Charlotte (2017)

(3,3) basato su 3 voti
Data di uscita
mag 01, 2017
01h 10m
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Film Simili a Charlotte

Maine-Ocean Express

"Maine-Ocean" is the name of a train that rides from Paris to Saint-Nazaire (near the ocean). In that train, Dejanira, a Brazilian, has a brush with the two ticket inspectors. Mimi, another traveler and also a lawyer, helps her. The four of them will meet together later and live a few shifted adventures with a strange-speaking sailor (Mimi's client).
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Maine-Ocean Express


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Godzilla vs. Destoroyah

1996: Birth Island, residenza del re dei mostri, viene distrutta misteriosamente. Contemporaneamente il mostro Godzilla, con la pelle ricoperta di ferite ardenti, attacca la città di Hong Kong. Lo studente Kenichi Yamane, nipote adottivo del professor Yamane, ritiene che Godzilla non sia più in grado di contenere le reazioni nucleari all'interno del suo corpo: se la potenza di Godzilla eruttasse completamente fuori, l'esplosione conseguente distruggerebbe l'intero Giappone, in altre parole, Godzilla si è trasformato in una bomba atomica ambulante. Per impedire ciò, la G-Force inizia a studiare gli effetti del Micro Oxigen, simili a quelli dell'Oxigen Destroyer, la bomba che neutralizzò Godzilla nel 1954. Intanto nelle fogne di Tokyo e in un acquario cominciano a svilupparsi strane creature simili a crostacei, in grado di emettere Micro Oxigen. Si ritiene che gli animali siano stati creati dal Distruttore d'Ossigeno più di quarant'anni prima.
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Godzilla vs. Destoroyah


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The execution was scheduled and the last meal consumed. The coolness of the poisons entering the blood system slowed the heart rate and sent him on the way to Judgement. He had paid for his crime with years on Death Row waiting for this moment and now he would pay for them again as the judgment continued..
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The King's Avatar: For the Glory

Film prequel di Quan Zhi Gao Shou, che tratta dell'ingresso originale di Ye Xiu nel mondo dei videogiochi professionisti di Glory e del primo torneo della serie Pro League.
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The King's Avatar: For the Glory


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Sayen - La terra ha sete

Dopo gli eventi del primo film, Sayen arriva nel deserto di Atacama alla ricerca di una pista nella sua missione contro Actaeon, l'organizzazione multinazionale responsabile della tragica perdita della sua famiglia e della distruzione degli ecosistemi in tutto il Cile.
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Sayen - La terra ha sete


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Main Tera Hero

Seenu loves Sunaina but they're chased by a stalking cop, an infatuated beauty and her mafia don dad - can Seenu's heroics work?
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Main Tera Hero


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Il miracolo di Sharon

Sharon Stevens è una parrucchiera tenace e testarda con la vocazione nell'aiutare il prossimo. Coinvolta nell'organizzazione del funerale di una sconosciuta, la donna decide di occuparsi della sua giovane figlia, Ashley, che ha bisogno di un trapianto di fegato. Dopo aver coinvolto la sua comunità in una rocambolesca raccolta fondi ed aver convinto il padre della bambina ad accettare i soldi, Sharon si trova però a dover fronteggiare la più grande nevicata nella storia del Kentucky, che si abbatte sullo Stato proprio quando Ashley avrebbe dovuto raggiungere l'ospedale. Facendo appello ancora una volta sulla propria comunità, Sharon troverà quindi il modo di risolvere la situazione.
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Il miracolo di Sharon


