Elder Joseph the Hesychast (2020)

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The film depicts the life of an ascetic monk of Mt. Athos who recently has been canonised a Saint by the Ecumenical Patriarchate. Scenes from his early childhood on the island of Paros, his transition and efforts in Athens, lead on to his monastic life on Mt. Athos. Having been offered the invitation by God for an ascetic life, he was tonsured a monk in 1921. He was granted many experiences of the divine but simultaneously great demonic temptations. He lived with prayer, fasting and vigil, and was granted the Grace of the Holy Spirit, while obtaining the spiritual gifts of foresight and prophesy.
Release Date
May 23, 2020
01h 03m
Available in streaming on
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The film depicts the life of an ascetic monk of Mt. Athos who recently has been canonised a Saint by the Ecumenical Patriarchate. Scenes from his early childhood on the island of Paros, his transition and efforts in Athens, lead on to his monastic life on Mt. Athos. Having been offered the invitation by God for an ascetic life, he was tonsured a monk in 1921. He was granted many experiences of the divine but simultaneously great demonic temptations. He lived with prayer, fasting and vigil, and was granted the Grace of the Holy Spirit, while obtaining the spiritual gifts of foresight and prophesy.

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