부부 교환 - 무삭제 (2023)

(9) basato su 1 voti
Data di uscita
mar 16, 2023
01h 30m
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"Behind every strong man is a strong woman!", Mumine shouts as her husband is arrested. She has 4 children, she's in her mid-30s, and she's the wife of a Crimean Tatar political prisoner. Muslim Crimean Tatars have been oppressed for a long time. They were deported under Stalin, allowed to return under Gorbachev, and since the occupation of Crimea in 2014 under Putin, they are being persecuted again. "Return" is a portrait of Mumine and Maye, two strong women struggling with the consequences of oppression. Their traditional understanding of their role as women does not stand in the way of their dedication. They possess strength, beauty and dignity. Only in their most intimate moments, they are overwhelmed by desperate helplessness.
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The Throwback

A married couple are thrown into a crisis when the wife, an under-appreciated and stressed "supermom," suffers a post-traumatic breakdown during the holiday season, causing her to regress to her college-age, party-girl self. While she teams up with the neighbor's 19 year old daughter to paint the town red, her bewildered husband must navigate the chaos at home.
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Prince Charming

Chen Li is the son of an enormously wealthy Hong Kong businessman and is vacationing in Hawaii, experiencing typical girl problems. His lothario friend Lolanto flies in from Hong Kong and is determined to find Chen Li a girl within a few days. After a series of hijinks, Chen Li and Lolanto are back in Hong Kong and investigating high-level embezzling in Chen's father's corporation. It also turns out that Kitty and May are employed there as well, with Kitty being the secretary of the supposed embezzler. Because Chen has been notoriously inconspicuous and no one knows what he looks like, he is able to assume to role of a limousine driver for Lolanto, who takes on the persona of Chen Li himself. While tracking down the corruption, Lolanto and Chen also are trying to win the hearts of the two women, but are they looking for true love or only money?
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