A Lower Power (2009)

(5,8) basato su 6 voti
Data di uscita
set 05, 2009
01h 38m
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Film Simili a A Lower Power


Decades after a meteorite destroys much of life on Earth, young survivor Ryan Murphy travels to a military base as a new recruit. However, Murphy is really an agent investigating strange occurrences at the base, which is ruled by the unforgiving Sgt. Bradley. As Murphy trains with his fellow recruits and secretly looks into the disappearance of a friend, he uncovers a shocking secret that may change the fate of humankind.
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Sfida per la vetta

Gli impavidi alpinisti Ueli Steck e Dani Arnold entrano in una pericolosa rivalità per stabilire record di velocità sulle pareti nord delle Alpi svizzere.
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Sfida per la vetta


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Life is bliss until one day Kanti Sharan Mudgal’s son Vivek is blamed for immoral conduct and expelled from school. Overwhelmed, Kanti plans to leave town until a divine intervention leads him to seek justice by taking those responsible to court.
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Sayen - La terra ha sete

Dopo gli eventi del primo film, Sayen arriva nel deserto di Atacama alla ricerca di una pista nella sua missione contro Actaeon, l'organizzazione multinazionale responsabile della tragica perdita della sua famiglia e della distruzione degli ecosistemi in tutto il Cile.
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Sayen - La terra ha sete


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Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Mt. Natagumo Arc

Tanjiro, now a registered Demon Slayer, teams up with fellow slayers Zenitsu and Inosuke to investigate missing person cases on the mountain Natagumo. After the group is split up during a fight with possessed swordfighters, they slowly begin to realize the entire mountain is being controlled by a family of Demon spider creatures. A recap film of Kimetsu no Yaiba, covering episodes 15-21 with some new footage and special ending credits.
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Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Mt. Natagumo Arc


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Tom Segura: Sledgehammer

From his dad's unusual deathbed confession to watching his mom get high, Tom Segura tells blisteringly candid stories about marriage, mortality and more.
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Tom Segura: Sledgehammer


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When Ardra suddenly starts acting distant and cold with her family members, her husband Roy and others around her are puzzled and scared. Nobody in the family bothers to take her to a doctor and when they finally do, they learn the truth.
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Barbie e il cavallo leggendario

Barbie e le sue sorelle partono per un'avventura tra le maestose Alpi svizzere, dove entusiaste desiderano trascorre le loro vacanze estive in un'accademia equestre. Qui, Barbie non vede l'ora di trovare un nuovo cavallo da regalare alla sorella Malibu, Stacie è super eccitata all'idea di dimostrare quanto sia brava come cavallerizza, Chelsea sogna di cavalcare cavalli più grandi e Skipper preferisce più scrivere che concedersi ai grandi spazi aperti. Dopo un inizio difficile, la vacanza prende una piega magica quando Barbie scopre un misterioso cavallo selvaggio tra i boschi.
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Barbie e il cavallo leggendario


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Dane ‘Marbles’ Marbeck can see ghosts, thanks to a homemade drug: his late father’s neurological medication mixed with marijuana. Officer Jayson Tagg, a wannabe super-cop on the trail of a serial killer, ends up murdered. So when Marbles’ mum plans to sell the family farm, and the only way of buying the house off her is taking the money offered by Tagg in exchange for his help, Marbles accepts. The unlikely duo of stoner medium and ghost cop struggle to reconcile their differences while they navigate their way through ghouls, perverts, a mysterious hooded figure, and an unexpected shot at love. It becomes clear the only way Marbles and Tagg will solve the case with their souls intact is to confront their deepest regrets and overcome their prejudices.
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Dopo essere fuggito da una prigione del Michigan, un affascinante criminale in carriera assume una nuova identità in Canada e continua a rapinare la cifra record di 59 banche e gioiellerie mentre viene braccato da una task force canaglia. Basato sulla storia di The Flying Bandit.
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Prigione 77

Manuel è un giovane contabile condannato a un’esagerata pena di 20 anni di reclusione per essersi intascato l’equivalente di 1200 euro. Con l’aiuto del suo compagno di cella Pino, Manuel diventerà il leader di un movimento che unirà tutte le prigioni nella lotta per la libertà, e che cambierà per sempre il diritto penitenziario e la società. All’interno, prigionieri incarcerati per le loro preferenze sessuali, per essere poveri, per non avere un lavoro o per il loro credo politico, privi di diritti e umanità, scontano pene eccessive in una “Prigione Modello” sovraffollata. È il 1977. All’esterno, nelle strade e piazze sovraffollate si celebra la recente democrazia dopo 40 anni di dittatura, ignari di un sistema legale profondamente fallato.
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Prigione 77


