打開我天空 (2016)

(9) basato su 1 voti
Data di uscita
mag 26, 2016
01h 34m
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Film Simili a 打開我天空

Six Children and One Grandfather

David McDoll is a selfish and wealthy man living an enviable lifestyle in his large villa and collecting fancy cars. However, his life is about to be changed forever when he inherits his six grandchildren. His glamorous lifestyle quickly becomes complete chaos. But he will learn a valuable lesson that teaches him about placing family first and discovering a newfound appreciation for life.
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Six Children and One Grandfather


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Amici miei - Atto II°

Gli amici si ritrovano sulla tomba del Perozzi e rievocano alcuni dei loro scherzi, tra cui far reggere la Torre di Pisa ai turisti e ingannare un usuraio. Il conte Mascetti, il geometra Melandri, il chirurgo Sassaroli, l'oste Necchi non hanno perso il gusto per le zingarate, nemmeno in occasione dei funerali del quinto sodale, il giornalista Perozzi. Senza timori reverenziali per niente e per nessuno (la Chiesa, la tragica alluvione dell'Arno del 1966), ogni occasione viene sfruttata per feroci beffe, anche fra di loro, nuove di zecca o rievocate. Sette anni dopo il primo fortunatissimo capitolo, la vena degli sceneggiatori e della regia non si è esaurita, e il film vale il precedente, graffiante, sorretto da uno humour crudele che spesso vira al nero. E gli attori sono sempre in gran forma.
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Amici miei - Atto II°


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You Can Call Me Bill

Captain Kirk. T.J. Hooker. Denny Crane. Big Giant Head. Alexander the Great. Henry V. Priceline’s Negotiator. These are but a handful of the innumerable masks worn by William Shatner over seven extraordinary decades onstage and in front of the camera. A peerless maverick thespian, electrifying performer, and international cultural treasure, Bill (as he prefers to be called), now 91 years young, is the living embodiment of his classic line “to boldly go where no man has gone before.” In unprecedented fashion, You Can Call Me Bill strips away all the masks he has worn to embody countless characters, revealing the man behind it all.
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Jura is 23 years old - and Lena is 23. They live in Budennovsk, play computer games, walk and learn. They live in a city where Shamil Basayev entered 23 years ago with militants, and know almost nothing about the events of that time.
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Six Men Getting Sick

Lynch's first film project consists of a loop of six people vomiting projected on to a special sculptured screen featuring twisted three-dimensional faces.
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Cattivissimo me: Banana

I Minions litigano per una deliziosa banana.. ma è tutto quello che vogliono?!
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Return to Horror Hotel

Return to Horror Hotel is an anthology feature with 4 segments. One is about giant a bedbugs, one is about a magical charm that turns girls beautiful, one is about a WWII sailor who hasn't aged and one is about a terrorizing severed hand.
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Return to Horror Hotel


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Beethoven 5

Stavolta Beethoven disseppellisce una vecchia banconota da dieci dollari, e quando il paese intuisce che la moneta sia parte di un tesoro sepolto chissà dove, spera che Beethoven possa aiutarli a recuperarlo, con il suo fiuto...
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Beethoven 5


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Scommessa con la morte

L'ispettore Harry Callaghan deve indagare su una serie di omicidi, che si rivelano collegati al gioco a premi di un canale televisivo. Con l'aiuto di una giornalista e di un giovane poliziotto cinese, Callaghan riesce finalmente ad individuare l'autore dei delitti.
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Scommessa con la morte


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Indu makes her boyfriend Krishna act like her friend Bhoomi's lover so that her family will stop searching for a groom. However, their lives takes a turn when Bhoomi falls in love with Krishna.
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Ancora 48 ore

Negli ultimi quattro anni, l'agente Jack Cates è stato sulle tracce di un non meglio identificato trafficante di droga che si fa chiamare "Ice Man". Durante un conflitto a fuoco con un gruppo di scagnozzi di Ice Man, Jack finisce per ucciderne uno. Tuttavia le prove che la vittima era armata ed aveva sparato per prima non si trovano e Jack viene sospeso dal servizio. A questo punto se Jack non riesce a catturare entro 48 ore l'imprendibile Ice Man, finirà in carcere. Jack riesce a ottenere la scarcerazione di Reggie Hammond, che in precedenza l'aveva aiutato in un'altra indagine, e che si dimostra abbastanza a conoscenza dei segreti di Ice Man. Dopo una serie di rocambolesche vicende seguendo un'unica pista, i due uomini riescono a confrontarsi con Ice Man e ad avere la meglio. Reggie finalmente è in libertà, mentre Jack può continuare a lavorare come poliziotto temuto e rispettato.
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Ancora 48 ore


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Ritorno a Halloweentown

Marnie è un’ apprendista strega che sta per iscriversi alla Witch University di Halloweentown all’insaputa della madre. La ragazza, infatti, è stufa di dover nascondere i propri poteri. In questo nuovo ambiente, e in compagnia del fratello minore Dylan, dovrà affrontare un serie di difficoltà impreviste.
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Ritorno a Halloweentown


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Never in My Life!

