Diários I - Eva (2016)

(10) basato su 2 voti
Data di uscita
dic 17, 2016
00h 06m
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Film Simili a Diários I - Eva

Essay on love

Essay on love is, above all, an experimental film. A hybrid of fiction and documentary, it brings reality and fantasy to discuss that which is the most important thing for some, and the least important thing for others: Love. Love is actually in every place and human activity we look at: art, business, advertising, sports, entertaining, religion, education, politics, etc. What is this thing that is so present in our lives? Why we are so desperate in having, possessing, idealizing or despising love? Everyone talks about it. Creates songs about it. Declares themselves to be loving human beings... What do they mean with all of this? "Essay on love" gives you a glimpse on this subject. On how people relates themselves to the concept of love, and as a film, is an attempt to approach this wonderful thing that love is, through cinema.
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Essay on love


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Lone Wolf and Cub: Baby Cart to Hades


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I ruggenti anni venti

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