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Private Desert

40-year-old Daniel has been suspended from active police work and is under internal investigation for violence. When Sara, his internet love affair, stops answering his texts he decides to drive north in search of her, starting on what is apparently a fool's errand. He shows Sara's picture around, but nobody seems to recognize the woman. Until eventually one guy pops up, saying he can put the two in touch under very specific conditions.
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Private Desert


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Doraemon: Il film - Nobita e le piccole guerre stellari 2021

Un giorno Nobita sceglie un piccolo razzo da cui esce Papi, un alieno umanoide di piccole dimensioni. È venuto dal pianeta chiamato "Pirika" sulla Terra per fuggire dall'esercito PCIA del suo pianeta. All'inizio Doraemon ei suoi amici erano confusi dalle piccole dimensioni di Papi, ma con il gadget "Small Light", sono diventati piccoli e giocano insieme. Tuttavia, la corazzata a forma di balena, che ha inseguito Papi ed è venuta sulla Terra, attacca Doraemon e Nobita per catturare Papi. Papi si autoaccusa di aver coinvolto tutti, ma cerca di combattere contro l'esercito della PCIA. Per proteggere Papi e il suo pianeta Pirika, Doraemon ei suoi amici vanno su Pirika.
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Doraemon: Il film - Nobita e le piccole guerre stellari 2021


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Killer of Men

A man lurks the night alleys, killing people at random, he feels nothing, no emotion, and no pain; when he meets a graceful widow he must confront what it means to be human.
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Killer of Men


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Full River Red

During China's Song Dynasty, A mysterious murder occurs at Chancellor Quin Hui's residence after meeting delegates from the neighboring Jin Dynasty. The members become embroiled not just in a murder mystery, but a larger conspiracy concerning the fate of the empire.
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Full River Red


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The Machine

Bert Kreischer affronta una crisi familiare e l'arrivo del padre separato quando arriva il fantasma del suo passato intriso di alcol: un mafioso omicida determinato a rapire Bert nella madrepatria per espiare i suoi crimini. Insieme, lui e suo padre devono ripercorrere i passi del suo io più giovane nel bel mezzo di una guerra tra una famiglia criminale sociopatica mentre tentano di trovare un terreno comune.
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The Machine


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Life of Belle

On July 18th, 2018 Annabelle Starnes went missing. What was found in the home would shock this small town of South Carolina.
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Life of Belle


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Human Animals

The harmony of a seemingly idyllic neighborhood is disrupted when a dog attacks a young girl.
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Human Animals


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Hammer of the Gods

Nella Bretagna vichinga dell'anno 871, il giovane guerriero vichingo Steinar (Charlie Bewley) è mandato da suo padre il Re in missione per rintracciare il fratello, bandito dal regno anni prima. Il suo epico viaggio attraverso un territorio ostile farà gradualmente emergere in lui l'uomo che suo padre vorrebbe, destinato a divenire il cruento e spietato successore al trono.
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Hammer of the Gods


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In a dystopian future, a mother and her teenage son go hunting in the mountains and encounter a stranger who threatens to upend their relationship.
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Metalocalypse: Army of the Doomstar

After the heroic rescue of Toki Wartooth, DETHKLOK frontman Nathan Explosion finds himself traumatized in a BRUTAL professional and romantic flat-spin all while he is tasked with fulfilling the prophecy and confronting the ultimate songwriting challenge: write the SONG OF SALVATION and save the planet. Can Nathan Explosion look beyond his brutally damaged ego to save his band, stop the Metalocalypse, and finally face the ultimate evil: Salacia?
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Metalocalypse: Army of the Doomstar


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Six Swedish Girls in Alps

This comedy has everyone's favorite 6 Swedish gals enjoying their stay in the alps. When the girls aren't enjoying the pleasure of their own company they're out having a good time with nearly everyone else in town.
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Six Swedish Girls in Alps


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The Weapon

Dallas is a one-man killing machine on a mysterious rampage. His attacks on biker gangs and meth labs anger the Vegas mob boss who’s holding Dallas’ girlfriend hostage. But who is Dallas working for? Even torture won’t make him talk, and he won’t stop until justice is served.
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The Weapon


