Der Weihnachtsmuffel (2012)

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Data di uscita
dic 23, 2012
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Film Simili a Der Weihnachtsmuffel

Scooby-Doo: Agence toutou risques, vol. 1 : Le voleur de vélo

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Scooby-Doo: Agence toutou risques, vol. 1 : Le voleur de vélo


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Hanni & Nanni 3

The Lindenhof School is expecting a busload of proper young English ladies as exchange students. The shock is great when the students turn out to be teenage boys! But while Mademoiselle Bertoux is delighted to stage “Romeo and Juliet” with real boys, both Hanni and her sister Nanni fall for their “Romeo,” Clyde.
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Hanni & Nanni 3


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"Behind every strong man is a strong woman!", Mumine shouts as her husband is arrested. She has 4 children, she's in her mid-30s, and she's the wife of a Crimean Tatar political prisoner. Muslim Crimean Tatars have been oppressed for a long time. They were deported under Stalin, allowed to return under Gorbachev, and since the occupation of Crimea in 2014 under Putin, they are being persecuted again. "Return" is a portrait of Mumine and Maye, two strong women struggling with the consequences of oppression. Their traditional understanding of their role as women does not stand in the way of their dedication. They possess strength, beauty and dignity. Only in their most intimate moments, they are overwhelmed by desperate helplessness.
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Crimson Forest

Upon waking up in a strange forest, a young man questions whether or not the environment around him is real or a figment of his imagination.
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Crimson Forest


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What's New, Scooby-Doo? Vol. 7: Ghosts on the Go!

In Ghosts On The Go, the gang crosses the Atlantic Ocean and takes on Europe! In Large Dragon at Large, the gang attends a Renaissance Faire, where a dragon interrupts their fun. While traveling in Greece, an ancient myth apparently comes to life because of a medallion Shaggy wears in It's All Greek to Scooby. In Pompeii and Circumstance, the gang's Italian vacation is interrupted by misdeeds in teh ancient city of Pompeii, leading to an ominous visit into the mouth of th no so dormant Vesuvius. And finally, the gang goes to Paris to see Daphne's cousin become a model, but only to discover she's been abducted by a giant gargoyle in Ready To Scare.
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What's New, Scooby-Doo? Vol. 7: Ghosts on the Go!


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Six Hundred and Sixty-Six

A group of people inside an underground complex which possesses high tech computers which tracks world events consider all options as nuclear war is at hand, air supplies may last only eight days and Biblical prophesy unfolds.
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Six Hundred and Sixty-Six


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If I Were You 2

Claudio and Helena are on the verge of breaking up, until the couple experiences another strange phenomenon that looks to help them understand one another more.
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If I Were You 2


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The Extraordinary Voyage

An account of the extraordinary life of film pioneer Georges Méliès (1861-1938) and the amazing story of the copy in color of his masterpiece “A Trip to the Moon” (1902), unexpectedly found in Spain and restored thanks to the heroic efforts of a group of true cinema lovers.
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The Extraordinary Voyage


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Il signore delle mosche

L'aereo sul quale si trovano una ventina di cadetti americani fra i sette e i dodici anni precipita nell'oceano. I ragazzini sopravvivono all'incidente ma restano abbandonati a loro stessi su un'isola tropicale. Naufraghi in un luogo incantevole, devono però organizzarsi per sopravvivere. Eleggono come capo il saggio e volitivo Ralph. Quest'ultimo, aiutato da Piggy, un ragazzo grasso e dall'indole perdente, comincia a comportarsi da vero despota. Il gruppo si spacca in due e l'escalation di violenze sarà terrificante.
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Il signore delle mosche


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The Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph falls in love with the young Elisabeth. It's love at first sight but Franz Joseph's mother Sophie doesn't approve this love.
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Non ci sarà domani

Due galeotti fuggono di prigione, ma uno uccide l'altro, diventato di troppo: infatti l'assassino seduce la sorella della vittima, la quale prima si lascia corteggiare, poi scopre non solo che l'uomo ha ucciso il fratello, ma anche che è già sposato e si vendica.
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Non ci sarà domani


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Bad Lands

A grifter and her loose-cannon brother get their hands on a massive amount of money, but their ill-gotten gains puts a huge target on their back.
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Bad Lands


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La rapina del secolo

Il poliziotto Edward Gallagher, insieme alla moglie Ellen, prendono sotto la loro protezione un ragazzo, Jerry Florea, il quale è rimasto ferito a causa di una fucilata durante una rapina e ha trascorso ingiustamente tre anni di riformatorio a causa di una truffa commessa però da un suo compagno di scuola. Edward deve partire per la guerra e, quando rientra, scopre che Jerry è diventato un boss della malavita; facendo credere di avere buone intenzioni e di ritornare sulla retta via, accetta di lavorare come gestore di una stazione di servizio.
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La rapina del secolo


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An emotionally unavailable flight attendant meets a potential love interest and later finds out that her "perfect guy" has ulterior motives. As the clock ticks down on New Year's Eve, she must fight to keep her murdered ex-boyfriend's secrets or find herself dead.
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La danza di Venere

Una giovane ballerina (Crawford) approda a Broadway e deve scegliere tra due innamorati, un ricco play boy e il direttore del suo spettacolo
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La danza di Venere


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Winnie The Pooh - 123 Alla Scoperta Dei Numeri

Una festa per imparare a contare. Christopher Robin ha invitato Winnie The Pooh, Ro e tutti i suoi amici a un picnic dove ogni ospite deve portare 10 cose da offrire e dividere con gli altri ospiti della festa. Ma quante sono 10 cose? L’impaziente Ro, con la sua curiosita d’imparare, s'imbarca subito in questo viaggio verso il Mondo dei Numeri, e in compagnia di Tigro va alla scoperta del concetto di calcolo e delle tecniche più semplici per memorizzare. alla fine di questa sua proficua giornata di apprendimento, Ro sorprendera tutti quanti, persino se stesso con i suoi speciali doni per la festa.
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Winnie The Pooh - 123 Alla Scoperta Dei Numeri


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Groot fa il bagno

(Quarto cortometraggio). Tutti hanno bisogno di un po' di tempo da soli per rilassarsi e lavarsi, ma le cose vanno in modo molto diverso quando sei un piccolo Flora Colossi.
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Groot fa il bagno


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Le notti erotiche dell'uomo invisibile

Young doctor Garondet is summoned by renowned Professor Orloff. At Orloff's castle, Garondet discovers that the mad scientist has created an invisible yet murderous apeman.
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Le notti erotiche dell'uomo invisibile


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Through a haze of smoke, coke, and booze; possible futures, pasts, and presents coalesce chaos inside the mind of a man drifting directionless through life. When your future calls, what will you have to say?
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