戏法师 (2021)

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Film Simili a 戏法师

Daily Fantasy

When he was a child, A Zhen was thought to be a thief by his whole school after a classmate framed him for stealing the principal’s wallet. As a grown-up, A Zhen has become a real thief. Perhaps due to karma, he is struck by lightning which gives him the ability to communicate with non-humans. A Zhen frantically seeks medical help and meets his first love, Cao Mei, once again.
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Daily Fantasy


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Messaggio segreto

1898. I rivoluzionari cubani insorti contro la Spagna sono aiutati dagli Stati Uniti che mandano un ufficiale con un messaggio per il generale Garcia, comandante delle forze rivoluzionarie. Catturato e torturato, l'ufficiale americano viene liberato dall'intervento delle truppe dei patrioti. La missione sarà infine compiuta.
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Fourteen-year-old Elias increasingly feels like an outsider in his village. When he meets his new neighbour of the same age, Alexander, Elias is confronted with his burgeoning sexuality.
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Hing sees

A little boy and his big dream - toy soldiers with souls, who would close their eyes, when dying.
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Tot - Aber Glücklich

Michael wants to get out of a satanic sect and a world breaks down for his girlfriend Doris. When she tries to kill him in her madness, he kills her in self-defense with an iron. Together with his buddy, the somewhat crazy Frank, they dispose of the body in a forest lake. But there is a curse on the lake and Doris comes back as a murdering zombie. Meanwhile, the Grand Master and her loyal assistant Schröder are after Michael and want to sacrifice him. More and more dead people want to be disposed of and this creates more and more zombies and the sect members also put the two on the skin enormously.
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Stand Clear of the Closing Doors

When autistic teen Ricky is scolded for skipping class, he escapes into the subway for a days-long odyssey among the subway’s disparate denizens. Meanwhile, his mother wages an escalating search effort above ground. Based on a true story and set in Far Rockaway, Queens, in the days leading up to Hurricane Sandy, these parallel stories of mother and son take the viewer on a touching journey of community and connection in and below New York City.
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The Seasons of Pleasure

Charles and Emmanuelle organize as every year, the congress of perfumers who distribute their products in their castle. Garibaldi, their mutilated and somewhat disturbed son-in-law, will be the butler.
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The Miracle of Joe, the Petrel

In Okinawa, a Japanese-Filipino gangster named Joe kills an Okinawan mobster. Joe temporarily escapes the pursuing mob by fleeing to the Philippines, hoping to find there safety and perhaps to link up with his father. He meets Yoko, a saloon girl, who looks after him, but soon Joe's enemies show up, determined to make Joe pay.
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Midnight Grand Orchestra 1st LIVE 『Overture』
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The story revolves around Kunjan (Dileep), a village youth who is sympathized for his hunchback looks but is lauded for selfless service to others. He covers up his handicap with humor. Unmindful of his looks, Kunjan goes around seeking a suitable bride, with the help of his friend (Cochin Haneefa). Brushing aside many an insult hurled at him, he carries on. In contrast to him is Karthik (also Dileep), a violent college student, who loves his classmate Priya Lakshmi (Manya). She comes across Kunjan, who assures her that he would get her married to the man of her heart, but she is killed in a fracas involving a gangster (Sai Kumar). Meanwhile, the hunchback Kunjan comes across an orphaned poor blind girl, Chembagam (Navya Nair). He wins her heart by helping her out. Thanks to his efforts, Chembagam regains her vision (the eyes of deceased Priya are transplanted to her). This results in a tussle between Kunjan and Karthik, as to whom Chembagam belongs to now.
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A profile of one of Britain's best-loved comedy actresses, who starred in 13 of the Carry On franchise's films and teamed up with Eric Sykes for popular sitcom Sykes. This documentary charts the highs and lows of Hattie's career, presenting her finest moments on screen alongside footage from her family archive. With contributions from family, friends, fans and co-stars
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Escaped Prisoner 39013 impersonates the rich and influential Horace Granville, allowing him to create a variety of disasters. Fortunately, he is thwarted repeatedly by three daring circus daredevils.
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Weslie and his crew discover an evil mechanical dragon who defeats Wolffy as he was attempting to capture the goats, but a series of good dragons rescue Weslie and the goats. The good dragons say that evil dragons have taken over their world, and they need the help of the goats.
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Paradiso nudo

Tre criminali, Zach Cotton e i suoi due scagnozzi Mitch e Sonny, tentano di fuggire da un'isola tropicale dopo una rapina. Zach noleggia quindi la barca di Duke dichiarando di essere un produttore di giocattoli.
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Lo sport più distensivo del mondo

Tom sta giocando a golf, ma la sua inesperienza lo porta a distruggere varie parti del campo prima di colpire la pallina. Cercando di mandare la pallina in buca, si accorge che in essa si trova Jerry. Il topo tenta di scappare, ma Tom lo colpisce da lontano con la pallina. Tom tenta quindi di usare Jerry come tee, ma costui si ribella e gli fa una lunga serie di scherzi. Alla fine Tom, salito su un albero per catturare Jerry, viene inseguito da uno sciame di api e si rifugia in un laghetto, usando una canna di bambù per respirare. Le api però entrano nella canna di bambù, e Tom, dopo aver lanciato un urlo, esce dal lago e scappa via. Jerry, da lontano, lo colpisce con la pallina, come il gatto aveva fatto con lui poco prima.
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Once, on New Year's Eve, photojournalist Gosha met a strange old man who called himself an inventor. He kept his last invention in a suitcase and willingly determined with the help of this device the area and degree of giftedness of each person. Gaucher, the old man predicted the career of a clown, but he did not believe it and, contrary to the recommendations, became a journalist ...
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