חורים (2021)

(6,5) basato su 1 voti
Data di uscita
mag 20, 2021
01h 19m
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Film Simili a חורים

Sailor Moon SS: The Movie - Il mistero dei sogni

C'era una volta un bellissimo folletto di nome Perle. Nelle notti piene di sogni le note zuccherine del suo flauto trascinano i bambini al cospetto di Queen Badiane, nel paese dei dolci. La regina del pianeta lontano, che con i suoi elfi e le sue leccornie covava nel cuore malvagi propositi, non aveva fatto i conti con l'amore di Perle per una terrestre dai buffi codini che rispondeva al nome di Sailor. Quel giorno tutte le guerriere della nostra galassia si riunirono un'ultima volta per far fronte alla terribile minaccia proveniente da un mondo lontano, ma qualcosa non andò come previsto.
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Sailor Moon SS: The Movie - Il mistero dei sogni


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The Tragedy of “W”

A young girl is striving for stardom. In order to get a lead role in a new production, she agrees to stand-in for a famous star whose rich patron died in her arms one night. The real-life drama gradually comes to mirror the story of the play being performed by her.
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The Tragedy of “W”


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The Evil Marriage

Once upon a time, in a far away, across the dark jungle, a castle in the sky, there lived a king of Evils with his evil guards. One day, one of his magicians showed the magic mirror and shows a beautiful human girl in this mirror, and told that if he wants to continue to be a king he must marry this girl. The story of "The Evil Marriage movie" revolves around the character of "Nur" (a human girl) who was kidnapped by the Evil's king guards and took her to unfamiliar world where she will have to marry the evil in order for others to live. But, there is someone who sneaks into the dark jungle to reach the evil castle and rescues her.
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The Evil Marriage


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During one of their night stays, three college teens play a silly prank where they randomly call people and tell them that they know who that person is and what they have done. What will happen when things take a dangerous turn?
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Una collega pericolosa

Dopo un periodo di eventi negativi, tra cui un aborto spontaneo e disoccupazione, le cose sembrano finalmente andare meglio per Lisa e Sean Miller nel momento in cui quest'ultimo ottiene il lavoro dei suoi sogni in una società pubblicitaria. Ma quando l'assistente di Sean, Jen, si auto-proclama "moglie di lavoro", Sean dovrà cominciare a difendersi dalle sue avances. La donna infatti non si fermerà davanti a nulla per cercare di rovinare il suo matrimonio e ottenere ciò che vuole...
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Una collega pericolosa


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My Daughter's Psycho Friend

A devious and psychotic student tries to frame a new girl at school for a teen's accidental death at a party.
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My Daughter's Psycho Friend


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Through a haze of smoke, coke, and booze; possible futures, pasts, and presents coalesce chaos inside the mind of a man drifting directionless through life. When your future calls, what will you have to say?
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Il dottor Dolittle 5

La figlia del dr. Dolittle, Maya, ha ereditato la capacità del padre di parlare con ogni sorta di animale; il suo sogno è diventare veterinaria, ma a un passo dal college, l'idea di studiare per tutti quegli anni la scoraggia. Così, mentre il dottore è in giro per il mondo, la ragazza decide di seguire le sue orme e provare ad aiutare i piccoli amici in difficoltà usando il suo particolare talento: a cominciare dalla diva della televisione Tiffany, che porta a Maya la sua cagnolina depressa e le chiede di fare una chiacchierata con lei. La giovane Dolittle scopre presto che il problema è a monte; il povero cucciolo è in realtà un maschietto che viene trattato da anni come una principessina...
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Il dottor Dolittle 5


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When Sunder loses everything, he seeks refuge in a graveyard, where he befriends a ghost.
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Call It Fate, Call It Karma

A vengeance-fuelled restaurant owner attempts to take revenge on his backstabbing employee. However, when confronted, things go terribly wrong.
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Call It Fate, Call It Karma


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Il sepolcro indiano

Due innamorati, la danzatrice Seetha e l'ingegnere tedesco Berger, vengono catturati dal principe Chandra e la ballerina, per salvare la vita al suo amato, acconsente a sposare lo stesso sovrano. Alla vigilia delle nozze, i sacerdoti del tempio, che tramano per il potere, fanno scoppiare una rivolta; sarà lo stesso Berger a soffocarla ed a unirsi finalmente a Seetha, sotto la benedizione del riconoscente ed amareggiato principe.
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Il sepolcro indiano


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Olympia - Festa di bellezza

Commissioned to make a propaganda film about the 1936 Olympic Games in Germany, director Leni Riefenstahl created a celebration of the human form. Where the two-part epic's first half, Festival of the Nations, focused on the international aspects of the 1936 Olympic Games held in Berlin, part two, The Festival of Beauty, concentrates on individual athletes such as equestrians, gymnasts, and swimmers, climaxing with American Glenn Morris' performance in the decathalon and the games' majestic closing ceremonies.
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Olympia - Festa di bellezza


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Naughty Kids: Operation New Year

Nia and Nika, accompanied by their parents, plan a New Year's trip, but their mischievous behavior leads to punishment. Instead of following their parents, they have to spend New Year's at Grandpa's house, who discover a magical locket capable of granting wishes. Opting for a private celebration, the siblings find themselves targeted by robbers hired by a collector eager to obtain the medallion. Now, the children must confront the thieves on their own
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Naughty Kids: Operation New Year


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Prahaar is the story of Major Chavan, a tough and stern soldier, trained to destroy the enemy. He can see the enemy on our borders but is unaware of the invisible enemy within ourselves. When one of Major's Commandos - Peter D'Souza is killed, he is shown the harsh reality revolving around us, the enemy is within ourselves. The battlefield changes and Major Chavan makes his final attack on the enemy within this crumbling society.
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A spasso nel tempo - L'avventura continua

Ascanio e Walter vengono richiamati all’ordine (tramite cellulare) dalle mogli inviperite per la loro assenza ma, invece di fare ritorno, si ritrovano a vagabondare nuovamente nelle varie epoche storiche. Questa volta si parte dalla preistoria per finire nell'Irlanda degli Highlander da cui si balza al West. Poi si passa per Napoli per giungere alla Swinging London dei Beatles (Walter) mentre Ascanio si esibisce a Las Vegas. Non mancherà una sosta a Firenze condita con un po' di paprika erotica.
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A spasso nel tempo - L'avventura continua


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Planète corps

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Planète corps


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Egg and Stone

14-year-old Honggui is forced to live with her uncle and aunt in the countryside. She is not wanted by them, nor was she wanted by her parents, who apparently intended to farm her out to family for two years so they could work in the city. Years pass. When she tries to make contact, her real mother is too busy to take her call.
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Egg and Stone


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