Lana Turner, l'indétrônable (2016)

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Data di uscita
dic 26, 2016
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Film Simili a Lana Turner, l'indétrônable

Il tuo Natale o il mio? 2

Si sono scambiati il Natale - di nuovo. Riuscirà la relazione tra Hayley e James a sopravvivere a un altro turbolento Natale in famiglia o il loro futuro insieme è andato fuori pista?!
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Il tuo Natale o il mio? 2


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The Duel

Ernesto lives in depression and decides to hire a hit-man to end his own life. However, his plan takes an unexpected turn when he meets Rita, whose love gives him a new reason to live.
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The Duel


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An expert hacker is targeted by a sentient AI after she realizes the threat it poses, and she must try to stay off its radar long enough to stop it.
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Catherine and Oracio are real estate advisors, and are visiting two properties in quick succession: a large bourgeois house "which can have a swimming pool and RER view", and a small modern apartment in the heart of Bougival's golden triangle.
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Gamera 2: Attack of Legion

A strange meteor lands in Japan and unleashes hundreds of insect-like "Legion" creatures bent on colonizing the Earth. When the military fails to control the situation, Gamera shows up to deal with the ever-evolving space adversary. However the battle may result in Gamera losing his bond with both Asagi and humanity.
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Gamera 2: Attack of Legion


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Inizio di primavera

A Tokyo, in un Giappone in bilico tra tradizione e modernità, con un paesaggio urbano sempre più vicino al modello americano, un modesto impiegato ha un momento di profonda crisi dopo aver perso improvvisamente il figlio. Al lavoro conosce una collega, una donna bella, sensuale e civettuola, e avvia con lei una relazione clandestina. La moglie lo scopre e il loro matrimonio si sgretola sotto i loro occhi, corroso dalla gelosia. Non riuscendo a perdonare il marito, la moglie lo lascia. All'uomo, rimasto solo, non resta che il conforto degli amici che lo esortano a chiederle perdono e a non lasciar naufragare la felicità passata. Forse il loro ricongiungimento è l'inizio di una nuova primavera...
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Inizio di primavera


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Attack on Titan

As viable water is depleted on Earth, a mission is sent to Saturn's moon Titan to retrieve sustainable H2O reserves from its alien inhabitants. But just as the humans acquire the precious resource, they are attacked by Titan rebels, who don't trust that the Earthlings will leave in peace.
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Attack on Titan


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The After

Dopo aver perso un membro della famiglia a causa di un crimine violento, un autista distrutto prende a bordo un passeggero che lo costringe ad affrontare il suo dolore.
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The After


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A film director fades away from the industry after the failed love with the heroine of his movie. After being rehabilitated, he learns that some people conspired his fall and decides to take revenge.
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Il mondo è un luogo misterioso se visto con gli occhi di un animale. EO, un asino grigio dagli occhi malinconici, incontra persone buone e cattive sul cammino della sua vita, sperimenta la gioia e il dolore, subisce la ruota della fortuna che trasforma casualmente la sua fortuna in un disastro e la sua disperazione in una beatitudine inaspettata. Ma nemmeno per un attimo perde la sua innocenza.
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Four friends from a sleepy little village in Punjab share a common dream: to go to England. Their problem is that they have neither the visa nor the ticket. A soldier alights from a train one day, and their lives change. He gives them a soldier's promise: He will take them to the land of their dreams. What follows is a hilarious and heartwarming tale of a perilous journey through the desert and the sea, but most crucially through the hinterlands of their mind. Not recommended for watching; it's a headache.
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Thelma Post è un'esuberante nonna di 93 anni che viene raggirata da un truffatore telefonico che si finge suo nipote. Parte così per una ricerca insidiosa per le strade di Los Angeles, accompagnata da un amico e dal suo scooter, per reclamare ciò che le è stato sottratto.
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The Fire Within: Requiem for Katia and Maurice Krafft

Filmmaker Werner Herzog combs through the film archives of volcanologists Katia and Maurice Krafft to create a film that celebrates their legacy.
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The Fire Within: Requiem for Katia and Maurice Krafft


