HottieBoombaLottie (2008)

(4,6) basato su 5 voti
Data di uscita
giu 21, 2008
01h 20m
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Film Simili a HottieBoombaLottie

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes - Il ritorno degli Avengers

Quando Ultron s'impossessa dell'armatura di Iron Man, i Vendicatori si affrettano a soccorrere l'amico e fermare un piano diabolico per conquistare il mondo.
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LEGO Marvel Super Heroes - Il ritorno degli Avengers


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Skal - Fight for Survival

My name's Arthur, a huge Internet star who's just hit 3 million subs. While in the midst of throwing an epic party to celebrate, the universe had the balls to bring on the effing apocalypse and cut my night short. What was supposed to be a perfect hangover, has turned into an epic fight for survival.
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Skal - Fight for Survival


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Freud's Last Session

Alla vigilia della Seconda Guerra Mondiale, due delle più grandi menti del XX secolo, C.S. Lewis e Sigmund Freud, si incontrano per la loro personale battaglia sull'esistenza di Dio. Il film intreccia le vite di Freud e Lewis, nel passato, nel presente e attraverso la fantasia, uscendo dai confini dello studio di Freud in un viaggio dinamico.
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Freud's Last Session


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Nel 1963 l'attivista Bayard Rustin organizza a Washington una marcia, contribuendo a cambiare il corso della storia dei diritti civili e scontrandosi con razzismo e omofobia.
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The Painter

Un ex agente della CIA viene catapultato in un mondo pericoloso quando una donna misteriosa del suo passato riemerge. Ora smascherato e preso di mira da un killer implacabile e da un programma di operazioni segrete canaglia, deve fare affidamento sulle abilità che pensava di aver lasciato indietro in un gioco di sopravvivenza ad alto rischio.
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The Painter


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Kamen Rider SD: Strange?! Kumo Otoko

"Kamen Rider SD: Strange!? Kumo Otoko" is an animated OVA based on the gag manga Kamen Rider SD: Hurricane Legend. This cute and comedic short movie features chibi versions of the Showa Era Kamen Riders, as they team up against the evil GranShocker organization , while Kamen Rider Black RX tries to confess his love to female sports instructor Michiru.
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Kamen Rider SD: Strange?! Kumo Otoko


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After the Pandemic

Set in a post-apocalyptic world where a global airborne pandemic has wiped out 90% of the Earth's population and only the young and immune have endured as scavengers. For Ellie and Quinn, the daily challenges to stay alive are compounded when they become hunted by the merciless Stalkers.
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After the Pandemic


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Survive the Game

Quando il poliziotto David viene ferito in un reato di droga andato storto, il suo partner Cal insegue i due criminali che gli hanno sparato. Atterrano tutti in una remota fattoria di proprietà del travagliato veterinario Eric, e mentre Cal ed Eric pianificano la loro difesa, arrivano altri membri della banda, insieme a un David ferito. In inferiorità numerica, i tre eroi devono usare furtività, intelligenza e buone sparatorie per sconfiggere la mafia spacciatrice.
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Survive the Game


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The Battle at Lake Changjin

Korean War, winter 1950. In the frozen and snowy area of Changjin Lake, a bloody battle is about to begin between the elite troops of the United States and China.
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The Battle at Lake Changjin


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For frihed og ret

Trama non disponibile
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For frihed og ret


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The No Man Zone. The Movie

What will happen if, as a result of biological warfare, almost the entire male population dies out? Women will grieve (for a short time), and then they will unite and create a new better world - with eco-towns, renewable energy, opportunities to do whatever they want, even science and biohacking, even yoga and self-development. Reproduction now occurs by artificial insemination, and only girls are born in the new world. But not everyone likes such a world order. Some of the surviving men and women loyal to them go to live in abandoned cities, begin to steal electricity, enjoying freedom and traditional sex. The tranquility of the ideally arranged female world is threatened when teacher Rada from the eco-city "Two Hills" meets the young "primate" Hera outside it.
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The No Man Zone. The Movie


