Pour vivre ici (2018)

(5,2) basato su 6 voti
Data di uscita
feb 23, 2018
01h 30m
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Film Simili a Pour vivre ici

The Good Witch's Charm - L'incantesimo di Cassie

La strega buona Cassie Nightingale fatica a destreggiarsi tra la maternità e il suo nuovo incarico come sindaco della città, quando un reporter impiccione decide di screditarla pubblicamente dopo aver scoperto i suoi poteri. A complicare le cose, la terribile matrigna di Cassie decide di farle visita...
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The Good Witch's Charm - L'incantesimo di Cassie


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Bring Me the Head of Lance Henriksen

When '80s B-movie icon Tim Thomerson wakes up one day to realize the acting roles are not coming his way any more, he sets out on a quest to find his former co-star Lance Henriksen to discover his secret of Hollywood longevity and gets more than he bargained for in the process.
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Bring Me the Head of Lance Henriksen


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The Good Witch's Gift - Il matrimonio di Cassie

Dopo essere rimasta a Middleton, Cassie gestisce una boutique di successo ed è fidanzata con Jack che, a soli sei giorni dal Natale, le propone di sposarlo in modo da risvegliarsi la mattina della festività come una famiglia felice, insieme ai due figli. In fretta, i due cominciano i preparativi per le nozze ma niente va come previsto e i problemi si susseguono senza sosta a causa della comparsa di Leon, un criminale che Jack ha provveduto ad arrestare in passato, desideroso di vendicarsi mandando all'aria la cerimonia. Come se non bastasse, nonno George, il padre di Jack, si sente trascurato e minaccia la famiglia di andarsene di casa mentre Martha si propone come wedding planner, che con le sue manie snob manda Cassie in confusione.
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The Good Witch's Gift - Il matrimonio di Cassie


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Kathleen Madigan: Madigan Again

Kathleen Madigan drops in on Detroit to deliver material derived from time spent with her Irish Catholic Midwest family, eating random pills out of her mother's purse, touring Afghanistan, and her love of John Denver and the Lunesta butterfly.
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Siempre la duda

Trama non disponibile
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Siempre la duda


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The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: Irene Adler

During the investigation of the Agra treasure case, Holmes and Watson recall another case that Holmes had investigated earlier. The King of Bohemia comes to Holmes under a false name, who behaves somewhat arrogantly at first, and then plaintively asks for help.
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The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: Irene Adler


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Blood Spilled at Takadanobaba

The tale of Nakayama Yasubei’s duel is famous, even if he in reality probably did not cut down 18 opponents. The story has been related in film, rakugo, kodan and on stage many times, in part because Nakayama later joined the famous 47 Ronin (Chushingura) as Horibe Yasubei. But Makino and Inagaki’s version gives no hint of this more serious future, playing up the thrills and the comedy with Bando’s bravura performance. The multiple pans of Yasubei running to the duel are an exemplar of the experimental flourishes of 1930s Japanese cinema and the final duel, performed virtually like a dance number, is a marker of Makino’s love of rhythm and one of the best sword fights in Japanese film history. The film was originally released under the title Chikemuri Takadanoba (Bloody Takadanobaba) with a length of 57 minutes, but suffered some cuts and a title change when it was re-released in 1952.
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Blood Spilled at Takadanobaba


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Noir comme neige

It's peak season at Morzine-Avoriaz ski resort. French high mountain state police officer Constance Vivier and Swiss cop Andreas Meyer investigate the suspect death of a teenager, found freezing on a slope after an alcohol coma.
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Noir comme neige


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Cheeky Girls 2

After Kati, Hanna and Mila first experiences with guys, it is now necessary to cultivate those relations. The jealous Mila thinks that her friend Markus, would cheat on her with Vanessa. Kati, who is actually together with Tobi, finds that Robert, whom she met during a shooting, more than just cool. Only with Hanna everything seems to work perfectly. Branko is a real gentleman and does everything for her musical career - but not entirely unselfishly, as soon turns out. Problems therefore pre-programmed with the girlfriends and their new conquests!
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Cheeky Girls 2


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Air Mail

A group of air mail pilots risk their lives to deliver important mail through bad weather conditions.
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Air Mail


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Belated Days

A civil servant keeps a journal while struggling to isolate alone through the COVID-19 outbreak.
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In Caliente

At a Mexican resort, a fast-talking magazine editor woos the dancer he's trashed in print.
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In Caliente


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I Like Killing Flies

A documentary on the oddball Greenwich Village eatery, Shopsin's.
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I Like Killing Flies


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An expedition film in the form of a multi-voice travel diary, where all emotions pass through the spectators who are immersed for three weeks with these riders and guides in the Karakoram massif in Pakistan.
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Keep a Lid on It

Chaos erupts when members of two notorious Istanbul mobs arrive at a seaside town for family vacations.
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Keep a Lid on It


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The United Monster Talent Agency

A short comedy spoof about Universal Monsters and their everyday unconventional work done at their very own talent agency for their movies.
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The United Monster Talent Agency


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I perchè di Forky: Che cos'è la lettura?

