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A three-dimensional animated movie "Amader Choto Rasel Sona" has been produced based on the book "Amader Choto Rasel Sona" written by the Honorable Prime Minister "Sheikh Hasina, MP" under the "Skill Development of Mobile Games and Applications" project implemented by the Department of Information and Communication Technology. It is skilfully adapted from the Prime Minister's memoirs. This movie will fascinate the audience of any age including children and teenagers.
Release Date
Nov 03, 2023
00h 26m
Available in streaming on
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A three-dimensional animated movie "Amader Choto Rasel Sona" has been produced based on the book "Amader Choto Rasel Sona" written by the Honorable Prime Minister "Sheikh Hasina, MP" under the "Skill Development of Mobile Games and Applications" project implemented by the Department of Information and Communication Technology. It is skilfully adapted from the Prime Minister's memoirs. This movie will fascinate the audience of any age including children and teenagers.

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