Tiikeri (2018)

(4,3) basato su 3 voti
Data di uscita
mag 16, 2018
00h 10m
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Film Simili a Tiikeri


Ana and Helen, two divorced women, were close friends as teenagers. Today, amidst the corona virus pandemic and in quarantine, they get in touch after 20 years via internet. Through video conference calls, memories, sensations and emotions reflourishes.
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San Francisco filmmaker Konrad Steiner took 12 years to complete a montage cycle set to the late Leslie Scalapino’s most celebrated poem, way—a sprawling book-length odyssey of shardlike urban impressions, fraught with obliquely felt social and sexual tensions. Six stylistically distinctive films for each section of way, using sources ranging from Kodachrome footage of sun-kissed S.F. street scenes to internet clips of the Iraq war to a fragmented Fred Astaire dance number.
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The In-Laws

Is a party after a canceled wedding a recipe for disaster? It is. And what a disaster it is! Two families differ in everything - origin, status, wallet content, taste. The parents of the groom and bride are initially shocked. What did such a thing happen? Who was at fault? What about the wedding party? Should they welcome the guests? Play music? Pour the vodka? Who will cut the cake? From word to word, polite smiles turn into public washing of dirt. And finally a real bomb goes off... And in the meantime, the wedding party turns into a wild party. And no one is bothered by the absence of the newlyweds.
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The In-Laws


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Bring Me the Head of Lance Henriksen

When '80s B-movie icon Tim Thomerson wakes up one day to realize the acting roles are not coming his way any more, he sets out on a quest to find his former co-star Lance Henriksen to discover his secret of Hollywood longevity and gets more than he bargained for in the process.
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Bring Me the Head of Lance Henriksen


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Red Snake

Zara è una giovane donna yazida che viene rapita e venduta come schiava del sesso a un combattente dell'Isis. Scappata dal suo aguzzino, si unisce a un battaglione di indomite donne che, combattenti provenienti da tutto il mondo, condividono un passato tragico.
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Red Snake


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People Just Do Nothing: Big in Japan

Since the end of their pirate radio station, life has been quiet for the Kurupt FM boys, but everything is about to change. News reaches them that one of their songs has been used on a popular game show in Japan. They've made it. Their music is reaching hundreds of thousands of people. It's finally time for them to enjoy the fame and fortune that they've always known they deserved. Chabuddy G steps excitedly back into his management role as Grindah, Beats, Steves and Decoy begin their journey to international stardom - but is Japan really ready for Kurupt FM?
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People Just Do Nothing: Big in Japan


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009 Re:Cyborg

Sono passati 27 anni dall’ ultima missione dei Cyborg ed il mondo sembra averli oramai dimenticati, ma degli attacchi missilistici alla metropoli di Shanghai, scena con cui si apre il film, ridestano la paura ed i nove Cyborg vengono richiamati per quella che potrebbe risultare la loro missione più pericolosa e fondamentale, scoprire come e da chi sono stati lanciati questi attacchi.
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009 Re:Cyborg


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Sulle ali dell'onore

“Devotion”, un’epopea di guerra aerea basata sull’omonimo libro, racconta la straziante storia vera di due piloti di caccia d’élite della Marina degli Stati Uniti durante la guerra di Corea. I loro sacrifici eroici alla fine li avrebbero resi i più celebri gregari della Marina.
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Sulle ali dell'onore


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A Man of Reason

Dopo dieci anni di prigione che ha scontato al posto del suo capo, Soo Hyuk viene rilasciato e torna a casa, dove ritrova la sua ragazza e scopre di avere una bambina. Decide perciò di tagliare tutti i ponti con la banda criminale, ma così facendo innesca la vendetta del capo, che non si fida più di lui e per questo gli mette alle costole un killer. L'obiettivo si rivela subito la figlioletta, presa in ostaggio per indurlo a capitolare. Al contrario, la mossa scatenerà la sua vendetta più violenta.
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A Man of Reason