Judyta is a middle-aged housewife whose peaceful life suddenly falls apart due to divorce. But soon she finds the strength to carry on fighting for her happiness, a place in the sun and love of her life.
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Never in My Life!


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Il ritorno di Ringo

Dopo aver combattuto con l'esercito unionista durante la Guerra di Secessione, Ringo torna a casa e scopre che la città è in mano ai banditi che, nel frattempo, gli hanno anche rapito moglie e figlia.
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Il ritorno di Ringo


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Mojin: Return to the South China Sea

After washing his hands, Hu Bayi helped his friend Uncle Ming go to the South China Sea to salvage the pearls. Unexpectedly, he encountered a shipwreck and fell to the bottom of the sea, but accidentally found a thousand-year-old ruins of an ancient country that sank at the bottom of the sea. They went through many hardships and dangers at the bottom of the sea, and finally united to defeat the deep-sea beasts, and cleverly used the equipment in the ruins to escape.
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Mojin: Return to the South China Sea


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Seeking refuge from the law, teen poet Stella tells of the mysterious disappearance of her highschool lover Sebastian and the strange deed she was compelled to perform
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Un amore per sempre

In this Janette Oke sequel to "Love Comes Softly," the eldest child in an 1800s frontier family, Missie Davis is a bright and beautiful elementary schoolteacher whose love for the prairie is matched only by her passion for books. When Missie encounters Grant, a handsome New England railroad executive, she feels as though she's met a hero from one of her novels.
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Un amore per sempre


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Angelica e il gran sultano

Rapita da Escrainvilla e da Corano, Angelica è ad Algeri nelle mani di un certo Mezzo Morte, che rifornisce l'harem del re del Marocco. Con l'aiuto di due schiavi cristiani, la donna riesce a fuggire, ma è inseguita dagli uomini del sovrano che la vogliono uccidere. Sarà salvata dal marito in cambio del segreto per fondere l'oro, e con lui potrà mettersi alla ricerca dei due figli, anch'essi rapiti...
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Angelica e il gran sultano


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I visitatori 2 - Ritorno al passato

Il matrimonio fra il nobile Goffredo de Montemirail e la bella erede della casata Frenegonde è ormai imminente. Solo all'ultimo momento si scopre che i gioielli della famiglia del cavaliere sono scomparsi: c'è tra questi la preziosissima reliquia che da sempre assicura fertilità e prosperità alla famiglia. Dopo i primi momenti di panico, si capisce che i gioielli sono stati dimenticati nel XX secolo durante il precedente viaggio spazio-tempo effettuato da Goffredo. Questi dunque si vede costretto a ripercorrere il viaggio dal Medioevo alla fine del 1900.
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I visitatori 2 - Ritorno al passato


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George & Mildred

Big screen spin-off of the Seventies sitcom. Mildred Roper is determined to make husband George celebrate their wedding anniversary in style, at a posh hotel in London. However, upon arrival George is mistaken by a gangland criminal for a rival hitman, and soon the Ropers find themselves up to their necks in trouble on the wrong side of the law!
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George & Mildred


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Puddle Cruiser

A student falls in love with a fellow student who is defending his buddies in university court. He "proves his love" (more like his masculinity) to her by playing rugby against her ex-boyfriend.
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Puddle Cruiser


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Borrowed Bride

Ali is 18. His feet are firmly off the ground. The very idea of marriage seems like a game. But the bride's parents are ready and willing. Business ventures will be set up between the families; the arrangement will pay off all round. Ali, meanwhile, is more interested in playing with puppets and dressing up as a rooster for the travelling theatre. His fiancée has only so much patience... So what should his parents do? What was that? Hire a Borrowed Bride? Meaning exactly what? Well just that: borrow a bride, as the title of the film suggests......
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Main Theme

A kindergarten teacher meets a novice magician and together they travel to another city to find love.
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Main Theme


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Kaguya-sama Final: Love Is War

After years of intense mental battle, the war between Kaguya and Shirogane heads towards its crashing end. Who will be the first to admit their love?
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Big Tits Sisters

Jin-woo, who attends a physical school, visits the home of Min-cheol, a physical education teacher in high school who lives outside the city for vacation. Office worker Soo-hyun, now a college student, Soo-hee, and Min-cheol, who greet Jin-woo with two daughters. A few days later, Min-cheol went on a business trip due to a local seminar. I am sorry to Jin-woo and leave the house. That evening, Soo-hyun got drunk late at night. Complaining over the grievances of office workers. He seduces Jin-woo, saying it's been a long time since he met a man. The next day, Soo-hee approaches Jin-woo after finishing her workout. She says her dad is annoying and doesn't tell her well, and asks her how to stretch. Naturally, she started tempting Jin-woo because she saw her doing with her sister while the skin ship was coming and going.​
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Big Tits Sisters


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