Le Secret de la grotte (2023)

(6,6) basato su 6 voti
Data di uscita
feb 09, 2023
01h 31m
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Film Simili a Le Secret de la grotte

Moments: Six

A serial killer and the detective who tracked him down find themselves in an unexpected stalemate.
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Moments: Six


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Pigs 2: The Last Blood

Franz Maurer, a compromised cop, former officer of the criminal department of the Warsaw's police, is released from prison where he was doing time for his brutality and murders. He is awaited by Nowy, a former police colleague. Franz tries to go straight starting hard work in a steel mill. Nevertheless, he must leave the factory as a criminal with an uncertain past when he doesn't join the strike organized by the workers' union. At the same time, a merciless war continues in former Yugoslavia. Wolf and William, two high rank officers, come to Poland in order to organize a network selling and smuggling arms to Yugoslavia by way of Albania.
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The story of Charlotte Brown,a waitress and young single mother who will do anything for her daughter Jenny, and when push comes to shove, she does. With a menacing figure on the other end of the phone and a time limit of two hours,she must raise enough money to ensure that she sees the smiling face of her child again. Charlotte's customers are her only hope. The clock is ticking as we see the desperate young mother dealing with one eccentric customer after the next, displaying her charming vulnerability and inspiring strength through all the chaos. With her feet firmly planted on the ground, Charlotte maintains her focus and attempts to beat the clock and save the day.
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La rapina del secolo

Il poliziotto Edward Gallagher, insieme alla moglie Ellen, prendono sotto la loro protezione un ragazzo, Jerry Florea, il quale è rimasto ferito a causa di una fucilata durante una rapina e ha trascorso ingiustamente tre anni di riformatorio a causa di una truffa commessa però da un suo compagno di scuola. Edward deve partire per la guerra e, quando rientra, scopre che Jerry è diventato un boss della malavita; facendo credere di avere buone intenzioni e di ritornare sulla retta via, accetta di lavorare come gestore di una stazione di servizio.
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The lives of a nightclub owner, a crime boss, a stripper, a bartender, two hitmen, a prostitute and a psychic take a turn for the worse when they are trapped in an escaped mental patient's sinister path of madness and destruction.
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At the end of September 1941, Soviet artillery troops in besieged Leningrad realize that pretty soon they will fire their last shot, and after that the defense of the city will be doomed. The film is based on a true event: a small group of fearless soldiers transported a large supply of gunpowder through enemy lines to Leningrad.
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Rapita da Escrainvilla e da Corano, Angelica è ad Algeri nelle mani di un certo Mezzo Morte, che rifornisce l'harem del re del Marocco. Con l'aiuto di due schiavi cristiani, la donna riesce a fuggire, ma è inseguita dagli uomini del sovrano che la vogliono uccidere. Sarà salvata dal marito in cambio del segreto per fondere l'oro, e con lui potrà mettersi alla ricerca dei due figli, anch'essi rapiti...
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Fantaghirò 3

Tarabas, il più potente e malvagio di tutti maghi, scopre che secondo una profezia sarà destinato ad essere sconfitto dall'innocenza di un giovane figlio di re. Per evitare che ciò accada, ordina al suo esercito di catturare tutti i figli di re che non abbiano compiuto ancora 10 anni. I soldati assalgono il castello di Fantaghirò per catturare i figli di Caterina e Carolina, ma Romualdo riesce ad allontanare le truppe nemiche dal castello, rimanendo però vittima di un incantesimo: viene tramutato in una statua di pietra che solo il potere di un bacio di Tarabas può riportare alla vita. Fantaghirò decide di mettersi in cammino per trovare Tarabas e durante il suo viaggio arriva in un castello, assediato dalla truppe del malvagio stregone....
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Viaje a Tombuctú

Trip to Timbuktu is the story of Ana and Lucho, two teenagers who live in Peru. Their story of love, which starts in childhood, reveals the changes which took place in this country during the 80's. For them, the only way to survive in the middle of violence, poverty and lack of opportunities is through their love, a sort of refuge which has as its homeland an imaginary country called Timbuktu. Nevertheless, the reality will stand in their way and collapse their utopia.
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Where the Silence Passes

Antonio left home and moved to Madrid eight years ago. Emma was the one who stayed. At Easter week in Écija (Sevilla), during the night of The Christ of Silence, Antonio and Emma visit the places where they used to go. They try to recognize each other, but they can’t. The only possible way is the one that was already chosen
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Where the Silence Passes


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On a simple and normal day like any other, a man vacuums his home; then he ends up getting horribly injured. Meanwhile his Friend/Roommate is in the other room trying to enjoy the big game. Will he hear his friend and save him in time before the injury becomes fatal? The newest film by Wonderful Stories' Brett Brimmer and Ben Manker-Seale! It's about some cool things and stuff!! Enjoy it!! NOW!!!!
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Fa Hai

Trama non disponibile
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In Bed with an Elephant

This feature documentary provides a gripping retrospective of United States-Canada relationships through a study of successive presidents and prime ministers. Using archival film footage, it demonstrates that Canadian prime ministers, from John A. Macdonald down, all began their tenures by making overtures to their American counterparts. Attitudes and outcomes have varied widely. The almost comic antipathy between Kennedy and Diefenbaker, for instance, is as palpable here as is the folksy camaraderie of Reagan and Mulroney.
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Magazine editor Margot Merrick pretends to be married in order to avoid advances from male colleagues. Unfortunately, things don't go to plan when Jeff Thompson, a potential suitor, uncovers the deception and decides to show up at Margot's family home posing as her husband!
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I segreti della Foresta Pluviale

Avventurosi scienziati nei panni di veri e propri 'Tarzan' vi accompagneranno in una visita sull'Isola di Barro Colorado al centro del Canale di Panama, il cui scenario unico e' stato ripreso tutto in 3D. Potrete cosi' vivere, per la prima volta in tre dimensioni, le visuali mozzafiato dalle cime degli alberi e i dettagli macroscopici degli insetti piu' piccoli e spaventosi. Le foreste pluviali occupano meno del 6% della superficie terrestre, ma rappresentano l'habitat naturale di cinque milioni di specie vegetali e animali differenti. L'obiettivo di questo documentario e' proprio quello di svelare i segreti piu' nascosti di piccoli e grandi animali, tra i quali formiche tagliafoglie, pipistrelli, scimmie, gattopardi, bradipi, tarantole, insetti del suolo forestale.
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I segreti della Foresta Pluviale


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