火线突围 (2021)

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Data di uscita
set 02, 2021
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Film Simili a 火线突围

Clockwork Bananas

Gilles, who operates a money losing garage, teams up with his friends Max, who operates a scrap yard, and lawyer Xavier to open a brothel catering to women. They get the idea from Gilles' secretary Irma, a former prostitute. They are assisted in the implementation by Max's wife Juliette and Sabine who is mad for Gilles. Unfortunately Gilles has fallen for Florence the daughter of the conservative Prime Minister and his wife. When the Prime Minister tries to shut down the brothel Gilles decides to stand against him in the election.
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Clockwork Bananas


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Contigo, contigo y sin mí

Amaya has filmed the four love relationships that marked her life. She covers the last 20 years, from her first fall in love when she was 18, to her current age of 38. Faced with the desire to be a mother, she writes an audiovisual letter to her future children. She thus takes us on a journey into her past that reveals the phases of love, the challenge of long-distance relationships and the clash between illusions and frustrations or guilt. The film combines documentary and animation, the real and intimate, with the expressive. An apparently personal and intimate film, where the turn and evolution of the protagonist can also be read from an anthropological or political prism, reflecting the change in the role of women in intimate relationships.
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Contigo, contigo y sin mí


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Lo sport più distensivo del mondo

Tom sta giocando a golf, ma la sua inesperienza lo porta a distruggere varie parti del campo prima di colpire la pallina. Cercando di mandare la pallina in buca, si accorge che in essa si trova Jerry. Il topo tenta di scappare, ma Tom lo colpisce da lontano con la pallina. Tom tenta quindi di usare Jerry come tee, ma costui si ribella e gli fa una lunga serie di scherzi. Alla fine Tom, salito su un albero per catturare Jerry, viene inseguito da uno sciame di api e si rifugia in un laghetto, usando una canna di bambù per respirare. Le api però entrano nella canna di bambù, e Tom, dopo aver lanciato un urlo, esce dal lago e scappa via. Jerry, da lontano, lo colpisce con la pallina, come il gatto aveva fatto con lui poco prima.
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Lo sport più distensivo del mondo


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Hornblower - Il diavolo e la duchessa

Acting Lieutenant Hornblower and his crew are captured by the enemy while escorting a Duchess who has secrets of her own.
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Hornblower - Il diavolo e la duchessa


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L'uomo ragno

Il timido studente morso da un ragno radioattivo ne acquista le capacità e butta all'aria i piani di un diabolico scienziato. Prima versione per la TV del personaggio creato nel 1963 dal disegnatore Steve Ditko con le storie di Stan Lee. Avventura e umorismo, ma trucchi poco mirabolanti.
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L'uomo ragno


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Keith Haring: The Message

Keith Haring: The Message was released in conjunction with the Keith Haring retrospective at the Museum of Modern Art in Paris. Directed by famed designer, Madonna stylist and Haring confidante Maripol, The Message goes pretty deep into both the artist and the city and times he’ll forever be identified with: New York City, circa the 1980s. The focus, as the title indicates, is upon the “struggles that animated” Keith Haring’s work, his activism – in a word, his “message.”
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Keith Haring: The Message


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Fight Club: Members Only

Four friends head off to Bombay and get involved in the mother and father of all gang wars.
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Fight Club: Members Only


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Saved by the Belle

The stooges are traveling salesmen stranded in Valeska, a tropical country prone to earthquakes. Having no luck selling fur coats to the natives they are arrested when they receive a telegram instructing them to "get rid of present wardrobe" and an official thinks they are planning to assassinate president Ward Robey. With the help of Rita, a beautiful revolutionary, the boys escape a firing squad, and are sent on a mission to deliver important plans to the revolutionary leader. When they deliver a rolled up calendar by mistake, they are once again heading for a firing squad but are spared when Rita arrives with the real plans.
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Saved by the Belle


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New Kids On The Block: Hangin' Tough

Come behind the scenes for a candid glimpse of the personalities and antics of the "New Kids"... off-stage and on the road! See them in action in their four smash videos from their multi-platinum album "Hangin' Tough"!
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New Kids On The Block: Hangin' Tough


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The James Holmes Conspiracy

Documentary detailing the life of James Eagan Holmes who was the suspected perpetrator of a mass shooting that occurred on July 20, 2012, at a movie theatre in Aurora, Colorado. He had no known criminal record prior to the shooting. This film includes several witness testimonies, news reports, theories and ideas behind the motives of the crime.
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The James Holmes Conspiracy


