火线突围 (2021)

(7,1) basato su 5 voti
Data di uscita
set 02, 2021
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Film Simili a 火线突围

L'assassino ha le ore contate

Free-lance undercover agent Coplan receives a phone call from an old girlfriend in Turkey. The panic-stricken woman gives sketchy details of a plot that threatens world security. When Coplan arrives, he is told the woman has been killed, and the trail of the murderer leads to her mad-scientist brother.
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L'assassino ha le ore contate


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Scooby-Doo: Agence toutou risques, vol. 1 : Le voleur de vélo

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Scooby-Doo: Agence toutou risques, vol. 1 : Le voleur de vélo


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Toy Story 2 - Woody & Buzz alla riscossa

Il film inizia quando Buzz Lightyear si ritrova sul pianeta Zurg. L'eroe, dopo aver superato una serie di difficoltà, compresa una che ricorda Indiana Jones, raggiunge il tiranno galattico, venendo tuttavia disintegrato. Rex giocava al gioco dedicato a Buzz e alle sue avventure, e non vede l'ora di poter sconfiggere Zurg e finire il livello. A casa di Andy, Woody e Buzz sono diventati amici. Un giorno, Woody cercava il suo cappello aiutato dai suoi amici, perché voleva andare al campo campeggio cowboy, finché Slinky lo trova ma riferisce anche che sta arrivando Buster, il vivace cagnolino di Andy.
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Toy Story 2 - Woody & Buzz alla riscossa


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The Extraordinary Voyage

An account of the extraordinary life of film pioneer Georges Méliès (1861-1938) and the amazing story of the copy in color of his masterpiece “A Trip to the Moon” (1902), unexpectedly found in Spain and restored thanks to the heroic efforts of a group of true cinema lovers.
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The Extraordinary Voyage


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La banda delle frittelle di mele 2

Stavolta Amos e Theodore, i due fuorilegge dal cuore tenero già comparsi nel primo episodio, sono promossi al rango di protagonisti: interverranno in favore del soldato di cavalleria Jeff Reid, che intende scoprire il motivo che induce il tenente Ravencroft a tramare contro il maggiore Gaskill...
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La banda delle frittelle di mele 2


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I coinquilini Topolino e Paperino sono in ritardo di sei mesi sul pagamento dell'affitto, così lo sceriffo Pietro Gambadilegno li sfratta e decide di mettere all'asta i loro mobili. Mentre lo sceriffo appende fuori gli annunci della svendita di mobili, i due amici decidono di trasferirsi prima che Pietro li possa derubare dei loro beni. In quel momento Pippo, venditore di ghiaccio, arriva con una consegna, e Topolino e Paperino si avvalgono del suo aiuto e del suo camion per andarsene. Mentre Topolino fa i bagagli in fretta e furia, Pippo scopre che il pianoforte che sta cercando di caricare nel camion ha una propria volontà. Nel frattempo Paperino, dopo essersi faticosamente liberato da uno sturalavandino e un acquario che gli rimanevano attaccati addosso, finisce con il becco nella valvola del gas. Il suo corpo si gonfia come un pallone finché non comincia a volare per la stanza.
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Making 'The Irishman'

Join legendary director Martin Scorsese, and acting icons Robert De Niro, Joe Pesci and Al Pacino going behind the scenes of their universally acclaimed movie.
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Making 'The Irishman'


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Return to Mayberry

After being away for awhile, Andy Taylor returns home to Mayberry to visit Opie, now an expectant father. While there he ends up helping Barney Fife mount a campaign for sheriff.
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Return to Mayberry


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Benvenuto Mr. Marshall!

A small Spanish town, Villar del Río, is alerted to the upcoming visit of American diplomats and its ruling townsmen begin preparations to impress the American visitors, in the hopes of benefiting under the Marshall Plan. Hoping to demonstrate the side of Spanish culture with which the visiting foreign officials would be more familiarized, the Castilian citizens don unfamiliar Andalusian costumes, hire a renowned flamenco performer, and re-decorate their town in Andalusian style, meantime waiting for their uncertain arrival.
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Benvenuto Mr. Marshall!


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Lost in the Moonlight

13 year-old girl Hyunjuli participates in a children’s Korean traditional play rehearsal in Changdeokgung Palace and accidentally falls into another world – the Moonlit Palace. The Moonlit Palace is a fantasy world of mysterious spirits and gods, where a dragon or talking mushrooms are nothing out of ordinary. Meeting new friends, Mr. Squirrel and the warrior Won, Hyunjuli explores this strange yet wonderful world to find a way back home. However, due to the trick of the Blossom Lady, who tries to rule this Moonlit World, Hyunjuli and friends fall into trouble. Will Hyunjuli be able to help her new friends to save their world and return home safely?
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Lost in the Moonlight


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Gala Dinner

Varsa engineer receives the Kossuth award for his excellent work. His career once began at the family enterprise of his wife, so the woman invites her relatives for a dinner party.
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Gala Dinner


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Ritorno all'isola che non c'è

Londra, seconda guerra mondiale, Wendy ormai cresciuta cerca di infondere speranza alla figlia Jane raccontandole la magica esperienza con Peter Pan nell'isola che non c'è. Jane tuttavia rifiuta di credere alla storia della mamma, finchè non viene rapita dal terribile Capitan Uncino che, scambiandola per Wendy, la conduce nell'Isola che non c'è nel tentativo di catturare Peter Pan.
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Ritorno all'isola che non c'è


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Jägger Royale

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Jägger Royale


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Holiday on the Buses

Due to a female passenger falling out of her top whilst running for the bus Stan is distracted and crashes the bus resulting in the depot managers car being written off. As a result Stan, Jack and Blakey are fired. Stan and Jack soon get new jobs as a bus crew at a Pontins holiday resort but discover that Blakey has also gotten a job there as the chief security guard.
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Holiday on the Buses


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Delfini e balene - Le tribù degli oceani

Un incredibile documentario di Jean-Michel Cousteau sul mare e le sue affascinanti creature! Vivrete un'emozionante avventura che vi porterà dalle splendide barriere coralline delle Bahamas alle calde acque dell'esotico Regno di tonga per un incontro ravvicinato con le ultime tribù degli oceani...
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Delfini e balene - Le tribù degli oceani


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Mystery Science Theater 3000: uno spettacolo ai confini della realtà...!