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Sayen - La terra ha sete

Dopo gli eventi del primo film, Sayen arriva nel deserto di Atacama alla ricerca di una pista nella sua missione contro Actaeon, l'organizzazione multinazionale responsabile della tragica perdita della sua famiglia e della distruzione degli ecosistemi in tutto il Cile.
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Sayen - La terra ha sete


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Dane ‘Marbles’ Marbeck can see ghosts, thanks to a homemade drug: his late father’s neurological medication mixed with marijuana. Officer Jayson Tagg, a wannabe super-cop on the trail of a serial killer, ends up murdered. So when Marbles’ mum plans to sell the family farm, and the only way of buying the house off her is taking the money offered by Tagg in exchange for his help, Marbles accepts. The unlikely duo of stoner medium and ghost cop struggle to reconcile their differences while they navigate their way through ghouls, perverts, a mysterious hooded figure, and an unexpected shot at love. It becomes clear the only way Marbles and Tagg will solve the case with their souls intact is to confront their deepest regrets and overcome their prejudices.
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An expert hacker is targeted by a sentient AI after she realizes the threat it poses, and she must try to stay off its radar long enough to stop it.
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LEGO DC Super Heroes: Aquaman e la Justice League

Aquaman deve combattere i nemici in aria, sulla terraferma e nelle profondità dei Sette Mari, con l'aiuto della Justice League, per salvare la giornata.
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LEGO DC Super Heroes: Aquaman e la Justice League


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It's a Wonderful Knife

Winnie's life is less than wonderful one year after saving her town from a psychotic killer on Christmas Eve. When she wishes she was never born, she finds herself magically transported to a nightmarish parallel universe. With the murderous maniac now back, she must team up with a misfit to identify the culprit and get back to her own reality.
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It's a Wonderful Knife


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Night of the Hunted

When an unsuspecting woman stops at a remote gas station in the dead of night, she's made the plaything of a sociopath sniper with a secret vendetta. To survive, she must not only dodge his bullets and fight for her life, but also figure out who wants her dead and why.
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Night of the Hunted


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Love, Classified

La scrittrice di romanzi rosa, Emilia, torna a casa dopo una lunga assenza, per riconnettersi con i suoi figli che stanno anche trovando la propria strada per amare.
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Love, Classified


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Monkeyshines, No. 1

Experimental film made to test the original cylinder format of the Kinetoscope and believed to be the first film shot in the United States. It shows a blurry figure in white standing in one place making large gestures and is only a few seconds long.
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Monkeyshines, No. 1


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L'ira di Becky

A 2 anni di distanza dalla tragica morte del padre, Becky è sempre più esperta nel maneggiare armi e capace di affrontare una nuova "home invasion". Se per di più i criminali le rapiscono il cane, nessuno può più fermarla.
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L'ira di Becky


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Disastro a Cloudy Mountain

Nei pressi della città di Yunjiang si stanno ultimando i lavori di un tunnel per l’alta velocità. Gli ingegneri, al termine delle lavorazioni, rilevano delle inaspettate anomalie sulla pericolosità del sito e sospettano un’imminente catastrofe nel giro di poche ore. La montagna inizia a franare e l’obiettivo primario sarà salvare la popolazione dal disastro ambientale che coinvolgerebbe l’intera cittadina: la natura si ribella e lo spettacolo si trasforma in un crescendo di distruzione totale.
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Disastro a Cloudy Mountain


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Last Shoot Out

Soon after a newlywed learns that her husband had her father shot down, she flees from the Callahan ranch in fear. She's rescued by a gunman who safeguards her at a remote outpost as he staves off her husband's attempts to reclaim his bride.
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Last Shoot Out


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Il tuo Natale o il mio?