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The Small Victories

Between her roles as mayor and teacher in the small village of Kerguen, Alice's days are very full. When an unexpected new student, 60-year-old Emile, finally decides to learn to read and write, her daily life threatens to become unmanageable. Especially since Alice will also have to save her village and her school...
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The Small Victories


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Boundary-pushing Russian dancer and actress Ida Rubinstein selects renowned French composer Maurice Ravel to compose the music for her next ballet. Ravel ends up creating his greatest success ever: Boléro.
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L'ultima volta che siamo stati bambini

Roma, estate 1943. Quattro bambini giocano alla guerra mentre attorno esplodono le bombe della guerra vera. Italo è il ricco figlio del Federale, Cosimo ha il papà al confino e una fame atavica, Vanda è orfana e credente, Riccardo viene da un’agiata famiglia ebrea. Sono diversi ma non lo sanno e tra loro nasce “la più grande amicizia del mondo”, impermeabile alle divisioni della Storia che insanguina l’Europa. Ma il 16 ottobre il ragazzino ebreo viene portato via dai tedeschi insieme ad oltre mille persone del Ghetto. Grazie al padre Federale di Italo, i tre amici credono di sapere dov’è e, per onorare il “patto di sputo”, decidono di partire in segreto per convincere i tedeschi a liberare il loro amico. L’ennesima missione fantasiosa entra nella realtà, i tre bambini viaggiano soli in un’Italia stremata dalla guerra, fra soldati allo sbando, disertori, truppe di tedeschi occupanti, popolazioni provate e affamate.
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L'ultima volta che siamo stati bambini


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Lord of the Streets

When Jason Dyson refuses to make his prized fighter throw an MMA match, a notorious gangster collects his debt by killing the fighter and kidnapping Jason's daughter. Now he must train a prisoner to endure five consecutive underground fights to save her.
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Lord of the Streets


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Making Of

Simon, a well-known French filmmaker, starts shooting his next film. A story about workers fighting to protect their factory from being relocated. But nothing goes as planned... His producer Viviane wants to rewrite the ending and is threatening to cut the budget; his own crew goes on strike; his personal life is in shambles; and to make things worse, his lead actor Alain is an egocentric jerk. Joseph, an extra who wants to get into the film industry, agrees to direct the making of and shoot the behind-the-scenes. He takes his role very seriously and starts following around the crew, capturing all this mess... What follows is proof that the making of can sometimes be far better than the film itself!
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Making Of


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A high school coach, whose teenage daughter was murdered, takes matters into his own hands by going after the men who kidnap his students for their sex trafficking operation.
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Veteran detective Cham works with rookie cop Will to hunt down the city's serial killer. The investigation leads them to a lair littered with dismembered female limbs, and an ex-con who killed Cham's wife and child years ago...
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L'estate di Cléo

È un rapporto di affetto sincero e potente, quello tra Cléo, sei anni, e la sua tata Gloria, un legame del tutto simile a quello che lega madre e figlia. Così, quando Gloria deve tornare a Capo Verde per prendersi cura della sua famiglia, la separazione è dolorosa. Ma c’è ancora tempo, c’è ancora un momento per stare insieme: con il permesso del padre, Cléo viaggia fino al Paese natale della sua tata e passa con lei un’ultima estate carica di dolcezza e speranza. Un’esperienza indimenticabile per imparare a crescere e gettarsi con coraggio nell’incertezza del futuro.
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L'estate di Cléo


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La frusta e il corpo

Ripudiato in passato dal padre, Kurt Menliff, un nobile crudele e sadico, torna al castello di famiglia per reclamare la sua eredità.
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La frusta e il corpo


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New Beginnings

Alain and Diane have been together for 30 years. In his mind, Alain is still 30 years old. But the equation 30 years of routine feelings, empty nest (and incidentally a job where being 50 is like an incurable disease) creates a much less euphoric effect for Diane. She oscillates between depression and free fall - and the first one who says "hormonal" she smokes. Alain loves Diane like crazy and love is proof. He's going to do something crazy for her, something to make her feel vital again, to make her heart beat and youthfulness pulsate. The crazy thing? Leave her. The risk with electroshock ? Unknown: either it wakes up or it burns. They will take it, with their eyes closed.
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New Beginnings