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Io sono l'abisso

L’Uomo che pulisce pensa che si possono ricavare un sacco di segreti dai rifiuti. Perché la gente tende a mentire; la spazzatura, invece, non mente mai. L’Uomo che pulisce credeva di essere invisibile finché non ha incontrato la Ragazzina col ciuffo viola. La Ragazzina col ciuffo viola irrompe nella sua vita ordinata perché solo un angelo cattivo può salvarla adesso. Intanto, la Cacciatrice sa che là fuori c’è qualcuno che uccide le donne dai capelli biondi. Anche se nessuno le crede, lei lo sa. Ciò che non sa, invece, è che c’è qualcosa di malvagio che si nasconde dietro la porta verde. La verità sta in fondo a un abisso buio e profondissimo.
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Io sono l'abisso


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Rate Me

A portrait of teen escort, 'Coco'.
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Rate Me


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A fashionable Moscow Photographer receives an order unprecedented in mystery and cost: five oriental-type models in stylized costumes should pose for him against the background of the ruins of the westernmost city in Russia - St. Petersburg, and the sequence of shooting locations is strictly defined. Performing an exotic task, the Photographer realizes that the Customer is not really interested in the pictures. He needs to get hold of a photographic relic from the beginning of the XX century, which is kept by the Photographer.
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Ninety-Five Senses

Un'accorata rappresentazione di un uomo che affronta la propria mortalità riflettendo sui gravi errori della sua giovinezza.
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Ninety-Five Senses


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Self Reliance

When a man is offered a million dollars to play a game in which hunters try to kill him, he thinks he has found the perfect loophole: they can only attack when he’s alone. His only problem is that none of his friends or family believe the game is real.
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Self Reliance


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Gantz Revolution

Dopo essere stati salvati dalla morte e trasportati nel limbo della Gantz, Kei e Kato hanno preso decisioni differenti: mentre il secondo si rifiuta di sottomettersi alla dilagante violenza prospettata, Kei ha accettato gli ordini impartiti e si impegna con tutte le sue forze a cacciare il maggior numero di alieni possibile. L'obiettivo che si è prefissato è quello di raggiungere quanto prima i cento punti che gli garantirebbero il ritorno a una esistenza normale, in cui i ricordi di tutta l'esperienza vissuta andrebbero cancellati, e la possibilità di riportare in vita un altro giocatore della Gantz. Seguito del film Gantz (2010).
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Gantz Revolution


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As John T. Wrecker continues his task of protecting a group of refugees from a virus, the threat of something new and even more dangerous grows ever closer in the form of monstrous mutants.
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World premiering on the Plage, it tells the story of « the little fiancée of the Atlantic », who’s career reached its peak with her victory of the Route du Rhum in 1990.
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Gojira VS Spacegojira

Mentre alcuni scienziati tentano di controllare telepaticamente Godzilla, una stazione della NASA viene attaccata da una strana creatura, molto simile a Godzilla. Il Giappone manda contro questa minaccia il robot Moguera che viene sconfitto facilmente. La creatura atterra su un'isola dove rapisce il piccolo Godzillosauro. Godzilla si lancia alla ricerca del mostro per salvare il piccolo.
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Gojira VS Spacegojira


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F, an 18-year-old boy, immerses himself in the world of the Drag Queen where he begins to build his identity despite family and social mandates, which impose on him to be afraid and ashamed of being who he is.
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The Painter

Un ex agente della CIA viene catapultato in un mondo pericoloso quando una donna misteriosa del suo passato riemerge. Ora smascherato e preso di mira da un killer implacabile e da un programma di operazioni segrete canaglia, deve fare affidamento sulle abilità che pensava di aver lasciato indietro in un gioco di sopravvivenza ad alto rischio.
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The Painter


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Main Krishna Hoon

In answer to an orphan boy's prayers, the divine Lord Krishna comes to Earth, befriends the boy, and helps him find a loving family.
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Main Krishna Hoon


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Multishow ao Vivo: Ivete no Maracanã

