双城计中计 (2012)

(8) basato su 3 voti
Data di uscita
feb 24, 2012
01h 38m
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Film Simili a 双城计中计


Conglomerated Assets, a brokerage firm is sinking fast as its CEO checks out and leaves the company to his inept film school drop out son. Enter Quincy, Waverly, Erica, Rudy, Tina and Yasmine. Team QWERTY--six sexy secretaries that must save the day.
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When Crystal Wyatt was 16 her father passed away. From that time her life would never be the same. Crystal is banished from the family ranch, and starts a new life as a singer in a San Francisco nightclub.
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And What if It Works!

Parrot sets forth for a nest. But he foots. Appears is afraid to fly, because never tried.
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And What if It Works!


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Bill Burr Presents: Friends Who Kill

In a night of killer comedy, Bill Burr hosts a showcase of his most raucous stand-up comic pals as they riff on everything from COVID to Michael Jackson.
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Bill Burr Presents: Friends Who Kill


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Recep Ivedik 3

Recep è inconsolabile a causa della morte della nonna. Poi però una lontana parente si trasferisce da lui e la sua vita cambia completamente.
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Recep Ivedik 3


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Un giorno... di prima mattina

Biografia romanzata e musicata della soubrette Gertrude Lawrence. Durante il tirocinio come ballerina di fila, Gertrude ha occasione di sostituire la protagonista di una commedia musicale e riscuote un enorme successo. Dopo il divorzio dal marito si lega ad un nobile e quindi ad un banchiere, al quale si unirà in matrimonio.
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Un giorno... di prima mattina


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Return to Jurassic Park

A multi-part documentary about the making of the Jurassic Park trilogy. Each part walks through the making of part of one of the films, including the hurricane during the shooting of the first film, and how advances in CGI for Jurassic Park helped change the world of special effects forever. All interviews for these retrospective documentaries come with comments from Spielberg, Johnston, Neill, Dern, Goldblum, the effects crews, the child actors, and Peter Stormare. This documentary is broken into six parts: Dawn of a New Era (25 min), Making Prehistory (20 min), The Next Step in Evolution (15 min), Finding the Lost World (28 min), Something Survived (16 min), and The Third Adventure (25 min).
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Return to Jurassic Park


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Tante Frieda - Neue Lausbubengeschichten

The 13-year-old Ludwig is to have for every joke. At boarding school he cuts his stern teacher, Captain a. D. Semmelmaier, during the nap from the beard. The angry pedagogue then sends the spoiled flail back to his beloved Bavarian village. The long-suffering mother persuades the rector to resume her reforming boy at the Latin school. Everything seems to be working out for the better, but the upcoming marriage of his sister Ännchen with the Berlin beer brewer Karl Schultheiss presents Ludwig with new challenges.
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Tante Frieda - Neue Lausbubengeschichten


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Jura is 23 years old - and Lena is 23. They live in Budennovsk, play computer games, walk and learn. They live in a city where Shamil Basayev entered 23 years ago with militants, and know almost nothing about the events of that time.
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The story of Charlotte Brown,a waitress and young single mother who will do anything for her daughter Jenny, and when push comes to shove, she does. With a menacing figure on the other end of the phone and a time limit of two hours,she must raise enough money to ensure that she sees the smiling face of her child again. Charlotte's customers are her only hope. The clock is ticking as we see the desperate young mother dealing with one eccentric customer after the next, displaying her charming vulnerability and inspiring strength through all the chaos. With her feet firmly planted on the ground, Charlotte maintains her focus and attempts to beat the clock and save the day.
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La spia che mi amava

Dopo aver recuperato al Cairo, battendo la spia sovietica Anya Armasova, un microfilm con il segreto per sconvolgere le difese atomiche della Nato, James Bond, viene incaricato di far luce sulla scomparsa di due sommergibili nucleari. Poichè uno di questi è russo (e avendo Gran Bretagna e Unione Sovietica deciso di unire le loro forze per l'occasione), James Bond si trova a collaborare proprio con Anya. Insieme, le due spie scoprono che a far sparire i sommergibili è stato l'armatore nordico Stromberg, il quale, giudicando il mondo prossimo allo sfacelo, intende fondarne uno nuovo nelle profondità marine. A tal fine vuole distruggere, con i missili dei due sommergibili, sia New York che Mosca, i centri vitali delle superpotenze responsabili del destino che attende l'umanità.
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La spia che mi amava


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And in the Morning They Woke Up