Gli energici fratelli Peas-n-a-Pod insegnano a Forky come leggere e come farlo, con un piccolo aiuto da Mr. Spell
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I perchè di Forky: Che cos'è la lettura?


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Il secondo rinascimento - Parte I

Tells the early history of how conflict began between the humans and machines. Part 1 of 2.
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Il secondo rinascimento - Parte I


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Forbidden Cargo

Kenyon is a narcotics agent who, with the aid of a titled bird-watcher attempts to trap a brother and sister drug smuggling team.
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Forbidden Cargo


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Central Park

School is boring, family life unbearable, and Harold and his high school friends have turned Central Park into their 'spot'. Unbeknownst to them, a revenge-seeking executioner prepares to kill them off one by one to pay for the sins of the father.
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Central Park


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My Friends Tigger & Pooh: Super Duper Super Sleuths

A shooting star falls towards the Hundred Acre Wood. Winnie the Pooh, Darby, and Tigger are out in the Hundred Acre Wood one night, stargazing. They see the shooting star fall to the wood, but are too sleepy to go look for it. The shooting star (or space rock) lands in Rabbit's garden and begins to put its effect on it.
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My Friends Tigger & Pooh: Super Duper Super Sleuths


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The Good Witch's Garden - Il giardino dell'amore

Cassie si è ormai stabilita a Middleton e si prepara come tutti quanti a festeggiare il bicentenario della fondazione della città. Jack è felice di poter avere l'amata vicino a sé, così come lo sono i suoi due figli. Un giorno, però, alla porta della casa di Cassie si presenta Nick...
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The Good Witch's Garden - Il giardino dell'amore


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Summer Solstice

Coming of Age Drama in rural Poland in the summer of 1943.
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Summer Solstice


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Donten: Laughing Under the Clouds - Gaiden: Chapter 2 - The Tragedy of Fuuma Ninja Tribe

Fuma ninja clan is a secret ninja tribe that is waiting for the "Orochi" (gigantic snake) to resurrect for generations. Shirasu and his twin brother Ichiu grew up in this viscous environment and this tells how they become the leaders of the clan.
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Donten: Laughing Under the Clouds - Gaiden: Chapter 2 - The Tragedy of Fuuma Ninja Tribe


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Hinotori 2772 - L'uccello di fuoco

Terra, XXII secolo. Come tutti i bambini, Shingo Godo nasce da una provetta, e viene allevato da un robot tuttofare affinche" diventi un caccaitore dello spazio, perche" cosi" e" stato programmato. Godo dimostra di possedere una grande abilita" e viene prescelto per catturare Cosmozoo 2772, una terribile quanto misteriosa creatura spaziale. Ma Godo non rispettale regole, e si innamora di Lena, una ragazza appartenente alla classe dominante. Questo crimine lo condanna ai lavori forzati, ma da qui partira" ugualmente il suo viaggio alla ricerca di Cosmozoo 2772, per salvare il pianeta dall"autodistruzione.
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Hinotori 2772 - L'uccello di fuoco


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Il Signore degli Anelli - Il ritorno del re

Le forze di Sauron hanno attaccato la capitale di Gondor, Minas Tirith, nel suo assedio finale contro l'umanità. Tenuto da un debole sovrintendente, quello che una volta era un fastoso regno non ha mai avuto così bisogno del proprio re. Mentre Gandalf tenta disperatamente di spingere lo smembrato esercito di Gondor ad agire, Thèoden si unisce ai guerrieri di Rohan per combattere assieme a loro. Pieno di coraggio e di appassionata lealtà, l'esercito degli umani non riesce però a tener testa alle numerosissime legioni nemiche che giungono su tutto il regno. Ogni vittoria è accompagnata da un grande sacrificio. Malgrado le numerose perdite, la Compagnia si lancia verso la più grande battaglia mai affrontata, unita dall'unico scopo di riuscire a tenere Sauron distratto e dare a Frodo una occasione per portare a termine la sua spedizione...
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Il Signore degli Anelli - Il ritorno del re


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winter's opening

why are you looking at me like this?
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winter's opening


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