Nàdia (2022)

(7) basato su 1 voti
Data di uscita
mar 19, 2022
00h 20m
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Film Simili a Nàdia

Shark Side of the Moon

Decades ago, the USSR developed unkillable sharks and launched them to the moon. Today, a team of American astronauts will endure the fight of their lives.
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Shark Side of the Moon


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Mano Po

During the Chinese Revolution in 1949, young Chinese copra trader named Fong-Huan marries Elisa, a young and pretty Filipina. The couples children, Daniel and Linda, were raised in a mixture of Chinese and Filipino-Hispanic tradition. These richly cultured people are the ancestors of a dysfunctional third-generation family whose daughters tell their own stories of joy, struggle, and the complex realities in the life of Filipino Chinese families.
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The Big 4

A by-the-book female detective teams up with four down-on-their-luck assassins to investigate her father's murder.
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The Big 4


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Tango, Tequila and Some Lies

Lu has a perfect life. Or so she pretends to have. She meets the handsome, short-tempered Argentinian, Diego, who is on a visit to Mexico, and she is confident to get him head over heels in love with her. In order to win a wager with her friends, her life will take a turn when she does the impossible to win him over, including taking a trip to Argentina to look for him.
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Tango, Tequila and Some Lies


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Encanto at the Hollywood Bowl

A taped performance of the Encanto Live-to-Film Concert Experience at the Hollywood Bowl. The original cast puts on a miracle of a concert as they sing the favorite songs, accompanied by a full orchestra and 50 person ensemble, and the Hollywood Bowl transforms into Casita!
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Encanto at the Hollywood Bowl


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Avatar: The Deep Dive - A Special Edition of 20/20

An inside look at one of the most anticipated movie sequels ever with James Cameron and cast.
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Avatar: The Deep Dive - A Special Edition of 20/20


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Pirates Down the Street II: The Ninjas from Across

The pirates feel right at home in Sandborough, but the atmosphere cools right down when the ninjas come to live in the street. After all, pirates and ninjas are sworn enemies! While pirate captain Hector Blunderbuss struggles to get rid of his new neighbours, son Billy and ninja daughter Yuka become friends. The pirates challenge the ninjas to the ultimate battle at the village's annual hexathlon. Who will win the match? Ninjas are faster and more agile of course, but pirates are the best cheats in all of the seven seas...
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Pirates Down the Street II: The Ninjas from Across


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L'ispettore Ottozampe e il mistero dei misteri

L'ispettore Ottozampe è un simpatico ma goffo ragnetto, che risolve molti casi, ma combina sempre guai! Dopo essere stato espulso dalla Polizia per aver distrutto un edifico, l'ispettore Ottozampe decide di prendersi una lunga e meritata vacanza e si imbarca su un aereo di lusso diretto a San Francisco. Ma il suo viaggio è disturbato dalla scomparsa inaspettata di un ospite, il ricco medico Bugsy, in luna di miele con la moglie e vedova nera Arabella. Ce la farà l'ispettore Ottozampe a risolvere questo intricatissimo mistero? Lo accompagneranno in questa incredibile avventura il suo assistente Janey e una gang di bizzarri aiutanti.
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L'ispettore Ottozampe e il mistero dei misteri


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Suzi Q

Story of trailblazing American rock singer-songwriter Suzi Quatro, who helped redefine the role of women in rock 'n' roll when she broke out in 1973.
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Quando ho smesso di preoccuparmi e ho iniziato a masturbarmi

Un'ambiziosa donna in carriera lasciata dal fidanzato poco prima del quarantesimo compleanno è costretta a ripensare alla propria vita caotica mentre il mondo le crolla addosso.
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Quando ho smesso di preoccuparmi e ho iniziato a masturbarmi


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The King's Avatar: For the Glory

Film prequel di Quan Zhi Gao Shou, che tratta dell'ingresso originale di Ye Xiu nel mondo dei videogiochi professionisti di Glory e del primo torneo della serie Pro League.
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The King's Avatar: For the Glory


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Killer of Men

A man lurks the night alleys, killing people at random, he feels nothing, no emotion, and no pain; when he meets a graceful widow he must confront what it means to be human.
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Killer of Men


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San Francisco, 1985. Two opposites attract at a modern dance company. Together, their courage and resilience are tested as they navigate a world full of risks and promise, against the backdrop of a disease no one seems to know anything about.
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Detective Knight - Fine dei giochi

L'assegnazione all'ultimo minuto del detective James Knight al turno del Giorno dell'Indipendenza si trasforma in una corsa per impedire a un'ambulanza impazzita di mettere in pericolo i festeggiamenti della città. Il vigilante fuorviante, che interpreta il poliziotto con una pistola e un'uniforme rubate, ha un caveau in banca pieno di motivi per organizzare il suo spettacolo pirotecnico... uno che colpirà pericolosamente vicino alla casa di Knight.
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Detective Knight - Fine dei giochi


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Prizefighter - La forza di un campione

All'inizio del diciannovesimo secolo, in un momento in cui il pugilato è una disciplina sportiva totalmente appannaggio dei re, un giovane e dotato pugile si dà da fare per diventare campione d'Inghilterra.
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Prizefighter - La forza di un campione


