Monteverdi in Mantua - The Genius of the Vespers (2015)

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Monteverdi in Mantua tells the story of the Duke of Mantua and his court composer Claudio Monteverdi during the turbulent times of the late Italian renaissance. From their volatile relationship would come one of the most revolutionary collections of music ever published: The Vespers of 1610. The programme is presented by Simon Russell Beale who visits Mantua and, together with conductor Harry Christophers and his choir “The Sixteen”, explores this major turning point in Western Music.
Release Date
Mar 27, 2015
00h 59m
Available in streaming on

Monteverdi in Mantua tells the story of the Duke of Mantua and his court composer Claudio Monteverdi during the turbulent times of the late Italian renaissance. From their volatile relationship would come one of the most revolutionary collections of music ever published: The Vespers of 1610. The programme is presented by Simon Russell Beale who visits Mantua and, together with conductor Harry Christophers and his choir “The Sixteen”, explores this major turning point in Western Music.

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