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Little Q

Little Q is an aspiring guide dog, training to be a guide for the blind. Soon Little Q is partnered with Bo-ting, a renowned pastry chef who’s losing his sight. But Bo-ting is irritable and reluctant, constantly losing his temper at those around him and rejecting Little Q. Eventually, dog and owner bond as Little Q wins Bo-ting over with its unwavering loyalty. However, as Little Q gets older and Bo-ting’s health suffers, the two of them face an unwilling separation...
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Little Q


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Moments: Six

A serial killer and the detective who tracked him down find themselves in an unexpected stalemate.
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Moments: Six


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Night of the Hunted

When an unsuspecting woman stops at a remote gas station in the dead of night, she's made the plaything of a sociopath sniper with a secret vendetta. To survive, she must not only dodge his bullets and fight for her life, but also figure out who wants her dead and why.
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Night of the Hunted


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Barbie - La principessa delle perle

Barbie veste i panni di Lumina, una sirena che sogna di essere una principessa. Fin da piccola possiede un dono magico grazie a cui riesce a far danzare e risplendere le perle! Ben presto scoprirà che le sue perle magiche sono la chiave per aprire lo scrigno del suo destino e salvare il magico regno sottomarino.
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Barbie - La principessa delle perle


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LEGO Marvel Super Heroes - Il ritorno degli Avengers

Quando Ultron s'impossessa dell'armatura di Iron Man, i Vendicatori si affrettano a soccorrere l'amico e fermare un piano diabolico per conquistare il mondo.
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LEGO Marvel Super Heroes - Il ritorno degli Avengers


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Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla II

1992: pochi mesi dopo lo scontro tra Mothra, Godzilla e Battra, un grande uovo viene rinvenuto su un'isola. Il dottor Kazuma Aoki (inventore di una nave volante anti-Godzilla chiamata Garuda) e la dottoressa Azusa Gojo analizzano l'uovo ma il gigantesco pteranodonte Rodan attacca il campo base per proteggere il fratello non ancora nato. Poco dopo lo stesso Godzilla emerge dall'acqua ed elimina apparentemente Rodan...
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Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla II


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Settimo cielo

Un netturbino si innamora di un'orfana, ma le loro vite sono separate dalla Grande Guerra. Partito come soldato, torna ferito e profondamente cambiato.
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Settimo cielo


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Avatar: Creating the World of Pandora

The Making-of James Cameron's Avatar. It shows interesting parts of the work on the set.
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Avatar: Creating the World of Pandora


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Looking for Alexander

Disturbing and violent memories haunt a man after he emerges from a lengthy coma.
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Looking for Alexander


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On Memory

Musing on the nature of memory, Don Hertzfeldt recounts stories about a kiss from The King, a floating child in a backyard and a giant foot.
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On Memory


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Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2045 - Guerra sostenibile

In questo remake cinematografico della prima stagione di "SAC_2045", Motoko Kusanagi e la Sezione 9 tornano per sventare una nuova pericolosa minaccia nell'anno 2045.
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Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2045 - Guerra sostenibile


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A young botanist relocates to a small desert town to study an invasive plant species. While out on research, she comes to the aid of a downed plane only to find herself taken captive by an inexperienced drug mule who forces her to lead a trek across the sweltering desert to his drop. A local sheriff is drawn into the hunt as his rebellious daughter sets out to find the missing botanist, all the while being pursued by a local drug receiver.
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Freud's Last Session

Alla vigilia della Seconda Guerra Mondiale, due delle più grandi menti del XX secolo, C.S. Lewis e Sigmund Freud, si incontrano per la loro personale battaglia sull'esistenza di Dio. Il film intreccia le vite di Freud e Lewis, nel passato, nel presente e attraverso la fantasia, uscendo dai confini dello studio di Freud in un viaggio dinamico.
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Freud's Last Session


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Polite Society - Operazione matrimonio

Ria Khan si convince della necessità di salvare la sorella maggiore Lena, impedendole a tutti i costi di sposarsi. Dopo aver reclutato un gruppo di fedeli amiche, Ria pianifica il sabotaggio di matrimonio più ambizioso di sempre, in nome dell'indipendenza e della sorellanza.
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Polite Society - Operazione matrimonio


