Años luz (2021)

(3) basato su 1 voti
Data di uscita
giu 08, 2021
01h 21m
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Film Simili a Años luz

We All Play

"WE ALL PLAY" addresses the reality of the LGBTQIA+ community in sport. In a trip around the world, we will meet outstanding world elite athletes, who will talk, many of them for the first time, about their personal and professional experiences in first person.
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We All Play


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Cigars of the Pharaoh

While on vacation in Egypt, Tintin encounters an eccentric archaeologist who believes to have found the whereabouts of Pharaoh Kih-Oskh's tomb. Tintin finds there a cigar marked with a strange emblem.
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Cigars of the Pharaoh


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L'incubo di una madre

Chris ha deciso di lasciare Vanessa, la quale - totalmente contraria alla rottura - diventerà il peggiore incubo del ragazzo, sarà soltanto grazie a Maddie - la madre di Chris - che il peggio verrà scongiurato.
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20th Century Boys 2: L'ultima Speranza

Ambientato 15 anni dopo il primo episodio, Kanna - la nipote di Kenji, morto nel tentativo di fermare la distruzione del mondo - subentra alla guida della resistenza, nel tentativo di arrestare lo strapotere dell'Amico e della sua setta di fanatici. Le loro azioni sembrano seguire fedelmente ciò che era stato immaginato da Kenji e i suoi amici da bambini nel Libro delle Profezie e puntare ad un solo obbiettivo: eliminare l'intera umanità.
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20th Century Boys 2: L'ultima Speranza


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I misteri di Aurora Teagarden - Il gioco del gatto e del topo

Qualcuno comincia a prendere in giro Aurora Teagarden con indizi criptici lasciati sulle scene del crimine, così la bibliotecaria diventata appassionata di crimine cerca di capire chi c'è dietro questo inquietante "gioco". Ma quando le persone più vicine ad Aurora diventano dei bersagli, il gioco assume un aspetto molto più pericoloso e punta a un omicidio pianificato. La decima puntata di Aurora Teagarden Mysteries.
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I misteri di Aurora Teagarden - Il gioco del gatto e del topo


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Infernal Affairs III

Dieci mesi dopo l'assassinio del poliziotto sotto copertura Chan, Lau, malavitoso infiltrato nella polizia, e' stato relegato al mero lavoro d'ufficio, in attesa del giudizio della commissione interna. Nel frattempo, nella polizia e' emerso il giovane Yau, "astro" nascente la cui storia sembra ricalcare quella di Lau; l'uomo inizia cosi' a sospettare che anche il nuovo arrivato possa essere una spia.
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Infernal Affairs III


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A hitman is tasked to take out ex-mobsters when he suddenly hears a voice that questions his morality.
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Death Bell 2

A class of students stays at school for a camp in an elite study group to finesse theirs and the school's grades. Upon the first night, the swimming coach is found murdered. As the students try to figure out what happens, a voice informs them that if they don't figure the murder out, students will begin dying in quick succession.
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Death Bell 2


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The Tragedy of “W”

A young girl is striving for stardom. In order to get a lead role in a new production, she agrees to stand-in for a famous star whose rich patron died in her arms one night. The real-life drama gradually comes to mirror the story of the play being performed by her.
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The Tragedy of “W”


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Black Butler: Book of Murder

At the Queen’s request, Ciel and the demon butler Sebastian host an extravagant dinner party for the who’s who of the London underground. But an evening that begins with the promise of unmatched elegance quickly spirals into mayhem when their most distinguished guest is found murdered in his room. Now, trapped in the Phantomhive Manor by a dark and stormy night, Ciel and Sebastian must work together with their high-class guests, including the legendary author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, to find the murderer in their midst before the blame falls on the host and his somewhat suspicious staff.
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Black Butler: Book of Murder


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A Broadway actress uses her sex appeal to ruin a marriage only to dump her lover for a richer prospect.
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Lazer Team

Four losers are thrust into the position of saving the world when they stumble upon a UFO crash site and become genetically equipped to the battle suit on board.
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Lazer Team