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The Last Heretic

Juan Conte is a world-renowned spokesman of the new atheism. After suffering a heart attack, he receives a transplant and a change in his personal life begins, opening up to the possibility of being in a couple for the first time. Juan will go on a journey of horror and pain, in which his vision of reality will be put to the test.
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The Last Heretic


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It starts with Rana and his best friend Janu who are climbing a mountain in bad weather. In the middle of a dense forest, they got separated and lost. Janu is lucky to be back home at last. But not with Rana. An extensive search was carried out. Rana not found. A week has passed. Rana's extended family decided to hold a tahlilan. Rana is considered unlikely to have survived and will surely die there. Dini can't accept that. As a mother, Dini doesn't want to just give up and still believes that her daughter Rana is still alive. Sure enough. After the tahlilan, Rana came home in the pouring rain.
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97 Minuti

Un 767 dirottato si schianterà fra soli 97 minuti, quando il suo carburante si esaurirà. Nonostante le veementi proteste del suo vice Toyin, il direttore del NSA Hawkins si prepara a far abbattere l'aereo prima che provochi danni catastrofici a terra, lasciando il destino degli innocenti passeggeri nelle mani di Alex, agente dell'Interpol sotto copertura che è rimasto incastrato nei ranghi della cella terroristica responsabile dell'attentato.
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97 Minuti


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The Sacrifice Game

Christmas break, 1971. Samantha and Clara, two students who are staying behind for the holidays at their boarding school, must survive the night after the arrival of uninvited visitors.
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The Sacrifice Game


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Il nostro Natale

Vigilia di Natale a New York, nel 1993, il grande albero decorato del Rockfeller Center, ultimi acquisti, trionfi di giocattoli. Pare una famiglia serena e più che benestante quella che si prepara a celebrare le feste. Ma il padre e la madre, belli e giovani, eleganti, lei portoricana, lui dominicano, la sera devono uscire. Per andare al lavoro. Che è il taglio, la confezione, lo spaccio di eroina.
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Il nostro Natale


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The Exorcist

Ophelia, a young nun recently arriving in the town of San Ramon, is forced to perform an exorcism on a pregnant woman in danger of dying. Just when she thinks her possession has ended, she discovers that the evil presence hasn't disappeared yet. The director of the award-winning Here Comes the Devil and Late Phases adds a new twist to possession movies in one of this year's Latin American horror surprises.
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The Exorcist


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How to Please a Woman

When her all-male house-cleaning business gets out of control, a mature woman must embrace her own sexuality, if she is to make a new life for herself.
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How to Please a Woman


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The Master and Margarita

Moscow, 1930s. A prominent writer's works are suddenly censored by the Soviet state and the premiere of his theatrical play about Pontius Pilate is canceled. He's kicked out of the Soviet Writer's Union, and quickly turns into an outcast with no means to survive. Inspired by Margarita - his lover, he begins working on a new novel in which all the characters are satirically reinterpreted from his life. The novel's central character is Woland - a mystical dark force who visits Moscow to revenge all those who caused the writer's downfall. As the Master sinks himself deeper and deeper into his novel, adding himself and Margarita as characters, he gradually stops noticing as the border between reality and his imagination fades away.
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The Master and Margarita


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I misteri di Aurora Teagarden - Il mistero del teschio

Una bibliotecaria con una mente acuta per gli omicidi, Aurora Teagarden è conosciuta nella sua piccola città come una maestra investigatrice. Quando la sua amica Jane muore inaspettatamente e lascia tutto ad Aurora nel suo testamento, lascia anche un inquietante mistero di omicidio che infesta il suo quartiere. Tocca ad Aurora mettere insieme gli indizi - tra cui un teschio, il suo scheletro mancante e un gruppo sospetto di vicini - e risolvere l'omicidio prima di diventare la prossima vittima dell'improbabile assassino.
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I misteri di Aurora Teagarden - Il mistero del teschio


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Hell on the Border - Cowboy da leggenda

Questo western epico e ricco di azione racconta l'incredibile storia vera di Bass Reeves, il primo maresciallo nero del selvaggio West. Fuggito dalla schiavitù dopo la guerra civile, arriva in Arkansas alla ricerca di un lavoro con la legge. Per mettersi alla prova, deve dare la caccia a un fuorilegge mortale con l'aiuto di un operaio brizzolato. Mentre insegue il criminale più a fondo nella nazione Cherokee, Reeves non deve solo schivare i proiettili, ma anche una severa discriminazione nella speranza di guadagnare la sua stella e cementare il suo posto come leggenda del cowboy.
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Hell on the Border - Cowboy da leggenda


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