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Land of The Lost

This film tells the story of a man that lost his wife and children during the mass exodus of Kurds in 1991, He spends all his life searching for them, and one day he hears an announcement on the radio that there is a place showing hundreds of photos of missing people, He decides to go to this place while listening to the radio continuously, He also hears other stories of other people. All the stories are about getting lost and the tragedies that have happened to Kurds.
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Land of The Lost


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Türkler Çıldırmış Olmalı

Hollywood filmlerinde pek çok ünlü oyuncuya eşlik etmiş vahşi hayvanlar bu defa bizim oyuncularımızı terletecek. Türkiye’nin en zengin işadamının ailesi ile dünya turuna çıkması ve Güney Afrika kıyılarında Somalili korsanlar tarafından kaçırılır. Korsanlar işadamı için Türkiye’den yüklü miktarda fidye istiyorlardır. Türk Hükümeti de işadamının kurtarılması için askeri bir tim gönderilmesine karar verir. Ancak bir diplomatın önerisi dikkate alınarak uluslararası ilişkilerin hassas dengesi sebebi ile bu iş için resmi bir tim değil de ‘Her Türk asker doğar’ sözünden yola çıkarak illegal bir tim oluşturulur.
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Türkler Çıldırmış Olmalı


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Le deportate della sezione speciale SS

Young women in Nazi-occupied countries are packed onto a train and shipped off to a prison camp, where the sadistic commandant uses them as rewards for his lesbian guards and perverted and deviate troops.
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Le deportate della sezione speciale SS


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Garage Sale Mystery: Non è oro tutto ciò che luccica

Jennifer Shannon ha un fiuto particolare per la ricerca di tesori nascosti che acquista nelle vendite di garage per poi rivenderli nel suo negozio. Ciò però la porta spesso a rimanere coinvolta nelle indagini penali che accompagnano le vendite che frequenta. Quando il suo amico e rivenditore Martin viene assassinato poche ore dopo un'asta a cui ha preso parte, Jennifer è la testimone oculare principale, collaborando con il detective Lynwood per rintracciare l'assassino.
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Garage Sale Mystery: Non è oro tutto ciò che luccica


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Delinquent Daughters

A town is shocked when a high school girl commits suicide. A reporter and a cop team up to investigate and find out exactly what is going on among the youth of the town.
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Delinquent Daughters


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Desert Coffee

In the Californian part of the Sonoran desert, in the close vicinity of military bases, there is a “wild” town called Slab City inhabited by the refugees from the American Dream. Of different age, they brought with them various stories, but all chose freedom, even for the price of the most basic comforts. The only place equipped with electricity is a makeshift Internet café run by Rob which serves “the best coffee in the neighbourhood”.
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Desert Coffee


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Six Weeks to Twelve Years

After the death of their abusive father, two estranged twin brothers must reunite and sell off his property.
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Six Weeks to Twelve Years


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Disposta a tutto

Il maturo Marco, ingegnere nautico, sposato e padre di una bambina che adora (con la moglie invece che ha un amante si limita ad abitare sotto lo stesso tetto) ha fatto della diciassettenne Anna, aspirante dattilografa, la propria schiava. Malgrado le sue ciniche teorie sull'amore infatti, la ragazza lo ama al punto da prostituirsi, quando lui glielo chiede col primo che capita e da essere anche disposta a morire, solo che lui lo voglia. Rimasta incinta, abortisce poiché Marco non vuole figli. A questo punto l'uomo, che ora sa di ricambiare il suo amore, si pente. Troppo tardi: acquistata finalmente coscienza di se, Anna lo lascia per sempre.
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Disposta a tutto


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Barbie super principessa

Kara è una moderna principessa alle prese con una vita normale. Un giorno, dopo essere stata baciata da una farfalla magica, Kara scopre di avere poteri incredibili che le permettono di trasformarsi in una super eroina e combattere la criminalità. Sua cugina, invidiosa di lei, riesce a catturare la farfalla e a trasformarsi nella sua perfetta nemesi. Il destino, però, le porterà ad appianare le divergenze e a combattere insieme contro un nemico comune per la salvezza del loro regno.
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Barbie super principessa


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