Atrabilis (2022)

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Release Date
Jun 22, 2022
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Movies like Atrabilis

Best Coast Riot

We followed Said Belhaj when he showed his good friend Dani Andrada around on the Swedish west coast for ten days. They climbed some of the old classic routes and also tried some of the projects the area has to offer. We tried our best to capture the spirit, surroundings and the atmosphere around their visit here.
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Best Coast Riot


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The Golden Brothers

Documentary about legendary Swedish footballing family the Nordahls who all went on to become professional footballers after winning Olympic Gold in 1948.
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The Golden Brothers


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Sweden: Lessons for America?

It's been suggested that Americans would be better off if the United States was more like Sweden. Do the Swedes know something that we don't? Sweden: Lessons for America? A Personal Exploration by Johan Norberg delves into the economic and social landscape of the Swedish scholar's homeland. Join him to see that the lessons to be learned from Sweden may not be the ones you expect. The one-hour documentary follows Norberg on a journey through the history of Sweden's economic rise, from one of the poorest countries in the world to one of the most prosperous. The program illuminates key ideas and enterprises that sparked the reform and continue to help Sweden maintain its lofty economic position, including freedom of the press, free trade, new technology companies, crazy jobs and even an old Swedish superhero.
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Sweden: Lessons for America?


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Hur avlångt är egentligen detta land?

Writer Stig Claesson and director Lars Lennart Forsberg travel around Sweden during the summer to see if the country that people imagine it to be actually exists.
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Hur avlångt är egentligen detta land?


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Enlighten Us: The Rise and Fall of James Arthur Ray

The self-help industry is worth $11 billion dollars a year. It’s an industry that captivates those seeking happiness, release from suffering and those longing for a path and a leader to follow. James Arthur Ray for many who followed him was that leader to guide his flock. But as the story unfolds, as told by Ray himself and also by his followers, we learn that that path was fraught with danger and perhaps even greater suffering.
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Enlighten Us: The Rise and Fall of James Arthur Ray


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Maximum Achievement: The Brian Tracy Story

Brian Tracy has consulted for more than 1,000 companies and addressed more than 5,000,000 people in 5,000 talks and seminars throughout the US, Canada and 74 other countries worldwide.
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Voices from the Silence

Plot unavailable
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Voices from the Silence


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Eu Maior

Eu Maior (Higher Self) is a Brazilian feature-length documentary presenting a fresh look at self-knowledge and the pursuit of happiness. The filmmakers interviewed thirty individuals with distinct backgrounds, including spiritual leaders, intellectuals, artists and professional athletes. Their touching personal stories, combined with the film's beautiful images and music, are certain to appeal to any audience's intelligence and artistic sensibility. - Anonymous
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Make Me Happy: A Monkey's Search for Happiness

Comedian and ventriloquist Nina Conti explores the world of new age and alternative therapies in a quest for self-knowledge, enlightenment and happiness. With her puppet Monkey as the voice of scepticism, Nina undergoes naked yoga, laughter therapy and shamanic ritual, before taking part in primal screaming and rebirth at a three-day retreat in the wilds of Scotland.
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Renée Nyberg: Terrorist Attack in Bali

Renée Nyberg meets the man behind the terrorist act in Bali in 2002 and the Swedes who were there and fought for their survival.
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Beyond The Visible - Hilma af Klint

How can an artist discover abstraction by the beginning of the 20th century and nobody is noticing? A woman, misjudged and concealed, rocks the art world with her mind-blowing oeuvre. Hilma af Klint was a pioneer creating her first abstract painting in 1906, four years before Vassily Kandinsky. But why was she ignored? Why are her paintings not available on the market? This first film on her is about her life and work, the role of women in art history and the discovery of an art scandal. Her quest for meaning in life and a boundless thinking led into a timeless, outstanding oeuvre.
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Northern Travelogues

In 1917 Finnish explorer Sakari Pälsi travelled to Northeastern Siberia carrying a cinematograph and 13,000 feet of film with him. The journey produced a unique documentary film and a travelogue. A hundred years later director Kira Jääskeläinen returns to the Bering Strait in Pälsi's footsteps. Combining old and new film footage, Pälsi's notes and the stories of the local indigenous peoples, the film highlights the story of the Chukchi and Siberian Eskimos from bygone days till today.
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Northern Travelogues


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Cosmis Flows: The Cartographers of the Universe

Man has always sought to seek further afield. After the seafaring explorers of the 16th century, 21st century cosmologists today navigate more celestial oceans, with each mission providing an ever-broader and more impressive cartography of our surroundings. At the avant garde of modern technology, these strange travellers are actually immobile, and their vessels are powerful and spectacular telescopes, on the Earth or in space, constantly widening the limits of our knowledge and giving form to our dreams of infinity. From Hawaii to Australia, via South Africa and China, we set out on an incredible scientific and human adventure to visit the planet's greatest cosmic exploration centres to discover the new challenges involved in understanding the universe. A journey on Earth and in the heavens that will take your breath away!
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A Bastard Child

