Volevo solo vivere (2006)

(4) basato su 2 voti
Nove cittadini italiani sopravvissuti alla deportazione e alla prigionia nei campi di sterminio di Auschwitz. Nove storie attraverso cui riviviamo i passi più significativi di questa allucinante esperienza: il momento dell'emanazione delle leggi razziali in Italia, gli inutili tentativi di fuga, la deportazione, la separazione dalle proprie famiglie, la miracolosa sopravvivenza ad Auschwitz, la liberazione con l'arrivo dei soldati alleati.
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Nove cittadini italiani sopravvissuti alla deportazione e alla prigionia nei campi di sterminio di Auschwitz. Nove storie attraverso cui riviviamo i passi più significativi di questa allucinante esperienza: il momento dell'emanazione delle leggi razziali in Italia, gli inutili tentativi di fuga, la deportazione, la separazione dalle proprie famiglie, la miracolosa sopravvivenza ad Auschwitz, la liberazione con l'arrivo dei soldati alleati.

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The Evil Marriage

Once upon a time, in a far away, across the dark jungle, a castle in the sky, there lived a king of Evils with his evil guards. One day, one of his magicians showed the magic mirror and shows a beautiful human girl in this mirror, and told that if he wants to continue to be a king he must marry this girl. The story of "The Evil Marriage movie" revolves around the character of "Nur" (a human girl) who was kidnapped by the Evil's king guards and took her to unfamiliar world where she will have to marry the evil in order for others to live. But, there is someone who sneaks into the dark jungle to reach the evil castle and rescues her.
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Second Life

Seon-hee is a high school girl who used to tell lies to get her friends attention. She leaves Seoul guilt-ridden when her friend Jung-mi kills herself because of Seon-hee's lies. In the countryside where no one knows her, Seon-hee begins a new life as Seul-ki.
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The Watermill Princess 2

Happily ever after has a bumpy start for a young couple in a magical land when the husband is sent off to battle by a jealous prince.
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The Watermill Princess 2


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Rob Delaney: Live at the Bowery Ballroom

Rob Delaney may not yet have the name recognition of comedians like Louis C. K., Aziz Ansari or Jim Gaffigan. But with the help of his large and loyal Internet following, he is hoping he can take a page from his accomplished industry colleagues, and start creating material for and selling it directly online.
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La tribù del pallone 4

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La tribù del pallone 4


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The execution was scheduled and the last meal consumed. The coolness of the poisons entering the blood system slowed the heart rate and sent him on the way to Judgement. He had paid for his crime with years on Death Row waiting for this moment and now he would pay for them again as the judgment continued..
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The Coffee Reader (Kafetzou)

In a poor neighborhood of Athens, next to the coffee shop of Spyros (Mimis Fotopoulos) is a coffee shop that has gained a great reputation and is preparing to move to Kolonaki as it has made a lot of money by telling the cup. In the same neighborhood is a laundress, Kalliopi (Georgia Vassiliadou), who makes a living by force. One day, after an incident in which a customer (Kostas Mentis) humiliates Kalliopi and Spyros intervenes, he comes up with an idea: for Kalliopi to run the coffee shop, since the other one has left.
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The Coffee Reader (Kafetzou)


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Escape Captivity: The Movie

Sakurano plays a girl named Kimika who wakes up chained up in a dark boiler room, unsure of how she got there. She’s soon approached by a strange large man wearing a mask and using a creepy voice changer. The girl is the daughter of Daisuke (Kenji Ezure), the shrewd president of a general contracting company. Daisuke was too occupied with an ongoing sexual fling with his secretary (Asami) to notice that his daughter was missing at first, and his relationship with her was already strained due to a certain incident in the past, but when he receives a threatening phone call he eventually recognizes the gravity of the situation. Eventually, Kimika begins to calm down as her fear slowly turns into a perverse attraction to this strange person holding her captive. What is the kidnapper’s motive? And what is his true form? In the basement of a certain building, insanity merges with obscenity as the plot unfolds.
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No Man's Range

