Il Caucaso Minore: tra il Monte Ararat e il Mar Caspio (2016)

(10) basato su 1 voti
Data di uscita
gen 13, 2016
00h 48m
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Film Simili a Il Caucaso Minore: tra il Monte Ararat e il Mar Caspio

Gal Avatar

An ordinary high school student– with an incontinent grandmother and extremely horny dad, are visited by an extremely pretty avatar to preform a “mind transfer” on Grandma. But before too long, Dad’s sniffing round to get it on with the great-shaped avatar.
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Gal Avatar


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The Tragedy of “W”

A young girl is striving for stardom. In order to get a lead role in a new production, she agrees to stand-in for a famous star whose rich patron died in her arms one night. The real-life drama gradually comes to mirror the story of the play being performed by her.
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Little Dixie

Doc (Fran Grillo) ha l'ingrato compito di fare da mediatore per una tregua fra il Governatore e i vertici del Cartello, offrendo clemenza in fase di prosecuzione giudiziaria in cambio di ampie mazzette. La pace, però, è molto fragile. E quando viene inevitabilmente infranta, Doc si ritrova a combattere da solo schiacciato fra due fronti e con un'unica priorità: difendere la persona più importante nella sua vita, la figlioletta Little Dixie.
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Jura is 23 years old - and Lena is 23. They live in Budennovsk, play computer games, walk and learn. They live in a city where Shamil Basayev entered 23 years ago with militants, and know almost nothing about the events of that time.
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We All Play

"WE ALL PLAY" addresses the reality of the LGBTQIA+ community in sport. In a trip around the world, we will meet outstanding world elite athletes, who will talk, many of them for the first time, about their personal and professional experiences in first person.
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A portrait of teen escort, 'Coco'.
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Red is the story of three teens in rural Pennsylvania who are torn apart by the closet. James and Lizzy's seemingly normal relationship is shattered by Aaron, the guy James hooked up with and who is unable to bear their secret and confronts James.
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Mr. Ex

Farid is an elusive individual renowned for his absence rather than his presence. He gained fame through the alias "Mr. Ex," as he became sought after by men to assist in their marital separations. However, the situation takes an unexpected twist when Farid's former love, Tiba Al-Akkad, reemerges onto the scene.
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Gojira × Megaguirus - G shōmetsu sakusen

Nella città di Tokyo un'arma satellitare apre un varco temporale dal presente al passato, attraverso il quale arriva un uovo argentato dal quale nasce una libellula gigante (identica alle larve del film Rodan) che arriva nella città e deposita un agglomerato di uova da cui nascono centinaia di insetti giganti. Alcuni di essi prelevano del sangue di Godzilla, nel frattempo giunto in città. Dopo un primo duello con Godzilla gli insetti si uniscono insieme al D.N.A di Godzilla facendo nascere Megagurius, un insetto gigante che ricorda molto la sorella di Mothra, Battra, anche se più spaventosa. Nel duello finale Godzilla sconfiggerà Megaguirus con un potentissimo raggio atomico salvando la città.
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This immersive eight-hour documentary follows workers in a Virginia factory over the course of an entire day, from clock-in to clock-out. Long, unbroken sequences of assembly and fabrication focus on the bodies of African American and Vietnamese American workers, while both mobile and fixed cameras transform their acts into pure movement. Everson’s “shift-film” adjusts the frame on race, class, and labor, celebrating the everyday and imbuing working bodies with new dimensions.
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The Shoemaker's Wife

After the death of the village pharmacist, his widow Lina only inherits debts that he must face. Valentin, the old shoemaker, is the main creditor and the exuberant Lina must pay him what he owes, whatever it costs.
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