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Unknown: La Macchina Del Tempo Cosmica

Il telescopio spaziale James Webb stimola la fantasia con foto nitide di galassie lontane. Questo documentario ripercorre il suo storico percorso dalla progettazione al lancio.
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Unknown: La Macchina Del Tempo Cosmica


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A grieving young inventor finds solace in repairing an antique typewriter.
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Sfida per la vetta

Gli impavidi alpinisti Ueli Steck e Dani Arnold entrano in una pericolosa rivalità per stabilire record di velocità sulle pareti nord delle Alpi svizzere.
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Sfida per la vetta


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A Chance To Win

Two villages in the south of France have always been bitter rivals, but when a group of asylum seekers arrive in the community, the life of both villages is shaken up and age-old disagreements escalate. Their antagonism reaches its peak with the annual rugby derby played between the two village teams, but this time, with the new outsiders joining as unexpected recruits, the result of the 100th match will be more unpredictable than ever.
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A Chance To Win


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Nosso Lar 2 - Astral City 2: The Messengers

A group of messenger spirits led by Aniceto, including doctor André Luiz, are tasked with going to Earth to help rescue three proteges whose interconnected stories are about to fail.
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Nosso Lar 2 - Astral City 2: The Messengers


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Little Dixie

Doc (Fran Grillo) ha l'ingrato compito di fare da mediatore per una tregua fra il Governatore e i vertici del Cartello, offrendo clemenza in fase di prosecuzione giudiziaria in cambio di ampie mazzette. La pace, però, è molto fragile. E quando viene inevitabilmente infranta, Doc si ritrova a combattere da solo schiacciato fra due fronti e con un'unica priorità: difendere la persona più importante nella sua vita, la figlioletta Little Dixie.
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Little Dixie


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Bill Burr Presents: Friends Who Kill

In a night of killer comedy, Bill Burr hosts a showcase of his most raucous stand-up comic pals as they riff on everything from COVID to Michael Jackson.
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Bill Burr Presents: Friends Who Kill


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Concrete Utopia

Dopo un violento terremoto, a Seul, in Corea del Sud, è rimasto in piedi un solo condominio. Gli stranieri affollano gli appartamenti Hwang Gung, ma i residenti non riescono a far fronte al numero crescente.
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Concrete Utopia


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Sanam Re

A story about the man who is confused with his love life finds solace in his birthplace with his childhood love.
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Sanam Re


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Raging Grace

An undocumented Filipina immigrant lands a job as a careworker for a seemingly terminal old man, securing a better life for her and her daughter. But a dark discovery threatens to destroy everything she’s strived for and holds dear.
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Raging Grace


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Wild Seas

A couple of fisher-folk are joined by a young new apprentice in the middle of a raging storm.
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Wild Seas


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Maria e l'amore

Maria è una donna dall'animo gentile e un po' goffa. Lavora in una ditta di pulizie, ma in cuor suo nasconde una passione segreta. Nel libricino rosso che porta sempre con sé ci sono delle poesie che scrive ma che non condivide con nessuno, neanche col marito indifferente. Quando Maria ottiene un lavoro presso la prestigiosa accademia di belle arti di Parigi tutto cambia: conosce Hubert, l'eccentrico custode, il loro legame cresce andando a riempire la solitudine di Maria. Riuscirà a fare un salto nel buio per godersi la vita e amare al massimo?
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Maria e l'amore


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UFC 293: Adesanya vs. Strickland

UFC 293: Adesanya vs. Strickland is a mixed martial arts event produced by the Ultimate Fighting Championship that took place on September 10, 2023, at the Qudos Bank Arena in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. A UFC Middleweight Championship bout between current champion Israel Adesanya and Sean Strickland headlined the event with co-main event a Heavyweight bout featuring an Australian fighter, Tai Tuivasa against Alexander Volkov.
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UFC 293: Adesanya vs. Strickland


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