In 1909, in an undemocratic Sweden, a bastard child is born and given the name of Hervor. Her mother is unmarried, due to which she is called a "whore' and is driven from her home. Hervor grows up at shelters and orphanages, unwanted, rejected by society. As an adult she spends her life struggling for social justice. In old age she tells us her story. Director Knutte Wester brings his grandmother's memories to life thought hand-painted animated images and has us witness someone being rejected in order to unite others. A story that all too often still repeating itself.
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A Bastard Child


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RUTZ: Global Generation Travel

A two and half month journey from Buenos Aires (Argentina) to Medellin (Colombia), through some of the most amazing places in South America, immersed in the Backpacker's culture.
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Phantoms of the Sierra Madre

A Danish writer travels to Mexico with the purpose of locating a mysterious Apache tribe that fervently seeks to remain in obscurity.
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Phantoms of the Sierra Madre


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Pine State Phantoms

Sabattus is an old town and like any old town it has its history of inhabitants, tragedy, and conflict. There's a house in Sabattus, though, unlike any other. The owner reports that the property experiences strange sightings. Shadowy figures, strange balls of light, and the sounds of being followed are all common occurrences at this house. Join investigator Nate Brislin as he documents the strange goings-on at the Sabattus house. Hear the story from the eyewitnesses, and embark on an expedition that dares to ask: are there phantoms in America's Pine Tree State?
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Invisible River

On a journey through the interior of the earth, we learn about the life and dreams of a swiss explorer who searches for caves and underground rivers in a sector marked by violence and armed conflict in Colombia. This underground labyrinth is a metaphor about a dark past, buried deep within the soul, where old war wounds heal with the infinite passage of time.
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Invisible River


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Displaced Perssons

Per Persson left Sweden 40 years ago. In Pakistan he fell in love and became the father of two daughters. Trouble starts when the girls grow up and the family decides to emigrate to Sweden. When they end up living in a caravan outside Hässleholm, all their expectations are dashed.
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Choice Point

When you watch Choice Point, you'll finally get the answers that'll make all the difference - and what you're going to discover may well surprise you! Imagine how much faster your own journey to success would be if you could tap into the thinking and experiences of some of the world's leading visionaries, scientists and spiritual leaders, and receive life-directing guidance from billionaire Richard Branson, visionary Desmond Tutu, author Jack Canfield and more! And best of all, it's not just big names who are featured in this groundbreaking feature-length documentary. You'll also hear about regular people who massively changed their lives around following the three key Choice Point pillars of: 1. Understand your world 2. Align with your purpose 3. Be the change
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Maggie in Wonderland

A portrait of Maggie, through Swedish everyday life. Maggie always co-ordinates high heels with a beret, and she loves gold. She lives on the 15th floor in one of Malmö’s suburbs. Her balcony is littered with reminders of her previous life. Under a golf bag, next to a racing ticket from 1999, are the remains of a pigeon that she killed when she couldn’t sleep.
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Maggie in Wonderland


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Crackoholic , by Jonas Paulsson and Mikael Widerberg, is quite different to most other climbing movies. The style is somewhat similar to that of the classic Hard Grit, in that it provides a historical perspective to the climbing of the area. In this case Bohusln on the Swedish west coast. We also get to meet and listen to some of the climbers who, through the decades, have been important to the development, of difficulty as well as ethics, and hear their thoughts on climbing and risk. As would be expected, these thoughts range from profound to cliche. Of course, there's also a lot of climbing, from moderates to FA's of cutting edge "death" routes.
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Every Face Has a Name

Recalls the day when Holocaust survivors took their first steps into freedom, unaware of their future. Every Face Has a Name puts a name on those nameless faces and lets them recount their feelings of that day, the 28th of April, 1945.
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Every Face Has a Name


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Mawson: Life and Death in Antarctica

The Douglas Mawson Antarctic Expedition of 1912 is considered one of the most amazing feats of endurance of all time. Although his two companions perished, Douglas Mawson survived, but how? In a bold historical experiment, scientist and adventurer Tim Jarvis is retracing the gruelling experience, with the same meagre rations, primitive clothing and equipment to uncover what happened to Mawson physically — and mentally — as a man hanging on the precipice of life and death.
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Mawson: Life and Death in Antarctica


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Drottning Kristina - Den vilda drottningen

After the death of her father, Christina is a Swedish queen in her childhood. As a young woman, she leaves the throne, changes to the Catholic faith and escapes to Rome. The life of Queen Christina of Sweden (1626-1689), her power and her self-interest fascinate the world to this day. The documentary drama explores the history of the unadjusted queen in Stockholm and Rome, which is still a model for many feminists.
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Drottning Kristina - Den vilda drottningen