Dr. Clayton Forrester figures he can rule the world if he deadens his subjects' brains by making them endure terrible movies. Exploiting his access to nearby satellite-dwellers Mike Nelson and his robot pals, Crow T. Robot and Tom Servo, Forrester makes them watch "This Island Earth", a cheesy 1950s spaceship film. But when Mike and friends make funny comments throughout the movie and others that follow, Forrester's plan looks increasingly flimsy.
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Mystery Science Theater 3000: uno spettacolo ai confini della realtà...!


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"Behind every strong man is a strong woman!", Mumine shouts as her husband is arrested. She has 4 children, she's in her mid-30s, and she's the wife of a Crimean Tatar political prisoner. Muslim Crimean Tatars have been oppressed for a long time. They were deported under Stalin, allowed to return under Gorbachev, and since the occupation of Crimea in 2014 under Putin, they are being persecuted again. "Return" is a portrait of Mumine and Maye, two strong women struggling with the consequences of oppression. Their traditional understanding of their role as women does not stand in the way of their dedication. They possess strength, beauty and dignity. Only in their most intimate moments, they are overwhelmed by desperate helplessness.
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Whom the Gods Wish to Destroy 2

Now Brunhild knows by which treason she was won for king Gunther of Burgund by Siegfried of Xanthen, and has been revenged by his foul murder by Hagen, more bloody revenge is inevitable. Hagen steals the Nibelungen-treasure to sink it in the stream and manages to kill Alberich and seize his invisibility-cap. Queen Kriemhild is packed of to an abbey so her son may grow up to become a prelate, but Hagen's men raid them and kill the child. She now accepts to become the wife of Etzel, king of the truly barbaric Hun nomads and invites the Burgund court nomenclature at their Danube court for their heir's baptism a few years later, but prepared a bloody conspiracy with her xenophobic brother-in-law behind her surprisingly chivalric husband's back, while Gunther accepts, hoping to avoid a far bloodier war, despite the danger for his party of knights, which materializes...
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Whom the Gods Wish to Destroy 2


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Caccia all'anatra

Daffy taunts a hunter in Tex Avery's classic, meta short.
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Caccia all'anatra


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Hello Denise

A group of friends in New York, working away at their PCs and laptops, keep in touch exclusively by phone and fax. They are all too busy to meet face to face. Gale plays matchmaker, by phone, to Jerry and Barbara who, in turn, hit it off beautifully – via phone and fax. Martin gets a telephone call from someone he's never met. It's Denise, with some extraordinary news. Tapping away at his computer all the while, he develops a sort of friendship with Denise – via phone. And so it goes as the friends, tap, tap, tapping away, share news, hopes, and dreams – via phone and fax. Finally Gale has an unfortunate encounter with a phone, Denise has some more news for Martin, and Frank plans a gala New Year's Eve party, but will he answer the door?
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Hello Denise


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Johan Falk: National Target

Frank Wagner goes deeper undercover to infiltrate Europe's most dangerous Mafia, the Russian-est, consisting of ex - KGB officers.
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Johan Falk: National Target


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Street Days

A middle-aged, unemployed heroin-addict, Checkie, loiters on the Tbilisi street outside his son’s school, where he himself was once a promising student. His wife, meanwhile, struggles to pay the tuition and understand her husband’s lack of interest in the family’s survival—even as the bank repossesses their furniture. But when a group of policemen blackmails Checkie into entrapping the son of his wealthy friend, husband and wife are unified by the uncertainty of their deepening moral dilemma, and a series of worsening foul-ups, in Levan Koguashvili’s lightly humorous yet realistic drama about the fate of a generation left behind in Georgia’s post-Soviet era.
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Street Days


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Il ritorno di Jafar

Aladdin è alle prese con il criminale Abis Mal. Questi, rifugiatosi nel deserto, trova una vecchia lampada e decide di sfregarla. Non l'avesse mai fatto: così facendo permette al malvagio Jafar di tornare in circolazione per vendicarsi di Aladdin. E come sempre il Genio dovrà fare gli straordinari per neutralizzare i malefici di Jafar...
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Il ritorno di Jafar


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Piccoli grandi eroi

Los Angeles. L'allenatore della squadra juniores di hockey dei "Might Ducks" sta seriamente decidendo se lasciare il team per passare al professionismo. Tutto ciò alla vigilia della partita più importante, contro i campioni del mondo.
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Piccoli grandi eroi


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For frihed og ret

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For frihed og ret


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I 39 scalini

The year is 1914 and Richard Hannay, Mining Engineer who is visiting Britain for a short time before returning to South Africa, is shocked when one of his neighbours, Colonel Scudder, bursts into his rooms one night and tells him a story that Prussian 'sleeper' agents are planning to pre-start World War I by murdering a visiting foreign minister. However, Scudder is murdered and Hannay is framed for the death by the 'sleepers'. Fleeing to Scotland Hannay attempts to clear his name and to stop the agents with the aid of Alex Mackenzie but not only is he is chased by Chief Supt Lomas for Scudder's death but by the agents who are headed by Appleton who has managed to hide himself in a high-placed position in the British Government...
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I 39 scalini


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