Uma Rapariga da sua Idade (2015)

(6,5) basato su 4 voti
Data di uscita
apr 29, 2015
01h 25m
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Film Simili a Uma Rapariga da sua Idade

Sharknado 4

Cinque anni dopo che uno sharknado si è abbattuto sulla costa dell'Est, Fin, la sua famiglia e l'intero cosmo hanno vissuto in serenità senza nessun pericolo all'orizzonte. Quando il passato sembra essere oramai definitivamente sepolto, un nuovo attacco di squali "volanti" si presenta in luoghi (e modi) del tutto inaspettati.
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Sharknado 4


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Scooby-Doo! and the Sea Monsters

The scares start in Hawaii, where Scooby-Doo and Shaggy are scarfing down the surf-and-turf menu until a giant serpent tries to swallow them faster than you can say She Sees Sea Monsters by the Seashore. In Uncle Scooby and Antarctica, a friendly penguin invites the Mystery, Inc. crew to visit his polar home, which happens to be haunted by an ice ghost! Then, the gang meets music group Smash Mouth while visiting Australia's Great Barrier Reef to watch Shaggy and Scooby compete in a sand castle contest in Reef Grief! Just when they think it's safe to go back in the water... it isn't.
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Scooby-Doo! and the Sea Monsters


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“Whatever falls from heaven, you may keep.” So goes the unwritten law of the Kazakh steppes. A law avidly adhered to by the inhabitants of a small village, who collect the space debris that falls downrange from the nearby Baikonur space station. The last two youthful members of the village are the radio operator Iskander, known as Gagarin, and the spirited Nazira. While Nazira finds it increasing difficult to conceal her love for Iskander by means of her unconventional behaviour, Iskander is evidently not only crazy about Baikonur and the vastness of outer space, but also deeply smitten with the beautiful French astronaut Julie Mahé, whose journey to the stars he wistfully follows on television.
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Zombie Fight Club

It's the end of the century at a corner of the city in a building riddled with crime - Everyone in the building has turned into zombies. After Jenny's boyfriend is killed in a zombie attack, she faces the challenge of surviving in the face of adversity. In order to stay alive, she struggles with Andy to flee danger.
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The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Parte 2

Bella si sveglia trasformata. Ora è madre e vampiro. Il suo autocontrollo è stupefacente, così come la sua forza fisica. Per paradossale che sia, non si è mai sentita più viva. Deve, però, fare i conti con l'imprinting di Jacob su sua figlia Renesmee e rimandare quelli con Charlie, che chiede spiegazioni che non può avere. Ma il vero pericolo arriva quando la piccola viene scambiata per una bambina immortale, ovvero un'umana trasformata, troppo pericolosa per essere lasciata in vita, a causa della sete da neonato e dell'incapacità di mantenere la segretezza. La notizia, sebbene menzognera, giunge ai Volturi, che raccolgono le forze per sbarazzarsi per sempre del clan dei Cullen.
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The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Parte 2


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Forty-something Leon is an alcoholic, ex-special forces barely scraping by when he's hired by a mobster to protect his 16 year old daughter. Not only does Leon have to clean up his act, but also handle the romantic advances of his ward and the keen attention of his dangerous employers.
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Iconic imageries and moments of strange magic in California.
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Scooby-Doo! and the Werewolves

DVD compilation of three werewolf-themed episodes from various Scooby-Doo series; Scooby-Doo, Where Are You!: Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Werewolf, Scooby-Doo and Scrappy-Doo: Where's the Werewolf, and A Pup Named Scooby-Doo: The Were-Doo of Doo Manor.
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Scooby-Doo! and the Werewolves


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I ragazzi di Dicembre

Sono nati tutti nello stesso mese ed è per questo che l’orfanotrofio li chiama “i ragazzi di dicembre”. Ma questi adolescenti - Maps, Spit, Spark e Misty – hanno molto di più in comune. Senza alcuna speranza di poter avere un giorno una famiglia, ne creano una tutta loro. Un giorno però arriva la notizia inaspettata di una giovane coppia che potrebbe adottare uno di loro e allora, quei ragazzi che hanno sempre condiviso l’amicizia, improvvisamente si trovano a condividere qualcos’altro: la rivalità nel tentativo di essere scelti.
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I ragazzi di Dicembre


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Signed, Sealed, Delivered: Lost Without You

Oliver's Divine Delivery Theory is put to the test when he and the POstables seem to be unable to deliver a damaged letter from a military veteran that's a matter of life and death.
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Signed, Sealed, Delivered: Lost Without You


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Guided by the Word

A child's Sunday School Bible. A broken relationship between an adopted daughter and her parents that spans 25 years. A mother who only wants to forgive - and be forgiven. On her death bed, Abigail asks her husband Steven to find their estranged daughter, forgive her and ask her forgiveness. Steven makes the journey from Kentucky to California to fulfill that wish - and to give his adopted daughter the Bible she left behind so many years ago. Along the way, Joseph meets a mysterious hitchhiker who may very well hold the secret of the journey's end. On the way, we learn that every journey needs a guide and that Steven will be "Guided by the Word."
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Guided by the Word