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South Park: Post COVID

What happened to the children who lived through the Pandemic? Stan, Kyle, Cartman and Kenny survived but will never be the same Post Covid.
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South Park: Post COVID


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Psycho-Pass 3 Movie: First Inspector

L'ispettore Kei Mikhail Ignatov si trova coinvolto in un'organizzazione chiamata Bifrost con la possibilità di liberare sua moglie se tradisce l'Unità Uno. Koichi Azusawa coordina un assalto alla torre del Public Safety Bureau usando il suo hacker Obata, bloccando l'edificio e rapendo l'ispettore Arata Shindo. Azusawa esige che il governatore Karina Komiya si dimetta dalla sua posizione.
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Psycho-Pass 3 Movie: First Inspector


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Codice: cacciatore

Un killer in pensione torna in azione quando un suo amico scopre un pericoloso complotto nel cuore del governo sudafricano.
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Codice: cacciatore


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Survive the Game

Quando il poliziotto David viene ferito in un reato di droga andato storto, il suo partner Cal insegue i due criminali che gli hanno sparato. Atterrano tutti in una remota fattoria di proprietà del travagliato veterinario Eric, e mentre Cal ed Eric pianificano la loro difesa, arrivano altri membri della banda, insieme a un David ferito. In inferiorità numerica, i tre eroi devono usare furtività, intelligenza e buone sparatorie per sconfiggere la mafia spacciatrice.
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Survive the Game


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In the summer of 2015, former US Marine and world record weightlifter Matt "Kroc" Kroczaleski was publicly outed as being transgender. The reaction was universal: her sponsors abandoned her, she was disowned by her parents, banned from competing, and she changed her name to "Janae". This film follows Janae as she attempts to find her place in society. Initially wanting to strip off the muscle and become a much smaller looking woman, she found herself unable to lose the muscle she so desperately gained. She now finds herself living one day as an alpha male and the next day as a delicate girl. Will Janae be able to handle her muscle relapses? Will her passage from being a male bring her the peace she's looking for? Will society accept a 250lbs muscular woman? Is her path personal redemption or physical and psychological disaster?
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Con l'aiuto dei genitori, Charlie trascorre un'infanzia in fuga, costretta a tenere sotto controllo i suoi straordinari poteri pirocinetici. Ora che sta per compiere 11 anni però, controllare le fiamme diventa sempre più difficile, mentre fugge da forze sinistre che cercano di catturarla. Per proteggere la famiglia e conquistare la libertà, Charlie dovrà lottare per controllare il suo potere e imparare a gestire il fuoco.
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Meet Me in St. Gallen

The story of Jesse and Celeste who meets at an unexpected time in their lives. They then realize their names are the same as the characters in the popular break-up romantic comedy, Celeste and Jesse Forever.
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Meet Me in St. Gallen


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The Tenderness

Queen Esmeralda hates men because they have always limited her freedom, so she does not want her two daughters to suffer the same fate. Therefore, when the ship in which they are traveling passes near an apparently deserted island, she invokes a portentous storm.
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The Tenderness


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Fortress: Sniper's Eye

Settimane dopo l'assalto mortale a Fortress Camp, Robert effettua un audace salvataggio per salvare Sasha, la vedova della sua vecchia nemesi Balzary. Ma nel bunker di comando del campo, sembra che Sasha possa avere dei suoi piani subdoli. Quando scoppia un nuovo attacco, Robert si trova di fronte a un volto familiare che pensava non avrebbe mai più rivisto...
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Fortress: Sniper's Eye


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Dad or Mom

Florencia and Vicente are getting divorced. When both are promoted at their jobs, they will do anything in order to do not keep custody of their children.
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Dad or Mom


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Bo Burnham: Words, Words, Words

Bo Burnham is back with a new one-man show full of his patented songs and wordplay, as well as haikus, dramatic readings, blasphemy, and so much more in his first hour-long special, shot live in his home town of Boston.
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Bo Burnham: Words, Words, Words


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