Gli studenti Hayley e James sono giovani e innamorati. Dopo essersi salutati per Natale in una stazione ferroviaria di Londra, entrambi prendono la stessa folle decisione di scambiarsi il treno e di farsi una sorpresa. Incrociandosi nella stazione, sono completamente ignari di essersi appena scambiati il Natale.
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Il tuo Natale o il mio?


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Un padre sopravvive a un incidente aereo nell'Appalachia rurale, ma diventa sospettoso della coppia di anziani che lo accoglie per curarlo con gli antichi rimedi.
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Grey Eyes

In a post-apocalyptic future, mankind is color blind. A brilliant scientist suddenly dies, leaving his precious briefcase-filled with a highly-addictive synthetic drug that allows people to see colors again-to Ana, a mere 12-year-old girl. Possession of the briefcase makes her the target of a doctor with wicked plans for the drug, and her only hope to escape his pursuit relies on the aid of the dead scientist's two devoted bodyguards. Together, their epic, perilous journey pivots on a tremendous secret: Ana herself could be the key to salvaging a world in ruins.
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Grey Eyes


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Simulant - Il futuro è per sempre

In un mondo in cui androidi (SIMS) e umani coesistono, seguiamo Faye (Brewster), che ha già staccato la spina al suo defunto marito, e ora non riesce a fare lo stesso con Evan (Amell), la sua controparte androide. Invece di disattivare Evan, Faye lo manda a vivere illegalmente per conto suo. Lì incontra Casey (Liu), un brillante programmatore che lo aiuta a diventare più umano per riconquistare Faye. All’insaputa di Evan, il suo nuovo amico è ricercato per essere interrogato da un determinatissimo agente dell’Artificial Intelligence Compliance Enforcement (AICE) (Worthington). Evan deve così conquistare il cuore di Faye prima che vengano scoperti e che lui perda tutto.
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Simulant - Il futuro è per sempre


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Air Force One Down

On her first assignment aboard Air Force One, a rookie Secret Service agent faces the ultimate test when terrorists hijack the plane, intent on derailing a pivotal energy deal. With the President's life on the line and a global crisis at stake, her bravery and skills are pushed to the limit in a relentless battle that could change the course of history.
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Air Force One Down


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With the Parliament under siege, India’s first super soldier Arjun Shergill is tasked to get hold of the terrorists in the nick of time, save the Prime Minister from their clutches and stop a dirty bomb from exploding and destroying Delhi. Will Arjun succeed in his mission?
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The Girl Who Believes in Miracles

When Sara hears a preacher say faith can move mountains, she starts praying. Suddenly people in her town are mysteriously healed! But fame soon takes its toll – can Sara’s family save her before it’s too late?
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The Girl Who Believes in Miracles


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L'effetto farfalla

Quando il quattordicenne Marco, un senzatetto zingaro, viene arrestato alla frontiera danese per avere con sé il passaporto di un funzionario pubblico scomparso, l'ispettore di polizia Carl Mørck e gli uomini del Dipartimento Q hanno il compito di capire quale connessione vi sia tra le cose. Il caso presenta di fatto diversi elementi sospetti: il funzionario era stato accusato di pedofilia poco prima di scomparire e le indagini precedenti sono state condotte in maniera molto veloce e sommaria. Chiuso nel silenzio, il traumatizzato Marco si rifiuta di parlare con gli inquirenti e non passa molto tempo prima che sia costretto a fuggire da coloro che intendono ucciderlo a causa di ciò che sa.
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L'effetto farfalla


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I Choose to Believe

It narrates the epic title obtained by the Argentine National Team in the World Cup Qatar 2022 with testimonies of the protagonists, told from the intimacy and in first person.
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I Choose to Believe


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Shark Side of the Moon

Decades ago, the USSR developed unkillable sharks and launched them to the moon. Today, a team of American astronauts will endure the fight of their lives.
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Shark Side of the Moon


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After the alleged suicide of her priest brother, Grace travels to the remote Scottish convent where he fell to his death. Distrusting the Church's account, she uncovers murder, sacrilege and a disturbing truth about herself.
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