The Rescuers (2011)

(8) basato su 1 voti
Data di uscita
gen 05, 2011
01h 45m
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Film Simili a The Rescuers

Alien: Harvest

The surviving crew of a damaged space harvester has a motion sensor as their only navigation tool leading them to safety, while a creature in the shadows terrorizes them. However, the greatest threat might have been hiding in plain sight.
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Alien: Harvest


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Doraemon: Il film - Nobita e la grande avventura in Antartide

Non sopportando più il caldo dell'estate, Doraemon trasporta Nobita e i suoi amici in un enorme iceberg galleggiante nel Pacifico meridionale. Durante la creazione di un parco divertimento, trovano nel ghiaccio un misterioso anello d'oro che scoprono essere stato sepolto in Antartide cento mila anni prima. Doraemon e il resto del gruppo si dirigono allora al Polo Sud alla ricerca del proprietario dell'anello e si imbattono nelle rovine di un'enorme città sepolta dal ghiaccio. Grazie ai poteri di Doraemon, il gruppo viaggia nel tempo e giunge a dieci mila anni prima e fa la conoscenza della giovane Kara, collegata al misterioso anello.
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Doraemon: Il film - Nobita e la grande avventura in Antartide


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Innamorarsi a Bora Bora

Durante un viaggio da sogno a Bora Bora Valentine decide di rivelare i suoi sentimenti a Jérôme, collega e amico, di cui è da sempre invaghita.
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Innamorarsi a Bora Bora


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Sleight - Magia

Un giovane mago di strada è costretto a prendersi cura della sorellina dopo la scomparsa della madre. Si rivolge così al mondo dello spaccio di droga per far soldi ma si ritrova ben presto nei guai con il suo fornitore. Quando la sorella viene rapita, egli deve fare affidamento alla sua intelligenza e ai giochi di prestigio per salvarla.
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Future World

A young boy searches a future world wasteland for a rumored cure for his dying mother.
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Future World


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Alien: Ore

When her shift uncovers the death of a fellow miner under mysterious circumstances, a hard-working miner of a planet mining colony is forced to choose between escape or defying management orders and fight for the safety of her family.
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Alien: Ore


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Detective vs. Sleuths

When Hong Kong is rocked by multiple gruesome murders, the police forms a task force to investigate. Jun, once a brilliant detective who suffered a mental breakdown, begins his own investigation. Eventually, the police learn that the murder victims are all suspects of cold cases being rubbed out by a figure known as "The Sleuth". Now, Jun and a detective from the task force are on a race against time to beat the brutal killer at its own game.
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Multishow ao Vivo: Vanessa da Mata

Multishow ao Vivo: Vanessa da Mata is a live album and DVD from Brazilian singer Vanessa da Mata, produced by the channel Multishow. Multishow ao Vivo was recorded live at the historic town of Paraty, and brings in the repertoire songs that marked the career of da Mata.
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Rate Me

A portrait of teen escort, 'Coco'.
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Rate Me


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Ian was born with cerebral palsy. All he wants is to make friends, although it seems impossible to achieve when discrimination and bullying keep him away from his beloved playground. However, this young boy is determined and won't give up easily. The emotional animated short film shares a story about a boy with a disability called IAN. Ian's mother created IAN foundation to fight against the lack of information and knowledge that often lead people with disabilities to be bullied and isolated. The short Ian rises from the need and goal of this foundation to reach every home with an inclusion message. Sheila, Ian's Foundation founder and works to make society understand that when talking about inclusion there is no time to waste. This award-winning film was written and produced by Gastón Gorali and Oscar winner Juan José Campanella's Buenos Aires-based animation studio took home the top prize at LA Shorts International Film Festival and several major international awards.
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Rewind 3: The Final Chapter

An unfortunate highschooler finds an ancient book that summons Allentown's deadliest maniacs back from the dead.
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Rewind 3: The Final Chapter


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Five friends on a small airplane mysteriously lose their radio connection on a trip from New York to LA. As they continue their flight, they're forced to assume that a major disaster happened on the ground. They discover a stowaway, Erik, who urges them not to land at any cost. Before they run out of fuel, they must find out the truth.
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Inhebek Hedi

La Tunisia sta cambiando, ma Hedi, un ragazzo tranquillo, non si aspetta molto dal futuro e lascia che siano gli altri a decidere per lui. Girovagando per il paese incontra Rim, una giovane animatrice di un resort con la quale Hedi intreccia un'appassionata storia d'amore.
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Inhebek Hedi


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Dio non ti odia

Una giovane fanciulla contrae una rara e mortale malattia. Al villaggio nessuno può curarla, allora il frate ordina di allontanarla dalla comunità, prima che possa contagiare tutti. Unica speranza di poter salvare la giovane è farla visitare da un misterioso guaritore pagano che vive in isolamento sulla montagna che sovrasta il piccolo villaggio.
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Dio non ti odia


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Sundance Skippy

'Skippy' seeks to win the love of celebrities and a women by getting his photograph taken with as many famous people as possible.
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Sundance Skippy


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Marriage Story: From the Pages to the Performances

Join Oscar nominated filmmaker Noah Baumbach, and Oscar nominees Scarlett Johansson, Adam Driver and Laura Dern, as we take an intimate look at bringing the pages of Marriage Story to life.
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Marriage Story: From the Pages to the Performances


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The Last Dragonslayer

In a fantasy world where magic is being superceded by technology, an orphaned teen discovers her destiny to become a dragonslayer.
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The Last Dragonslayer


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Ayyappanum Koshiyum

The story revolves around the clash between Ayyappan, a senior police officer who serves at the Attappadi Police Station and Havildar Koshi, who comes to the village with a motive.
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Ayyappanum Koshiyum


