தூக்குதுரை (2024)

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Data di uscita
gen 25, 2024
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Film Simili a தூக்குதுரை

Ooru Peru Bhairavakona

A man goes in search of some urgently required answers to the world of Bhairavakona, from which there's seemingly no way out.
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Ooru Peru Bhairavakona


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In una fabbrica della Russia zarista il suicidio di un operaio ingiustamente punito provoca lo sciopero dei suoi compagni, già in subbuglio per le durissime condizioni di lavoro e l'esiguità dei salari. I padroni non trattano, gli scioperanti impegnano o vendono i loro miseri averi, la polizia tenta in ogni modo di rompere il fronte dei lavoratori. Alla fine avviene un massacro di uomini, donne, bambini. È la prima regia di S. M. Ejzenstejn: innovativa, epica, di grande impatto figurativo. Autentica protagonista è la massa, il lavoro sperimentale sul montaggio è agli inizi ma già preannuncia i capolavori successivi.
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Assassinio sul palcoscenico

La signora McGinty viene trovata uccisa e della sua morte viene incolpato Harold Taylor. L'unica persona che lo ritiene innocente è Miss Marple. Costei, convinta che l'ispettore Craddock abbia trascurato qualche importante dettaglio, si reca nella villa della vittima ove scopre due importanti indizi riguardanti gli attori della compagnia teatrale Cosgood. Riuscita a farsi scritturare come attrice da Cosgood...
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Assassinio sul palcoscenico


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Ramen Shop

Masato is a young ramen chef in Japan. When he finds his late mother's journal after the sudden death of his emotionally distant father, he takes it with him to her native country, Singapore, hoping to piece together the story of his family and his life.
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Ramen Shop


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Dames at Sea

Dames at Sea is a musical with book and lyrics by George Haimsohn and Robin Miller and music by Jim Wise. The musical is a parody of large, flashy 1930s Busby Berkeley-style movie musicals in which a chorus girl, newly arrived off the bus from the Midwest to New York City, steps into a role on Broadway and becomes a star. It originally played Off-Off-Broadway in 1966 at the Caffe Cino and then played Off-Broadway, starring newcomer Bernadette Peters, beginning in 1968 for a successful run. The television version was broadcast on the Bell System Family Theater on NBC on November 15, 1971. The cast had extra chorus girls and boys, and there were full production numbers, turning into the very thing it was spoofing. Ann Miller was singled out for praise, especially when "she was allowed to tap out her brassy...temperamental star..."
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Dames at Sea


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3 Things

Before entering the witness protection program, bank robber Mikael demands 3 things from the police. 3 things that cast a whole new light on the robbery he and his partners have been jailed for.
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3 Things


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Studentessa di un istituto tessile in crisi con il fidanzato e in fuga dalla stressante routine quotidiana della sua città, Irina accetta un lavoro estivo nel villaggio isolato di Kyrsyä. Quando inizia ad abituarsi allo stile di vita arcaico del luogo, lo strano comportamento dei suoi abitanti rivela qualcosa di molto inquietante.
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Andy Hardy incontra la debuttante

Andy Hardy va a New York in compagnia del padre e nella metropoli s'innamora di una fascinosa coetanea, trascurando la sua girl-friend che lo ama da sempre. Ma poi si accorge che è quest'ultima che lui ama di più.
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Andy Hardy incontra la debuttante


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Blue Brazil

Stretching along 4,000 thousand miles, the biodiversity of the Brazilian coast is extremely rich. From the temperate South to the equatorial North, the coast of Brazil hosts wild journeys and performances every day.
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Blue Brazil


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Stormy Weather

Dancing great Bill Williamson sees his face on the cover of Theatre World magazine and reminisces: Just back from World War I, he meets lovely singer Selina Rogers at a soldiers' ball and promises to come back to her when he "gets to be somebody." Years go by, and Bill and Selina's rising careers intersect only briefly, since Selina is unwilling to settle down. Will she ever change her mind? Concludes with a big all-star show hosted by Cab Calloway.
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Stormy Weather


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Five Bold Women

Marshal Kirk Reed is escorting five female prisoners---killers all--- from one part of Texas to another part of Texas where a new prison has been built. Along the way he has to deal with dissension among the troops, attacks by the Comanches, a budding romance with Ellen, The Missouri Lady, (before her ex-husband, The Missouri Kid, shows up in an attempt to rescue her.
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Five Bold Women