Eight men, eight stories about the morning after party...
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And in the Morning They Woke Up


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Il terzo occhio 2

After her sister died, Alia decides to start a new life by living in an orphanage owned by Mrs Laksmi and Mr Fadli as well as doing social work there. But Alia feels something wrong with the orphanage. Moreover, Nadia, one of the orphanage who apparently also has an inner eyes like Alia, can hears mysterious voices asking for help from all over the walls of the house. Alia and Nadia open a mysterious locked room. Since then disasters begin. It turns out that Alia and Nadia had made a big mistake and releases Darmah, a vengeful spirit that was deliberately locked in the room. Together with Mrs Windu, the paranormal and mentor of her inner eyes, Alia must confront Darmah and save the orphanage.
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Il terzo occhio 2


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Lone Wolf and Cub: Baby Cart to Hades

Il lupo solitario vive in questo viaggio tre eventi legati al suo passato: una ragazza che ha perso la sua famiglia, una famiglia che ha perso il suo nome e un samurai che cerca la vera via del guerriero. Il finale è l'apoteosi della massima espressione di un film di samurai. Leggendario.
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Lone Wolf and Cub: Baby Cart to Hades


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Killjoy's Psycho Circus

Killjoy, the demon of vengeance, trickster god and killer clown has finally made it to Earth! Along with his gruesome crew Freakshow, Punchy and the sexy/psychotic Batty Boop, Killjoy is free to terrorize mortals in new and excruciating ways.
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Killjoy's Psycho Circus


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The lives of a nightclub owner, a crime boss, a stripper, a bartender, two hitmen, a prostitute and a psychic take a turn for the worse when they are trapped in an escaped mental patient's sinister path of madness and destruction.
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When Will You Return?

Tomoko Ashimura types on a computer her memory of her late husband Goro, but Tomoko Ashimura succumbs to a disease. On behalf of Tomoko Ashimura, her grandchild Osamu collects Tomoko’s memoirs. He learns about the love between his grandparents for the past 50 years and the difficult life they faced during and after the Pacific War.
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When Will You Return?


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Complotto di famiglia

Un'anziana signora, molto ricca, si rivolge alla chiaroveggente Blanche Tyler perchè vorrebbe ritrovare un nipote abbandonato anni prima per timore di uno scandalo e lasciargli tutti i suoi averi. La signora promette a Blanche diecimila dollari, se riuscirà nell'impresa e la maga si da da fare, aiutata anche dal suo compagno, un ex attore fallito che ora lavora come tassista. I due troveranno il nipote della signora, sotto mentite spoglie: ufficialmente lavora come gioielliere, ma in realtà organizza sequestri di persona...
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Complotto di famiglia


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The Atomic Cafe

Un'inquietante raccolta di film di propaganda del governo degli Stati Uniti degli anni '40 e '50, concepiti per rassicurare gli americani che la bomba atomica non era una minaccia per la loro sicurezza.
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The Atomic Cafe


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Lo spione

Un gangster, serio "professionista", è amico di un balordo che ha fama d'essere confidente della polizia. Quando il bandito viene arrestato, crede d'essere stato tradito dall'altro e incarica un sicario di punirlo con la morte. Troppo tardi scoprirà che l'amico non solo è innocente, ma ha anche individuato con un astuto piano il vero colpevole. Tenterà di fermare l'esecuzione e morirà assieme al balordo.
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Lo spione


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Kashikura Rin is an official charity supporter on a local TV station's charity program. She is depicted as being worried about how to deal with people and how to live as she approaches the turning point of her life at the age of 20. (c) nathalie.mu
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Terror Train 2

A year has passed since a series of gruesome murders took the lives of multiple college seniors aboard the now infamous Terror Train. The survivors are coerced to go on a New Year's Eve redemption ride aboard the very same train, where a new kind of evil awaits and the terrified passengers must once again fight to survive the ride.
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Terror Train 2


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Watang! Nel favoloso impero dei mostri

L'impresario Kumayama esibisce alla curiosità della gente un gigantesco uovo rivenuto da alcuni pescatori sulla spiaggia di un'isola dopo una violenta tempesta. Egli non sa che l'uovo è sacro per gli abitanti della favolosa Infant Island, esseri di piccolissime dimensioni che venerano la dea falena Mothra e che guardano con ostilità gli uomini, colpevoli, tra l'altro, di inquinare l'ambiente con gli esperimenti atomici. Quando le Sobijin, due fate gemelle, vengono da Infant Island a reclamare l'uovo, Kumayama pensa di aggiungere anche loro alla sua attrazione e tenta di catturarle. Riuscite a fuggire e trovato rifugio in una foresta, diventano amiche di due giornalisti e di uno scienziato "buono" che stanno organizzando un servizio fotografico. Gli uomini promettono di aiutare le due piccole straniere, ma quando stanno per tornare in città scorgono l'immensa mole di Godzilla: il mostro atomico...
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Watang! Nel favoloso impero dei mostri