This Ivete Sangalo concert at Rio de Janeiro's legendary Maracanã Stadium, and the subsequent DVD/CD releases, constituted the year's main event in Brazilian pop music. Sangalo rose to fame with the axé band Banda Eva, and since 1999 has embarked on an unstoppable solo career, making her the undisputed queen of pop in Brazil in terms of sales and popularity, as well as gathering countless industry and society awards. Accordingly, Sangalo put on a show at the Maracanã that should leave no one envious of the megaconcerts offered in Rio by Madonna, Michael Jackson, and the Rolling Stones. Alternating some of her many hits with new songs or new versions of old material, Sangalo burns through the set with her characteristic enthusiasm and infectious star magnetism, incessantly cheered on by an adoring audience of 55,000. The album has sold over 800,000 copies in Brazil (being certified Diamond), and features the single "Deixo". Recorded on December 16, 2006.
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Multishow ao Vivo: Ivete no Maracanã


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Main Atal Hoon

A biopic of former prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee, who was the 10th Prime Minister of India and held the post for three times while serving the country. He was awarded Bharat Ratna and Padma Vishnu, and he was the statesman of the BJP.
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Main Atal Hoon


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Panda! Go Panda!

Cheerful Mimiko has a wonderfully strange family—a Panda for her Papa; and his son Panny, calls her Mom! When Panny follows Mimiko to school, he must pretend to be a teddy bear so Mimiko won't get into trouble. Despite his efforts to behave, Panny causes trouble in school and now the school is after Panny! Then, Panny makes a new friend, Tiny, a baby tiger who's wandered off from the circus.
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Panda! Go Panda!


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Avatar: Creating the World of Pandora

The Making-of James Cameron's Avatar. It shows interesting parts of the work on the set.
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Avatar: Creating the World of Pandora


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Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths Part One

Death is coming. Worse than death: oblivion. Not just for our Earth, but for everyone, everywhere, in every universe! Against this ultimate destruction, the mysterious Monitor has gathered the greatest team of Super Heroes ever assembled. But what can the combined might of Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman, The Flash, Green Lantern and hundreds of Super Heroes from multiple Earths even do to save all of reality from an unstoppable antimatter armageddon?!
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Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths Part One


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Red Rooms

The high-profile case of serial killer Ludovic Chevalier has just gone to trial, and Kelly-Anne is obsessed. When reality blurs with her morbid fantasies, she goes down a dark path to seek the final piece of the case's puzzle.
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Red Rooms


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Noël Joyeux

Tomorrow is Christmas at Vincent and Beatrice Barand's house. Vincent is happy, it's his favorite day. Unfortunately, the whole family cancels at the last minute. Result: no children, no grandchildren... While Beatrice is looking forward to this intimate evening, he is overwhelmed and can't imagine a Christmas together. So he decides to go to a retirement home to invite a lonely resident to join them and share the Christmas spirit. Monique, 85 years old and obsessed with death, arrives... soon followed by Jeanne, a former prison guard with no filter. For all four of them, this December 24th promises to be as explosive as it is unexpected!
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Noël Joyeux


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Cine Gibi 8: ...Tá Brincando?

There are eight episodes in stories full of adventure and play in the neighborhood of Limoeiro, with a new car ride, lost treasure, art exhibition in the square, puppet theater, an unexpected escape from Cascão (again?), Characters Saltimbancos and a lot more.
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Cine Gibi 8: ...Tá Brincando?


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Reign of Chaos

When the world is gripped by a plague unleashed by the evil lord Chaos, and humans are turned into rabid creatures, mankind can only be saved by three young women, descendants of a Goddess, with the power to stop Chaos' evil.
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Reign of Chaos


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Eating Out 2: Sloppy Seconds

Con l’aiuto di Gwen e Tiffani, Kyle finge di essere eterosessuale per conquistare Troy, un modello della scuola d’arte. Marc, l’ex ragazzo di Kyle, è inorridito dal piano e decide di dare la caccia al confuso Troy con una sua tattica personale. Chi riuscirà a conquistarlo per primo?
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Eating Out 2: Sloppy Seconds


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Call-center workers receive a phone call from God.
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