Actor: John Dennison

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Born in: Nundah, Qld
Biography: John Dennison born in Queensland, attended AFTRS from 1981 -1984. With fellow student Tony Vaccher they established Audio Loc Sound Design and pioneered digital soundtracks for Film and Television - a technology which - until then had really only been used in music recording. Their partnership with Fairlight lasted many years, and their ability to create beautiful sound design for smaller independent productions utilising this technology continued until 2012 when the Screen Australia facility they were established in, finally closed it's doors.

Known for

The Wild Geese

A British multinational company seeks to overthrow a vicious dictator in central Africa. It hires a band of (largely aged) mercenaries in London and sends them in to save the virtuous but imprisoned opposition leader who is also critically ill and due for execution. Just when the team has performed a perfect rescue, the multinational does a deal with the vicious dictator leaving the mercenary band to escape under their own steam and exact revenge.
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The Wild Geese


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