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Eminem Behind the Lyrics

Rapper, record producer and songwriter Marshall Bruce Mathers III, commonly known as Eminem was born in 1972 in Kansas City, USA. Having sold over 100 million albums worldwide, he is regarded as one of the best selling artists in the world and has been previously ranked as the best selling artist of the 2000's. Eminem burst on to the US charts in 1999 with a controversial take on the hip hop subgenre, horrorcore. His first major label debut album Slim Shady EP contains a provocative fest of violent, twisted lyrics and is claimed to be written from the perspective of his alter ego Slim Shady. While offending an array of individuals and various other artists named in his album lead him to become one of the biggest starts on the planet. Eminem isn't just about controversy and shock value. The often misunderstood major talent has given white rappers credibility with his string of Grammy nominations , his critically acclaimed film 8 mile and three multiplatinum studio albums.
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Eminem Behind the Lyrics


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Young and Dangerous 5

Although Chicken does not make an appearance, Chan Ho Nam finds a new love interest in the form of Mei Ling. Meanwhile, Tung Sing returns to cause trouble again for Hung Hing, in the form of new leader Szeto Ho Nam.
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Young and Dangerous 5


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The fresh president of Hungary find himself in trouble with taxi drivers. The taxi drives are disappointed in the democracy and protesting against the drasticly raising gas prices. The drivers build blockades all over the capital.
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Lee Evans: Access All Arenas

Features all of the hilarious moments taken from the Lee Evan's arena tours including - 'Wired & Wonderful - Live At Wembley' (2002), 'XL Tour 2005' and 'Big - Live At The 02' (2008), all introduced by Lee himself. Plus an exclusive interview - 'Lee Evans Even Closer' with Phil Jupitus recorded for the DVD as well as the best of 'Live In Scotland' (1998). There will also be a very special recordin
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Lee Evans: Access All Arenas


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Welcome to L.A.

The lives of a group of Hollywood neurotics intersect over the Christmas holidays. Foremost among them, a songwriter visits Los Angeles to work on a singer's album. The gig, unbeknownst to him, is being bankrolled by his estranged father, a dairy magnate, who hopes to reunite with his son. When the songwriter meets an eccentric housewife who fancies herself a modern-day Garbo, his world of illusions comes crashing down.
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Welcome to L.A.


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Mystery 101: Diploma in omicidi

Amy non riesce a credere che un suo collega, uno studioso di Mark Twain, abbia avvelenato un professore per avere la prima stesura del romanzo Huck Finn. Determinata a provarne l'innocenza, Amy chiede aiuto al detective Travis, il cui predecessore è colui che ha arrestato il suo amico. Amy non è però l'unica a sostenere l'innocenza dell'uomo: una donna che sta scrivendo un libro sul caso lo collega a un altro simile in cui un docente è morto avvelenato dopo aver accusato uno studente di plagio.
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Mystery 101: Diploma in omicidi


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A group of professional con artists scam poor, unsuspecting citizens with fraudulent bank loans. The scams go well for a while, but then they begin to distrust each other.
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Vaya par de gemelas

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Vaya par de gemelas


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... E divenne il più spietato bandito del sud

Billy Bonney, trovandosi occasionalmente testimone dell'aggressione a sua madre da parte di un malvivente, è costretto ad intervenire uccidendo l'aggressore. Il pericolo di una vendetta da parte dei potenti fratelli dell'ucciso, induce il ragazzo ad allontanarsi dal paese, consigliato in questo anche da Pat Garrett, grande amico di suo padre. Ma uno dei fratelli della sua vittima lo raggiunge e Billy ancora una volta deve uccidere per legittima difesa. Ormai, anche senza volerlo, la sua fama di imbattibile pistolero si diffonde e quando sta per iniziare una vita più tranquilla - resa felice dall'amicizia di Tunstall, un pacifico allevatore, e dall'amore della figlia di questi - l'uccisione del suo benefattore lo costringe a divenire un bandito.
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... E divenne il più spietato bandito del sud


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Lanny & Wayne - Buoni vs. Cattivi

Natale si sta avvicinando, ma la tecnologia che regola la distribuzione dei regali è caduta tra le mani di un giovane hacker che vuole trasformare le festività in un gigantesco caos; i due piccoli elfi Lanny e Wayne dovranno cercare di riappropriarsene e per riuscire nella missione chiederanno aiuto a Noel, un folletto dinamitardo che nasconde un segreto.
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Lanny & Wayne - Buoni vs. Cattivi


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El Quijote de Miguel de Cervantes

Miniseries version of the first half of Cervantes' famous novel.
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El Quijote de Miguel de Cervantes


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Fathom - In profondità

Due biologhe e un’impresa colossale: lo studio delle balene e del loro sistema di comunicazione. Le dottoresse Michelle Fournet e Ellen Garland viaggiano in emisferi opposti alla scoperta di una cultura molto più antica della nostra.
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Fathom - In profondità


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Colpo di fulmine

Characters on book covers come to life, including Porky and Daffy. The "Wolf of Wall Street" chases Daffy through "The Hurricane," "The Storm" and across "The Bridge of San Luis Rey" before expiring in "For Whom the Bell Tolls."
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Colpo di fulmine


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