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The execution was scheduled and the last meal consumed. The coolness of the poisons entering the blood system slowed the heart rate and sent him on the way to Judgement. He had paid for his crime with years on Death Row waiting for this moment and now he would pay for them again as the judgment continued..
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Un principe per Natale - Royal baby

Ad Aldovia è Natale e nella famiglia reale sta per arrivare un bambino! Amber e Richard accolgono i regnanti di un paese lontano per rinnovare una tregua sacra. Ma il trattato scompare, la pace è in pericolo e sulla famiglia incombe un'antica maledizione.
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Un principe per Natale - Royal baby


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One Perfect Match

The matchmaker Lucy Marks meets a handsome businessman and immediately feels a spark, but that spark is ruined when she learns he is her newest client.
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One Perfect Match


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Il nostro Natale

Vigilia di Natale a New York, nel 1993, il grande albero decorato del Rockfeller Center, ultimi acquisti, trionfi di giocattoli. Pare una famiglia serena e più che benestante quella che si prepara a celebrare le feste. Ma il padre e la madre, belli e giovani, eleganti, lei portoricana, lui dominicano, la sera devono uscire. Per andare al lavoro. Che è il taglio, la confezione, lo spaccio di eroina.
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Il nostro Natale


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The Seven Crystal Balls

Tintin and his friends investigate when something ominous haunts seven archaeologists, just after their return from an ethnographic expedition to the Andes, where they have dug up the tomb of Inca Rascar Capac.
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The Seven Crystal Balls


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Subí que te llevo

A singer falls in love with a woman. He must disguise himself to win her heart.
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Subí que te llevo


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Un po' di sole nell'acqua gelida

Gilles Lantier, a young reporter on the AFP newspaper, is suffering from a nervous breakdown. Realising that neither his friend Jean nor his girlfriend Eloïse can help him, he decides to stay with his sister Odile, who lives near Limoges. At a party one evening he meets a wealthy bourgeois woman named Nathalie Sylvener. It is love at first sight, and on his return to Paris, Gilles tells Eloïse that he is now devotedly attached to another woman. Although Nathalie agrees to live with him in Paris, she rejects Gilles' offer of marriage. It is not long before the couple have settled into a routine and their passion begins to cool. Then Nathalie suddenly disappears from Gilles' life...
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Un po' di sole nell'acqua gelida


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Letters to God

Tyler Doherty è un bambino di 8 anni che lotta coraggiosamente contro il cancro. Circondato dall'affetto dei familiari, scrive ogni giorno una lettera a Dio che finisce tra le mani del postino Brady McDaniels. Dopo alcune esitazioni Brady decide di conoscere il bambino e la sua famiglia.
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Letters to God


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Practical Joke

At high school, some pupils decide to play a 'practical joke' on their teacher. On the day of midterm exam all of them say they she had told them the wrong date for the exam. She almost believed them, but then asked a girl known for her honesty and the girl could not lie. As a result everyone in the class gets an F for that midterm. That's a real problem for some of them - with an F they cannot have perfect GPA and will not enter prestige Universities. They want revenge...
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Practical Joke


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Las esclavas

The fight of a widowed and honest policeman against the prostitution mafia that murdered his mother and kidnapped his daughter.
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Las esclavas


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Road to Damascus

Drowning in debt, child support and bills all while white knuckling it through sobriety, Francis is coming undone. When his roommate, Shelly, goes missing, Francis is thrown headlong into her private world; a slip stream of money, violence and terrifying allegiances.
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Road to Damascus


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No Heaven, But Love.

1999— The Age of Apocalypse, where violence was rampant. In those days, nothing was easy. A story about the love and friendship of girls, which was hotter than any other summer... Joo-young and Ye-ji’s relationship is tender but ultimately feels like an impossible one.
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No Heaven, But Love.


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Bummer 2

The film takes place a few years after the events shown in Bummer. Kostyan "Kot", who lost all his friends, the woman he loved and was nearly killed in the first installment of the film tries to begin a new, peaceful life. But is it possible to do? Has Russia changed and do "bratki" on black "bummers" no longer control business? Can he escape his past?
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Bummer 2


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