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At Land

A woman lies on the sand, left there by the tides and waves (and in a pose that would be copied in From Here to Eternity). She reaches up across tree roots and makes a difficult climb. Only to discover herself climbing horizontally along a long dinner table as bourgeoise black-tie guests chat and drink and smoke, oblivious to her. At the top of the table, a man is playing chess but abandons the game. Fascinated, she gazes at board, the pieces moving unaided. The woman chases a pawn as it falls to the floor. Falls down a waterfall. Is lost.
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At Land


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Un uomo ricorda il suo ricordo d'infanzia di essere cresciuto con una fastidiosa sorellina nella Cina degli anni '90. Come sarebbe stata la sua vita se le cose fossero andate diversamente?
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A man brutally murders a married couple and leaves the word “ikari” (“rage”) written with their blood. The killer undergoes plastic surgery and flees. At three different locations in Japan, a male stranger appears. People suspect that the stranger might be the murderer.
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Lord Jim

Divenuto sottufficiale di marina, Jim si dimostra capace e volenteroso e trova subito un imbarco su di una vecchia nave che trasporta alla Mecca dei pellegrini musulmani. La nave, capitata nel mezzo di una tempesta, non regge alla furia del mare e viene abbandonata da una parte dell'equipaggio e da Jim. Questi subisce perciò un processo, al termine del quale viene radiato dai ruoli. Con questa taccia, che lo avvilisce più di fronte a se stesso che di fronte agli altri, Jim tenta diversi lavori. Un giorno, mentre guida una barca carica di esplosivi in preda alle fiamme, Jim si comporta eroicamente e viene così notato da Stein, che lo incarica di una difficile missione nel centro del paese, ove una tribù indiana, vessata da un fuorilegge, ha bisogno di armi.
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Lord Jim


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Strada a doppia corsia

Due ragazzi, pilota e meccanico, girano per gli Stati Uniti partecipando per soldi a gare automobilistiche clandestine con la loro scassata Chevrolet truccata del 1955. A loro si unisce una ragazza che andrà a letto con entrambi. Un giorno incontreranno un altro girovago, più anziano e più ricco, che con la sua Pontiac GTO nuova fiammante li sfiderà.
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Strada a doppia corsia


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Killing Hasselhoff

Un uomo vede il suo mondo crollare rapidamente a causa dei debiti con uno strozzino, perdendo la sua attività, i suoi soldi, la sua casa e la fidanzata. In breve, però, realizza che esiste un modo per rimettere a posto la sua esistenza: uccidere il suo idolo, l'attore David Hasselhoff.
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Killing Hasselhoff


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Fantastic Return To Oz

A year to the day after Dorothy and the people of the Emerald City defeated Urfin Jus, the villain is trying to exact his revenge. To command the army of Carraci, however, Urfin needs not only the magic book, but also Dorothy’s silver slippers. The slippers are safely hidden away in Dorothy’s house. Unfortunately, Dorothy’s guest, Tim, is overcome by curiosity and picks up the shoes, accidentally transporting himself, Dorothy and the slippers to the Land of Oz. The Emerald City and its citizens are in danger once again.
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Fantastic Return To Oz


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Gamera: Guardian of the Universe

A ship runs aground on a mysterious atoll leading to an investigation by insurance representative Kusanagi, who discovers an ancient bead that he gives to his daughter Asagi. Meanwhile, ornithologist Nagamine investigates reports of a new species of large bird named Gyaos. As the Gyaos begin to attack, an ancient guardian with a bond to Asagi emerges.
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Gamera: Guardian of the Universe


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The film is a violent, edgy ride focusing on down and out Reagan Tyler, a man who is troubled by visions and premonitions that ultimately lead him to old school Las Vegas. It's there that Reagan meets the beautiful and mysterious Monika, a young woman who turns out to have been killed the night before he even met her. Reagan is then forced to put the puzzle together of what happened, how she is still present, and help Monika with her revenge on the killers of her younger sister.
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