Gateways Grind (2022)

(3,5) basato su 2 voti
Data di uscita
mar 25, 2022
01h 20m
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RETURN tells the story of a retired Green Beret who embarks on a healing journey from Montana to Vietnam. There he retraces his steps, shares his wartime experiences with his son, treats his Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and seeks out the mountain tribespeople he once lived with and fought alongside as a Special Forces officer.
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"Behind every strong man is a strong woman!", Mumine shouts as her husband is arrested. She has 4 children, she's in her mid-30s, and she's the wife of a Crimean Tatar political prisoner. Muslim Crimean Tatars have been oppressed for a long time. They were deported under Stalin, allowed to return under Gorbachev, and since the occupation of Crimea in 2014 under Putin, they are being persecuted again. "Return" is a portrait of Mumine and Maye, two strong women struggling with the consequences of oppression. Their traditional understanding of their role as women does not stand in the way of their dedication. They possess strength, beauty and dignity. Only in their most intimate moments, they are overwhelmed by desperate helplessness.
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Darkland: The Return

Seven years ago, Zaid went to war against the Copenhagen underworld to avenge his dead brother. His identity as a respected doctor of cardiology and life as a family man is but a fading dream, and in prison Zaid suffers the loss of his son Noah, whom he barely knows. When a police agent approaches Zaid and offers him a deal to be released in exchange for infiltrating the Copenhagen underworld, he sees his chance to reclaim the remnants of the family life he left behind. But everything has a price, and Zaid realizes that he has now seriously endangered his son's life. After all, once you become part of the underworld, is there any way out?
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Darkland: The Return


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L'ispettore Lavardin

L'ispettore Lavardin (Inspecteur Lavardin) è un film del 1986 diretto da Claude Chabrol. L'anno precedente era uscito di Chabrol Una morte di troppo, dove Jean Poiret aveva già interpretato il poliziotto Jean Lavardin. In un paesino bretone nelle vicinanze di Saint-Malo Raoul Mons, uno scrittore cattolico con fama di costumi irreprensibili, fa impedire su pressione del parroco una rappresentazione teatrale giudicata blasfema. Poco dopo viene rinvenuto sulla spiaggia il suo cadavere, nudo e con una scritta infamante sulla schiena. Per far luce sul misfatto viene ingaggiato il cinico e disilluso ispettore Jean Lavardin, che si reca a casa della moglie del morto Hélène, in cui riconosce con stupore una sua vecchia fiamma. Lavardin rivede così anche Claude, il cognato del defunto, con cui era stato amico in gioventù.
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L'ispettore Lavardin


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During one of their night stays, three college teens play a silly prank where they randomly call people and tell them that they know who that person is and what they have done. What will happen when things take a dangerous turn?
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L'assassino ha le ore contate

Free-lance undercover agent Coplan receives a phone call from an old girlfriend in Turkey. The panic-stricken woman gives sketchy details of a plot that threatens world security. When Coplan arrives, he is told the woman has been killed, and the trail of the murderer leads to her mad-scientist brother.
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L'assassino ha le ore contate


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Alienoid: Return to the Future

Ean has a critical mission to return to the future to save everyone. However, she becomes trapped in the distant past while trying to prevent the escape of alien prisoners who are locked up in the bodies of humans. Meanwhile, Muruk, who helps Ean escape various predicaments, is unnerved when he begins sensing the presence of a strange being in his body. Traveling through the centuries, they are trying to prevent the explosion of the haava.
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Alienoid: Return to the Future


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Un regista e uno sceneggiatore lavorano alla scrittura di un film, ma la sceneggiatura viene cancellata per errore. In pochi giorni i due devono così riscriverne un'altra che tratta della diffusione di una terribile epidemia in Europa. Ma il virus comincia a propagarsi veramente, in un'alternanza di fiction e realtà.
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Scooby-Doo: Agence toutou risques, vol. 1 : Le voleur de vélo

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Scooby-Doo: Agence toutou risques, vol. 1 : Le voleur de vélo


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Io no spik inglish

Per esigenze lavorative, un assicuratore che non conosce una sola parola di inglese deve frequentare un corso di lingue ad Oxford.
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Io no spik inglish


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Through a haze of smoke, coke, and booze; possible futures, pasts, and presents coalesce chaos inside the mind of a man drifting directionless through life. When your future calls, what will you have to say?
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The Olsen Gang Sees Red

Egon and the gang are hired to stage a robbery of an antique Chinese vase for an economically challenged baron. Naturally they fooled, which infuriates Egon. The gang tries to get back at the baron by switching the vase with a cheap Hong Kong copy. One attempt is made during the barons hunting party, where Egon ends up being bricked up in the catacombs. In another attempt, the gang has to coordinate breaking through several walls at The Royal Theater in Copenhagen with the "Elverhøj" overture.
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The Olsen Gang Sees Red


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The Couple

A lovelorn man overcomes the pain of splitting with his wife with a newfound love, only for his mother and brother to frustrate his happiness.
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The Couple


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La donna di Parigi

Marie aspetta invano Jean alla stazione: proprio in quelle ore infatti il padre di Jean è morto e il ragazzo non può fuggire con lei. Credendosi abbandonata, Marie parte per Parigi, dove diventa una prostituta di lusso. Quando Jean la ritrova, per la vergogna Marie non accetta di tornare con lui. Jean si uccide e Marie torna in provincia.
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La donna di Parigi


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Gasping for Air

When his sister disappears after leaving their home in hopes of singing stardom, Luis tracks her down and discovers the grim reality of her whereabouts.
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Gasping for Air


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Le colline hanno gli occhi II

Un gruppo di motociclisti viaggia per il deserto e sono bloccati in una vecchia miniera. Presto realizzano che sono osservati da un gruppo di cannibali sconosciuti dal mondo civilizzato. Il film è pieno di flashback che rappresentano scene del film originale; persino il cane ha un flashback. Ruby, Bobby e Pluto ritornano dal film originale.
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Le colline hanno gli occhi II


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