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The film is about the stepmother who tried to be a real mother of a boy. But she could be a real mother only after some difficult events for her and child.
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The Pique Poquette of Paris

The Inspector goes after Spider Pierre an expert pickpocket.
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The Pique Poquette of Paris


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Namu, the Killer Whale

Based on the amazing true story of a marine biologist (Robert Lansing) who befriends a six-ton Orcawhale, this "honest, fascinating and vigorously wholesome film" (Citizen-News) is heartwarming fun for the whole family. Like all close pals, Hank (Lansing) and Namu love spending time together. Whether sharing a morning swim or soaking up the afternoon sun, these two are virtually inseparable. Trouble is, the local fishermen mistakenly think that Namu is a threat. Racing against time, Hank must enlist the help of a young widow and her daughter to save Namu and prove that he's a gentle giant!
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Namu, the Killer Whale


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Breaking Olympia: The Phil Heath Story

Follow the extraordinary life story of 7-time Mr. Olympia, Phil Heath, as he rises through the ranks, battles the scrutiny of the media and takes on body building’s scariest foes in an attempt to reclaim the throne of Mr. Olympia and cement his legacy as one of the greatest bodybuilders to ever walk the earth.
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Breaking Olympia: The Phil Heath Story


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John and Ninni – both heirs to their own individual amusement parks – fall in love amidst the whirling world they both inhabit. A forbidden love and a war between their two families puts their love and loyalty to the test.
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Leonardo - Cinquecento

A 500 anni dalla sua scomparsa, Leonardo continua ad essere uno dei personaggi più conosciuti ed ammirati nella storia dell’umanità. Artista, architetto, naturalista, stratega militare, ingegnere, il più grande scienziato di tutti i tempi fu prima di tutto un osservatore alla costante ricerca di nuove scoperte.
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Leonardo - Cinquecento


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Pekka ja Pätkä miljonääreinä

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Pekka ja Pätkä miljonääreinä


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House of Little Deaths

Just outside Philadelphia is a suburb full of trust fund kids and bored old men. In the heart of that suburb is a brothel run by women who are nothing more than a rite of passage to those men. House of Little Deaths explores every thing they do to get through a day, everything they hope for, everything they want to forget, everything they do to escape. A film about the mundane and bitter truth behind a world of fantasy.
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House of Little Deaths


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The Last Family

Beksiński is a gentle man with arachnophobia, despite his hardcore sexual fantasies and his fondness for painting disturbing dystopian works. Beksiński is a family man who wants only the best for his loving wife Zofia, neurotic son Tomasz and the couple's aging mothers. His daily painting to classical music eventually pays off and he makes a name for himself in contemporary art. Good Catholic woman Zofia tries to hold the family together, but troubled son Tomasz proves to be a handful with his violent outbursts and suicidal threats. Their relief is brief when he starts dating women and becomes a radio presenter and movie translator, and the concerned parents must be on constant watch to prevent their son from hurting himself. But Beksiński never believed that family life would always be sunshine and rainbows. As he tapes everything with his beloved camcorder, the 28-year Beksiński saga unfolds through paintings, near-death experiences, dance music trends and funerals...
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The Last Family


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TV producer James has an extremely vivid dream, in which he is a prince struggling to keep the kingdom at peace against the wishes of his warfaring brother, while at the same time competing with his brother for a woman's love. The figures in his dream match those in his real life, with his brother being an aggressive business man trying to buy James out, the king being James' advisor, and the woman being an actress recently cast for a commercial at his studio. Seeing his dreams as a message about his life, James decides to act on their guidance, even though they lead him into the fight of his life.
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Vienna Glamour: Paulie(s) from St. Pauli

Paulie meets Paulie after a party in Vienna. Exhausted from the night's drinking binge, they exchange stories about a possibly shared past. What a joyful reunion!
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Vienna Glamour: Paulie(s) from St. Pauli


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After fleeing a backwoods cult, a woman tries to turn her life around by taking a job in a home for special needs adults only to discover that she must face her dark past to save a down syndrome girl.
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Taxi da battaglia

Durante la guerra di Corea, il comandante di una squadra di elicotteri di soccorso aereo deve dimostrare a un ex pilota di jet in gamba quanto sia importante il lavoro di soccorso in elicottero e trasformarlo in un giocatore di squadra.
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Taxi da battaglia


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