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Amore in safari

Kira eredita una riserva naturale in Sudafrica. Decide allora di recarsi sul posto per incontrare Tom, il capo dei ranger. Ha così modo di scoprire che la riserva è vicina al tracollo economico e che potrebbe doverla vendere al rivale di suo zio. Tuttavia, Tom cercherà di incoraggiarla a salvare la riserva portandola in un safari con la speranza che si innamori della terra, degli animali e, perché no, di lui.
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Amore in safari


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Mifune: The Last Samurai

An account of the life and work of legendary Japanese actor Toshirō Mifune (1920-97), the most prominent actor of the Golden Age of Japanese cinema.
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Mifune: The Last Samurai


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Slightly Terrific

A manufacturer and an impresario (who has promised some young people he will stage their show) are twin brothers causes a lot of confusion when the manufacturer is mistaken for his no-money brother.
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Slightly Terrific


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Bed Bugs

Burned out and lonely Rocky is almost 50 years old and has seen better times as a womanizer. One day, Thorben shows up at his door claiming to be his son. He is trying to get advice on how to be successful with women.
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Bed Bugs


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Dominion: Prequel to The Exorcist

Il primo incontro tra Satana e il giovane prete Lankester Merrin che ritrova la fede. La storia è ambientata anni prima della lotta tra padre Merrin e il demone mitologico assiro Pazuzu per salvare l'anima della piccola Regan MacNeil da quest'ultimo. Padre Lankester Merrin è in viaggio in Turkana, località della Kenya nell'Africa Orientale, intenzionato a ritrovare la fede perduta dopo le brutalità subite durante Seconda guerra mondiale in un Campo di Concentramento dei Paesi Bassi. In tale continente si unisce ad un gruppo di archeologi che hanno ritrovato un'antica chiesa sepolta da secoli. Aperta questa rovina viene però liberato il demonio vero e proprio, ovvero Lucifero.
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Dominion: Prequel to The Exorcist


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The Square Jungle

Grocery clerk Eddie Quaid, in danger of losing his father to alcoholism and his girl Julie through lack of career prospects, goes into boxing.
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The Square Jungle


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Le souffle du dragon

In Reims, a group of women meet every week aboard a strange boat with a dragon head. Sandrine, Rose-Marie, Poups and Fanny don't know each other, but they all have in common that they have been fighting breast cancer. On the advice of their oncologist, Dr. Cuvelier, they will row to prevent recurrence, to rebuild themselves physically and morally, but also to exorcise the fear that lives inside them.
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Le souffle du dragon


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Quattro vite

Quattro diversi momenti della vita di quattro personaggi femminili. La giovane Sandra si trasferisce a Parigi ma va incontro a un disastro. L'adolescente Karine vive una successione infinita di fughe, avventure amorose e contrattempi, perché qualsiasi cosa è meglio della sua desolata casa di famiglia. La piccola Kiki è al centro di una tragedia nata come un semplice gioco a nascondino. Una donna adulta, infine, crede di essere al sicuro dal suo passato quando gli eventi la smentiscono. A poco a poco i quattro personaggi finiranno per rivelarsi come le differenti facce della stessa donna.
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Quattro vite


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Dead Water

When a relaxing getaway turns deadly, a former Marine must risk his life once again to save his wife and best friend from a modern day pirate; all the while trying to hold himself together as he faces the ghosts of the war he left behind.
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Dead Water


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Casa privata per le SS

Top Nazi officials, intent on rooting out traitors and those in the military who may be plotting to overthrow Adolf Hitler, recruit and train a group of beautiful prostitutes whose mission is to use any means necessary to uncover plots against the Fuhrer.
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Casa privata per le SS


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False Movement

Victor feels adrift. Uprooted by his mother from Paris to his new home in Quebec City, he's still reeling from the recent death of his father. One day while skipping class, Victor stumbles upon a classmate's suicide.
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False Movement


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Women on the Run

Vera has lived a wonderful life with Jindrich, and she is fully determined to fulfill his last wish - running a marathon. The emancipated and spirited mother of three daughters doesn't think that doing so will be a problem. She and her daughters will split up the route into four parts, and they'll overcome the over 42-kilometer-long challenge as a family relay team. Of course, the fact that neither of them has ever ran even a meter poses no problem.
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Women on the Run


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La mano

Jonathan Lansdale (Michael Caine), un disegnatore di fumetti, perde la mano destra in un incidente stradale e non può più disegnare. La vita gli si disgrega intorno, tra apparenti allucinazioni e una realtà sempre più inaccettabile. Misteriosamente, la mano mancante che non era stata ritrovata nel luogo dell’incidente si rifà viva con modalità inaspettate: infatti sembra vivere di vita propria e uccide le persone che hanno contrariato Jonathan. Nel mirino dell’arto amputato entra anche la moglie dell’ex disegnatore, che dopo avergli comunicato la sua intenzione di lasciarlo vuole togliergli anche la figlia.
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La mano


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To nab a sales manager who's at large after murdering his family, a detective investigates the man's colleagues, who seem to be hiding something.
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Vita & Virginia

La relazione tra Vita Sackville-West e Virgina Woolf, dal loro incontro alla sublimazione del loro amore in “Orlando”, considerato una delle opere fondamentali del XX secolo e della cultura queer. Celebrazione audace di un legame non convenzionale e una vivida esplorazione di genere, sessualità, creatività e passione,” Vita & Virginia” racconta in dettaglio la storia d’amore di due donne – due scrittrici – che hanno sfidato le barriere sociali per stare insieme.
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Vita & Virginia


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