Der kleine Eisbär - Neue Abenteuer, neue Freunde 2 (2003)

(8,3) basato su 3 voti
Data di uscita
mar 27, 2003
01h 16m
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Film Simili a Der kleine Eisbär - Neue Abenteuer, neue Freunde 2

I Can't Give You Anything But Love, Baby

In I Can't Give You Anything But Love, Baby, Broderick Crawford plays a sentimental gangster who abducts songwriter Johnny Downs and forces him to write a love ballad. It is Crawford's hope that the song will reach out and touch his long-lost childhood sweetheart. I Can't Give You Anything But Love, Baby was based on James Edward Grant's short story Trouble in B Flat; echoes of the basic premise later resurfaced in the 1957 "A" picture The Girl Can't Help It.
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I Can't Give You Anything But Love, Baby


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Love of a Thousand Years - Story of Genji

Based on the ancient Japanese Tale of Genji. This film is set in 900AD and tells the story of a famous female writer of the time, Murasaki Shikibu. Her story begins from the death of her husband, a Japanese noble, then moves on to her recruitment to train the Prince's young 'wives in waiting'. It is dotted throughout and actually composed mainly of one of the fictional stories she wrote, the tale of Genji. Genji is a rich playboy who falls in love and has a son to his stepmother. He falls in love often and has many wives whom are all completely subservient to him. Genji is played by a woman actress from the all-female Takarazuka theatre. The two interrelating stories are also interrupted occasionally by fantasimical musical clips from a past Japanese teen-idol, Seiko Matsuda.
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Love of a Thousand Years - Story of Genji


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George and the Christmas Star

George cuts out a paper star to top his Christmas tree but, dissatisfied, decides to go for the real thing - an unusually bright star that seems to beckon him from the sky.
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George and the Christmas Star


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Astronaut's Uniform

Mockumentary experimental film, which shows one day in the life of a young man. The action takes place on the Day of Soviet Cosmonautics, April 12, one of the last years of the USSR. Outside the window, it is gradually getting warmer, the onset of spring is felt, promising hope for the possibility of changes in the country. The hero of the film is fond of space. The young man, who idolizes Gagarin, is engaged in reconstruction, making the uniform in which the cosmonaut walked in the prime of his glory. Our hero is also a film enthusiast. He makes films with stories of space flights and shows them to his friends. The film is stylized as amateur films of the 1980s and was shot on a 16-mm color film made by the company" Svema", made in the Soviet Union. The quality of this film allows the viewer to fully immerse themselves in the atmosphere of the time of the film, which is dedicated to Soviet cosmonautics and Edward D. Wood Jr.
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Astronaut's Uniform


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Fort Buchanan

Four seasons to tell the fluctuating moods and mores of a small community that shares its daily chores and life experiences in the military base of Fort Buchanan. In this imagined (perhaps dreamed?) location, peculiar habits respond to the needs of a peculiar environment. Roger, a fragile gay man, and his female companions, trying to cope with the absence of their husbands, go through their own brand of challenges for survival, with their own form of outdoor camaraderie, thought-occupying chat and DIY activities. Roger has a tough daughter who runs him ragged, but he has buddies willing to help: Justine, Denise, Pamela and Claudia-Joy.
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Fort Buchanan


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Picchiarello mago della fionda

Out west, tenderfoot Woody uses his slingshot against Indian Buzz Buzzard in a shooting contest.
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Picchiarello mago della fionda


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Play It Like a Man

The 15 year old footballers Loris and Thomas are bored, and steal their trainer's mobile phone, where they discover photos of young footballers naked in the shower. Loris decided to use the pictures as a revenge.
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Play It Like a Man


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DC Noir

A crime anthology film based on George Pelecanos' book of the same title.
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DC Noir


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The Dog Who Loved Music

In Paul Grimault's satire of the arms trade, the dealer is alerted to the breakout of war by a signal on his map, so travels in turn to each of two warring countries (his journey is traced for us on the map), selling to each the means of destroying its neighbour. —The Cine-Tourist
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The Dog Who Loved Music


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Kakababur Protyaborton

A famous hotel in Nairobi is about to close. People don't go to that hotel like before. Kakababu and Santu go to the hotel to find out the reason. Based on Jongoler Modhye Ek Hotel.
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Kakababur Protyaborton


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Pedro Almodóvar, l'Insolent de la Mancha

An anti-conformist, Pedro Almodovar has dared everything in his immense cinematic career. Confronting impulses, drugs and unbridled sexuality, cross-dressing identities, over the years he has allowed a colorful, uninhibited, taboo-free post-Franco cinema to blossom. In a Spain now caught up in its past, the native of La Mancha embodies all those Spanish generations who know how important it is to remember and protect this artistic insolence at all costs.
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