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A married woman with a lovely daughter lives a carefree life, until she meets her ex-lover at a friend’s wedding. They haven’t seen each other in ten years, but they begin an affair.
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Adam Ondra has been considered the best climber in the history of climbing for several years now. Even though he is only 19. Despite the fact that he is studying at a demanding grammar school, he is maybe the most traveling and definitely the most watched climber of today. It is almost an impossible task to combine and manage top sporting performances on the rocks, a difficult studying and the never ending carousel of competitions, interviews, festivals and slide-shows. Adam is taking his A level exams in a few weeks. Even though he is a top student, he decides not to go to university. Instead, he and 3 of his friends are setting on a long journey to the unknown north of Europe. Remote areas of Norway and Sweden are hiding some undiscovered climbing and natural treasures. The first really FREE journey beyond the limits of human possibilities may begin...
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Two Of A Kind

Grégoire Beaulieu learns that he has a twin brother: Anthony Girard. Gregoire is bourgeois, ambitious and promised to a great career, Anthony has no prospect and lives of shenanigans. The two brothers couldn’t be more opposite. Especially when one is white and the other is black !
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Two Of A Kind


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Tension mounts between a quadraplegic man and his wife as she prepares a bath for him.
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Avengers Grimm

Quando Tremotino distrugge lo Specchio magico e fugge verso il mondo moderno, le quattro principesse Cenerentola, Bella Addormentata, Biancaneve e Raperonzolo vengono risucchiate dal portale stesso. Ben addestrate e dotate di poteri magici, le quattro donne dovranno combattere contro Tremotino e il suo esercito prima che tutta l'umanità venga ridotta in schiavitù.
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Avengers Grimm


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Una tenente dell’esercito degli Stati Uniti deve far fronte a tutte le sue conoscenze e a tutta la sua esperienza in campo militare quando sedici missili nucleari partono alla volta degli Stati Uniti, in un violento attacco coordinato che minaccia proprio la sua stazione di intercettazione missilistica…
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The Machine

Bert Kreischer affronta una crisi familiare e l'arrivo del padre separato quando arriva il fantasma del suo passato intriso di alcol: un mafioso omicida determinato a rapire Bert nella madrepatria per espiare i suoi crimini. Insieme, lui e suo padre devono ripercorrere i passi del suo io più giovane nel bel mezzo di una guerra tra una famiglia criminale sociopatica mentre tentano di trovare un terreno comune.
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The Machine


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Garage Sale Mystery: Non è oro tutto ciò che luccica

Jennifer Shannon ha un fiuto particolare per la ricerca di tesori nascosti che acquista nelle vendite di garage per poi rivenderli nel suo negozio. Ciò però la porta spesso a rimanere coinvolta nelle indagini penali che accompagnano le vendite che frequenta. Quando il suo amico e rivenditore Martin viene assassinato poche ore dopo un'asta a cui ha preso parte, Jennifer è la testimone oculare principale, collaborando con il detective Lynwood per rintracciare l'assassino.
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Garage Sale Mystery: Non è oro tutto ciò che luccica


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Lord of the Streets

When Jason Dyson refuses to make his prized fighter throw an MMA match, a notorious gangster collects his debt by killing the fighter and kidnapping Jason's daughter. Now he must train a prisoner to endure five consecutive underground fights to save her.
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Lord of the Streets


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The Forbidden Legend: Sex & Chopsticks 2

Rich and powerful Simon Qing has been schooled in the ways of sex by his virile father, but is still a virgin. That is, until he meets his first love Violetta who has fun with him all over his father’s estate. Their love does not last, so Simon embarks on a journey. Along the way he meets the comely nun Moon whom Simon deflowers and then marries. He then becomes enamored of Golden Lotus but she is married to dwarf Wu Da-Lang.
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The Forbidden Legend: Sex & Chopsticks 2


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Six Swedish Girls in Alps

This comedy has everyone's favorite 6 Swedish gals enjoying their stay in the alps. When the girls aren't enjoying the pleasure of their own company they're out having a good time with nearly everyone else in town.
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Six Swedish Girls in Alps


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Until We Meet Again

A woman finds her new house is haunted by the ghost of a young pianist.
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Until We Meet Again


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Main Thing Holidays

Trama non disponibile
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Main Thing Holidays


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Dream 9 Toriko & One Piece & Dragon Ball Z Super Collaboration Special

A two-part crossover special featuring characters from Dragon Ball Z, One Piece and Toriko.
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Dream 9 Toriko & One Piece & Dragon Ball Z Super Collaboration Special


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In gara per Natale

Amelia Lewis è super eccitata quando compra un negozio disponibile, progettando di aprire un negozio di Natale per tutto l'anno. Ma i suoi festeggiamenti si fermano bruscamente quando scopre che anche Vic Manning ha fatto un'offerta per la proprietà. Dopo aver continuamente bisticciato e cercato di superarsi a vicenda, i due combattenti imparano a lavorare insieme e persino a far sì che i commercianti di Main Street mettano da parte le loro differenze per un bene più grande.
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In gara per Natale


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