Summoned by Ed Oliver, Jim Hale and sidekick Fuzz arrive at Oliver's ranch to find a range war in progress. Unknown to Jim, Ed Brady has kidnapped Oliver and replaced him with a stooge. Brady is after the Green ranch and Jim and Fuzz now set out to help Helen Green.
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Winnie The Pooh - 123 Alla Scoperta Dei Numeri

Una festa per imparare a contare. Christopher Robin ha invitato Winnie The Pooh, Ro e tutti i suoi amici a un picnic dove ogni ospite deve portare 10 cose da offrire e dividere con gli altri ospiti della festa. Ma quante sono 10 cose? L’impaziente Ro, con la sua curiosita d’imparare, s'imbarca subito in questo viaggio verso il Mondo dei Numeri, e in compagnia di Tigro va alla scoperta del concetto di calcolo e delle tecniche più semplici per memorizzare. alla fine di questa sua proficua giornata di apprendimento, Ro sorprendera tutti quanti, persino se stesso con i suoi speciali doni per la festa.
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America in Pictures - The Story of Life Magazine

Life was an iconic weekly magazine that specialised in extraordinarily vivid photojournalism. In the 40s, 50s and 60s it caught the spirit of America as it blossomed into a world superpower and its influence on American people was unparalleled. Fashion photographer Rankin celebrates the work of Life's legendary photographers including Alfred Eisenstaedt and Margaret Bourke-White, who went to outrageous lengths to get the best picture. He travels across the USA to meet Bill Eppridge, John Shearer, John Loengard, Burk Uzzle and Harry Benson, who have shot the big moments in American history - from the assassination of Robert F Kennedy to the Civil Rights struggle and the Vietnam War. These photographers pioneered new forms of photojournalism, living with and photographing their subjects for weeks, enabling them to capture compelling yet ordinary aspects of American life too. Rankin discovers that Life told the story of America in photographs, and also taught America how to be American.
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After the whole North of the Equator freezes below zero, a group of people in Los Angeles risk their lives while trying to "escape" from the city's hostile conditions, in order to take a ship to a hotter place on Earth.
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Five-time Olympic medalist and Native Hawaiian Duke Paoa Kahinu Mokoe Hulikohola Kahanamoku shattered records and brought surfing to the world while overcoming a lifetime of personal challenges. Waterman explores his journey and legacy as a legendary swimmer, trailblazer, and the undisputed father of modern-day surfing, following the sport’s first-time inclusion in this year’s Summer Olympics – a fitting tribute to his work promoting the sport around the globe.
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In Alonso Ruizpalacios’ bracing and stylish film, security guards in an armoured van try to manage the stress that comes from being close to a pile of cash in Mexico City. The team’s stability is imperilled when one member nears his boiling point.
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Tutti pazzi a Tel Aviv

Salam, un giovane palestinese inesperto, diventa uno scrittore di una soap opera popolare dopo un incontro casuale con un soldato israeliano. La sua carriera creativa è in aumento - fino a quando il soldato e i finanziatori dello spettacolo non sono d'accordo su come lo spettacolo dovrebbe finire, e Salam è preso nel mezzo.
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Tutti pazzi a Tel Aviv


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The Guest

A young man is invited for dinner with the family of Dr. Yehia Hussein Al-Tijani at the invitation of Yehia's lovestruck daughter. But Yehia is under a lot of pressure ever since his bold opinions put a target on his back, which turns the dinner into a stirring debate between Yehia and his guest.
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Planet Earth has become a gigantic landfill, as a gardener and her husband learn too late.
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Renata, Joey e Flyn sono tre sorelle, la cui vita resta sconvolta dalla decisione del padre di abbandonare la famiglia. Eva, la madre, tenta dapprima di suicidarsi con il gas, poi, quando il marito, ottenuto il divorzio, si risposa, la donna si annega nell’Oceano. Joey tenta invano di salvarla, ed è a sua volta salvata a stento dalle altre due.
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A fossil discovered in 2006 contains two nearly complete dinosaurs locked in battle: a triceratops and a carnivore.
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