கனெக்ட் (2022)

(9) basato su 2 voti
Data di uscita
dic 22, 2022
01h 39m
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Film Simili a கனெக்ட்

Bhaskar The Rascal

Businessman Bhaskaran Pillai builds a large commercial empire until his wife dies. Under pressure from his son, Bhaskaran goes on a trip where he meets Hima, a small-business owner.
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Bhaskar The Rascal


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Monster High - Fusioni mostruose

Gli alunni della Monster High sono tornati in una nuova e terrificante avventura. Per aiutare un loro amico a scoprire di più sul suo passato, i nostri simpatici mostri trovano una porta per tornare indietro nel tempo. Ma quello che doveva essere un divertente viaggio nel tempo si trasforma in un problema quando, durante il viaggio di rirtono ai giorni nostri, i loro corpi si fondono insieme in un incredibile mostro senza controllo.
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Monster High - Fusioni mostruose


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Moscow, the 90s ... A city without a past and without a future. A city that doesn't forgive mistakes. Showing Moscow bohemia, the criminal business: nightlife, easy money, excitement and confusion form the surface of this life. The main characters of the film are businessman Mike and his friend and partner in smuggling Lev, a psychiatrist Mark and his school friend Irina who became the mistress of a nightclub, her two daughters - a crazy Olga working in the same club as a singer, and Masha - the “Moscow Princess” on the threshold of her thirtieth birthday. Love stories smoothly flow into a crime drama.
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Helter Skelter

The rise of Charles Manson and his "family," who are responsible for a series of famous murders in the late 1960s. Manson, a magnetic and mysterious man, attracts road-weary single mother Linda Kasabian to join his collection of outcasts on a ranch outside of Los Angeles. After murdering actress Sharon Tate, Manson and his followers are investigated by district attorney Vincent Bugliosi.
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Helter Skelter


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Six Days of Sistine

Two souls lost in a world of modernisation find each other in a moment's need for clarity and appreciation.
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Six Days of Sistine


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Red, a shy orphan who spent most of his childhood in a girly bar, grew up to be the town's best fixer. When a rich kid was gunned down in a drug bust that went wrong, Red was hired by Art, a spoiled socialite, to fix the mess.
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La tribù del pallone 4

Dopo la vittoria contro le Vipere Striscianti, per la tribù del pallone rimane soltanto un traguardo da raggiungere: la Coppa di Calcio Freestyle. I loro rivali, i Lupi, non sono avversari normali. Nella nebbia attorno la loro fortezza, Ragnarök, si nasconde un misterioso potere: Horizon e i Silver Lights.
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La tribù del pallone 4


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Barbie Mariposa e la principessa delle fate

Come ambasciatrice reale di Flutterfield, Mariposa viaggia fino a Shimmervale, un regno magico alimentato dai cristalli, per portare la pace tra la sua terra e quella delle fate rivali. Mentre non fa una buona impressione sul Re, Mariposa stringe amicizia con la timida principessa Catania e scopre la bellezza delle cascate GlowWater. Tuttavia, un malinteso causa l’allontanamento di Mariposa dal regno e il suo ritorno a Flutterfield. Quando però una fata malvagia cerca di rubare tutti i cristalli di Shimmervale minacciando di distruggere ogni cosa, Mariposa torna indietro per aiutare la principessa Catania a salvare il suo regno…
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Barbie Mariposa e la principessa delle fate


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WWE WrestleMania XL Sunday

The Undisputed WWE Universal Championship will be on the line when Roman Reigns defends his title against the winner of the 2024 Royal Rumble, Cody Rhodes. The Scottish Warrior Drew McIntyre will finally get his chance to win a world title in front of the masses as he faces World Heavyweight Champion Seth "Freakin" Rollins at The Showcase of the Immortals. Plus a big tag team match on night 1 where Cody Rhodes and World Heavyweight Champion Seth "Freakin" Rollins will go head to head with Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson and Undisputed WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns in a match with huge WrestleMania implications. Bayley is hellbent on seizing the WWE Women's Champion when she goes to war against her former ally IYO SKY at WrestleMania. 'Mami' Rhea Ripley defends her Women's World Title against 'The Man' Becky Lynch in what should be a legendary championship fight and many more.
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WWE WrestleMania XL Sunday


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Android Re-Enactment

Ermus Daglek, retired Empathtek engineer, commandeers a defunct factory where he creates androids based on persons from his past and recreates a dinner party where he lost the love of his life - until they malfunction and escape.
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Android Re-Enactment