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Three Miles North of Molkom

Three miles north of Molkom, hidden deep in the lakeside forests of Sweden, lies Angsbacka; a 21st Century playground for adults. Once a year, their gates open to a thousand international participants, placed in 'Sharing Groups' at random. A Swedish celebrity, a Californian hippy, a Finnish grandmother and a back-packing Australian rugby coach, who stumbled on the wrong party, are amongst the group that take us on an unforgettably quirky, two-week emotional roller-coaster. Firewalking, Shamanism, Tantric Sex and myriad other physical, psychological and esoteric experiences, guide our unlikely heroes towards enlightenment, love, loathing and themselves. Will they ever be the same again?
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Three Miles North of Molkom


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The Abundance Factor

The Abundance Factor Takes You On An Unprecedented Journey into The Minds of The Worlds Most Knowledgeable Experts on the Subject of Abundance and Prosperity.
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Directions for Beginners: North, South, East, West

Steve goes on a camping trip and learns how to use the sun, stars and a compass to find directions.
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Flogsta Heaven

Viktor Johansson is back with a new semi-documentary. This time about teenage outsiders from Flogsta, on the outskirts of Uppsala.
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Tawai: A Voice from the Forest

Explorer Bruce Parry visits nomadic tribes in Borneo and the Amazon in hope to better understand humanity's changing relationship with the world around us.
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Nature's fairy - always connected

A poetic film about a young woman's life and dreams. A woman who had the courage to change her life and realize her dreams. A movie about Jonna Jinton. Blogger, photographer and artist and nature lover.
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Nature's fairy - always connected


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Storm in the Andes

Josephine has all her life been told that her Peruvian aunt Augusta died in an armed struggle for the rights of the poor. As an adult Josefin decides to find out the truth about the legendary Augusta.
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Storm in the Andes


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The Order Of Israfel - Live At Sweden Rock Festival June 3rd 2015

Swedish metal band The Order Of Israfel perform a selection of songs off their first album 'Wisdom' at the Sweden Rock Festival on June 3rd, 2015.
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The Order Of Israfel - Live At Sweden Rock Festival June 3rd 2015


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Yung Lean: In My Head

When a Swedish teen rapper finds a rabid fanbase via the internet, international superstar Yung Lean is born. But as his fame grows, darkness settles in, blurring the line between reality and his own vivid imagination.
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The Great Adventure

A vixen mother invades a chicken coop to provide food for her cubs. She continues to raid the coop until she is shot by a farmer. The cubs are attacked by the farmer and only one survives. An otter trapped in a burrow is rescued by 10-year-old Anders and his six-year-old brother, Kjell. In secret, the boys cage the animal and finally domesticate it. They obtain food for the Otter by fishing through the ice on a frozen lake. The boys manage to keep their secret from their family. On the eve of the May Day festival, Kjell reveals to family and friends the otter's presence. Anders is so distressed that he runs into the woods with the otter. The otter breaks away and returns to its life of natural freedom. The film was a prize winner at the 1954 Cannes Film Festival.
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Eastern Memories

At the turn of the 19th and 20th century Finnish philologist G. J. Ramstedt travelled around Mongolia and Central-Asia. In this documentary Ramstedt’s memoirs are heard in the modern day setting, where tradition is replaced with hunger for money, and deserts give way to cities.
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Derek DelGaudio's In & of Itself

Storyteller and Conceptual Magician Derek DelGaudio attempts to understand the illusory nature of identity and answer the deceptively simple question 'Who am I?'
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For the young, ambitious substitute teacher Max Wejstorp the chaos in his school in a Stockholm suburb ultimately becomes unbearable. He summons his old teacher and mentor, the now 73-year-old legend Folke Silvén from Lund in southern Sweden. How the teachers has got an increasingly untenable work situation is shown in a very direct way in "Vikarien".
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The Sex Temple

Robin ownes a beautiful old theatre in Norrköping, Sweden. There he lives with his husband. To solve a critical financial situation for the theatre, Robin puts up an equivoque burlesque show. In the middle of rehearsals he gets a phone call from Christian, the owner of a swingers club, who is in desperate need of new facilities because of a terrible fire that ruined his club. Renting out the cellar is a very interesting option for Robin and soon the two new friends start to cooperate while the town of Norrköping is in rage. The dream of Cristian is to make a big swingers party in the whole theatre and sometimes dreams come true.
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Land of Dreams

"Land of Dreams" - When the daughter Johanna is born in 1983, Jan Troell tells the story about his childhood Sweden and how things were when he grow-up in the land of fairy tales and potential prosperity.
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Little Karim

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