring. However the powers that be have other ideas, and Wangan again plays host to a special investigation team from headquarters. Aoshima's friend Superintendent Shinji Muroi, assigned by headquarters to assist Okita, is again powerless to help the local officers as decisions are made by the higher ups.
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Bayside Shakedown 2


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The Hobbit

The very first movie adaptation of J.R.R Tolkien's The Hobbit. Made in just 30 days so that the producer could keep the rights to Tolkien's books.
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The Hobbit


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Super Crazy

A 36-year-old meek woman realizes that there’s younger people trying to outpace her doing much less, so she makes a risky change by removing her filter.
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Super Crazy


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Atze Schröder - Revolution

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Atze Schröder - Revolution


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A day in the life of John Lennon, alive and well in modern-day New York City. The former Beatle squabbles with a security guard, commiserates with his best friend over lunch, and upsets a bully.
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Send me an Angel

Follow the knight on his epic lifetime journey to find the one true love. He's willing to risk everything and follow any clue. But are the goals we are chasing truly worth it? Or do we spend whole life following something that is distracting us from real values? Are our emotions betraying us? Making us go after uncertain things instead of focusing on our own happiness.
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Send me an Angel


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Kairaku Onsenkyô: Nyotaiburo

As rumors spread about a hidden treasure worth 300 billion yen buried somewhere in the hills near a local inn and hot spring a large number of people check in with two things on their mind… treasure hunting by day and sex hunting at night. The geishas at the inn have their hands full as the inn is fully booked. A shrewd rich tycoon makes an offer to the owner to buy the inn. But she dismisses his offer and names a much higher price. The tycoon is reluctant until news that some actual gold pieces have been unearthed. But is the timing of this “news” a little too convenient?
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Kairaku Onsenkyô: Nyotaiburo


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Terrorists seize an American nuclear missile site and threaten to launch the missiles at Washington unless the President resigns immediately and $1 billion is placed in a Swiss account in 8 hours.
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Dora the Explorer: Undercover Dora

Go on a supersleuth adventure with Dora! In a two-part episode, Dora and Boots are Super Spies on a top-secret mission: they have to stop Swiper from swiping cupcakes and birthday presents
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Dora the Explorer: Undercover Dora


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Kase-san and Morning Glories

Yamada may be shy and rather clumsy, but the flower gardens at her school have always brought her happiness. Suddenly, a different sort of beauty catches her eye—the vivacious track star, Kase-san. Although the two girls don't seem to have much in common, they soon start a romance where each must learn an important lesson in tending their budding relationship. Can the two girls, so different from each other, learn how to make their first love blossom?
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Kase-san and Morning Glories


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Gamera vs. Zigra

A moon base is destroyed by a spaceship from Zigra which is looking to take over the planet earth to use its oceans for its ocean-dwelling denizens. Gamera must once again come to the aid of the human race while all of Japan roots him on.
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Gamera vs. Zigra


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I laureati

I laureati (o meglio "laureandi") del titolo sono Leonardo, neodivorziato, Rocco, metronotte meridionale, Bruno, romano emigrato, Pino, intrattenitore fallito. Quattro trentenni abbondantemente fuori corso, che dividono lo stesso appartamento di periferia cercando di conseguire la laurea più per ossequio ai genitori che per ambizione personale. Di giorno ognuno ha i propri impegni, di sera si ritrovano tutti insieme per raccontarsi e condividere imbarazzi maschili, apparizioni (più o meno fugaci) di donne, debolezze, piccoli drammi e tanta noia quotidiana.
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I laureati


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Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam

Quando Mitchie fa ritorno a Camp Rock, si aspetta di trascorrere un'estate romantica e divertente, ma il soggiorno si rivelerà invece pieno di problemi da affrontare. I Connect Three passeranno tutta la stagione a Camp Rock, ma Mitchie non potrà godere con tranquillità della compagnia di Shane a causa della gelosia dell'invidiosa Tess che architetterà un piano per separare i due innamorati.
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Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam


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Godzilla contro i robot

Ad Okinawa circola una profezia: un giorno arriverà un immenso mostro che rischierà di distruggere la Terra, ma sarà fermato dall'intervento di altri due mostri. La profezia sembra avverarsi quando Godzilla senza motivo attacca il Giappone, arrivando anche a ferire gravemente Angilas, suo compagno in tante battaglie. Nessuno sa spiegarsi tale cambiamento, finché non compare un secondo Godzilla, che attacca il primo smascherandolo: si tratta di Mechagodzilla, gigantesco automa che riproduce le fattezze del Godzilla originale, ed è stato costruito da una civiltà aliena per conquistare la Terra.
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Godzilla contro i robot


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