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Sai da Frente

Isidoro Colepicula is a humble truck driver hired to transport some furniture from São Paulo to Santos, in his worn out truck he calls "Anastácio". Hiding among the pieces travels a bride who's trying to escape her own marriage. With his dog Coroné, he gets himself into many amusing situations, especially when the packed vehicle is left without brakes on a steep road, and he has to chase after it.
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Sai da Frente


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Gli invincibili dieci gladiatori

Dieci gladiatori si alleano a degli schiavi traci fuggitivi comandati da Spartaco. Il senatore Varrone mette loro contro dei soldati. Nella battaglia che segue, la vittoria va agli schiavi.
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Gli invincibili dieci gladiatori


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In the Dusk

Lithuania, 1948. War is over, but the country is left in ruins. 19-year-old Untė is a member of the Partisan movement resisting Soviet occupation. They do not fight on equal terms, but this desperate struggle will determine the future of the whole population. At the age of discovery of life, Untė discovers violence and treachery. The lines are blurred between the burning passion of his youth and the cause for which he is fighting. He will invest himself wholeheartedly, even if it means losing his innocence…
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In the Dusk


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Ultraman Zero Side Story: Killer the Beatstar - Stage I: Universe of Steel

One year after the battle with Belial's Galactic Empire, the members of Ultimate Force Zero returned to Planet Esmeralda to see Princess Emerana. They arrived to see her and Jean Bot captures by a mysterious artificial planet which then took of for another universe. In the Universe where the sphere fled to, Zap Spacy members Rei and Hyuga are forced to infiltrate it, as it is on a collision course with Planet Bram. Inside they encounter various robot monsters, that the Ultramen have fought in the past, all under the control of Beatstar, with one mission: "Destroy all organic life". After saving Emerana, they encounter a robot very similar to Jean Bot, Jean Killer. During their fight with Jean Killer, Zero learns from Jean Bot that Jean Killer is actually his twin brother. Ultimate Force Zero must now put a stop to Killer's rampage and defeat Beatstar in the process. This is part 1 of a 2-part special release to promote the movie Ultraman Saga.
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Ultraman Zero Side Story: Killer the Beatstar - Stage I: Universe of Steel


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Magic Kingdom: Alamat ng Damortis

The Kingdom of Damortis was once ruled by the kind-hearted Empress Sofia who was ordered to be killed by Basilicus, her brother who has a great desire for the throne. Princess Dahlia, heir to the throne elopes with the blind singer Mico. Amain and his warrior trainees, Jobert, Samuel, and Oman are tasked to protect the princess and save Damortis from the evil forces of Basilicus.
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Magic Kingdom: Alamat ng Damortis


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Bodas de sangre - Nozze di sangue

A bride elopes with her lover on the very day of her wedding. The groom follows the two lovers, and a knife fight takes place. The rivals stab each other and the only wedding that takes place is that one knotting their destinies together in death. A blood wedding.
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Bodas de sangre - Nozze di sangue


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Tough Enough

From the youth directed novel of the same name by Greogor Tressnow comes a film by Detlev Buck that is a realistic portrait of life in the section of Berlin called Neukölln. It’s about power and weakness, delinquents and victims, and the difficulties a 15-year-old faces in a poor and criminal environment.
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Tough Enough


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Hannah Montana & Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert

In this concert film, 'Hannah Montana' star Miley Cyrus performs a slew of hit songs, including 'Just Like You' and 'Life's What You Make It.'
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Hannah Montana & Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert


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Palla da golf

Il greenkeper Carl Spackler sta per dare il via alla III Guerra Mondiale contro uno zelante venditore. Il presuntuoso Smails gioca per vincere, ma la sua nubile nipote Lacey Underall vuole farsi strada da sola. Il playboy Ty Webb gioca a golf perfettamente "facendo" da palla. E lo spaccone del club Al Czervik ha appena raddoppiato una scommessa di 20.000 dollari su un colpo di 300 metri.
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Palla da golf


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Army of the Dead

In 1590, Coronado dispatched a division of one thousand men to find El Dorado, the legendary city of gold. Those men were never seen again. While searching some Baja peninsula caves as part of an archeological expedition, a university professor and his students unwittingly unleash a long dormant curse. They soon find themselves in a life or death battle with an army of skeletal warriors, the undead remnants of Coronado's conquistadors.
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Army of the Dead


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Schmatta: Rags to Riches to Rags

"Schmatta: Rags to Riches to Rags" brings to life the vibrant, unexpected history of the Garment District, which for many years was the heart and soul of Midtown Manhattan, but is now in danger of disappearing. For thousands of immigrants the garment industry was a path to their American Dream, but today most of those jobs are gone.
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Schmatta: Rags to Riches to Rags


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