Leap Frog (2022)

(10) basato su 1 voti
Data di uscita
giu 03, 2022
01h 15m
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The story of Charlotte Brown,a waitress and young single mother who will do anything for her daughter Jenny, and when push comes to shove, she does. With a menacing figure on the other end of the phone and a time limit of two hours,she must raise enough money to ensure that she sees the smiling face of her child again. Charlotte's customers are her only hope. The clock is ticking as we see the desperate young mother dealing with one eccentric customer after the next, displaying her charming vulnerability and inspiring strength through all the chaos. With her feet firmly planted on the ground, Charlotte maintains her focus and attempts to beat the clock and save the day.
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Il timido studente morso da un ragno radioattivo ne acquista le capacità e butta all'aria i piani di un diabolico scienziato. Prima versione per la TV del personaggio creato nel 1963 dal disegnatore Steve Ditko con le storie di Stan Lee. Avventura e umorismo, ma trucchi poco mirabolanti.
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The Phantom Stockman

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