מי שטוב לו (2016)

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Data di uscita
mag 01, 2016
00h 30m
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Film Simili a מי שטוב לו

Haikyuu!! Movie 4: Battle of Concepts

Recap film focusing primarily on the match against Shiratorizawa from the third season.
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Haikyuu!! Movie 4: Battle of Concepts


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Return of the Tooth Fairy

The Tooth Fairy is back. 15 years after the events of the first movie, Corey, now grown up but mentally scarred has gone to a class reunion. However, the Tooth Fairy is back, and this time - You better have flossed properly.
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Return of the Tooth Fairy


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Il mio amico ninja 2

Kevin Ryan is Hollywood's leading teen heartthrob. He's the star of "Ninja Boy," a hot Martial Arts TV series. The trouble starts when Kevin decides he wants to leave the hit show, so that he can go to high school and lead a normal teenager's life. However, he is the Studio's biggest money maker and the unscrupulous executives are NOT going to let him leave. Their sinister plans involve a desirable young starlet, a muscle-bound mountain man, and an army of inept thugs trying to kill Kevin's loveable, but mixed-up manager, Uncle Bob.
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Il mio amico ninja 2


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And Then the Bear

When a boy’s close bond with his mother is imperiled one night by the arrival of a mysterious stranger, matters of nature and nurture collide.
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And Then the Bear


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House of Little Deaths

Just outside Philadelphia is a suburb full of trust fund kids and bored old men. In the heart of that suburb is a brothel run by women who are nothing more than a rite of passage to those men. House of Little Deaths explores every thing they do to get through a day, everything they hope for, everything they want to forget, everything they do to escape. A film about the mundane and bitter truth behind a world of fantasy.
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House of Little Deaths


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Six Men Getting Sick

Lynch's first film project consists of a loop of six people vomiting projected on to a special sculptured screen featuring twisted three-dimensional faces.
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Six Men Getting Sick


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Andy Hardy incontra la debuttante

Andy Hardy va a New York in compagnia del padre e nella metropoli s'innamora di una fascinosa coetanea, trascurando la sua girl-friend che lo ama da sempre. Ma poi si accorge che è quest'ultima che lui ama di più.
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Andy Hardy incontra la debuttante


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Il ritorno di Ringo

Dopo aver combattuto con l'esercito unionista durante la Guerra di Secessione, Ringo torna a casa e scopre che la città è in mano ai banditi che, nel frattempo, gli hanno anche rapito moglie e figlia.
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Il ritorno di Ringo


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Io sono un autarchico

Abbandonato dalla moglie, che gli ha lasciato il loro figlioletto, Michele, ex sessantottino, comincia ad occuparsi con affetto del piccino. Purtroppo non riesce ad essere per lui un buon padre. Dopo avere tentato invano di convincere la donna a tornare a casa le lascia il figlio. Nel frattempo viene convinto da Fabio di partecipare a una rappresentazione teatrale d'avanguardia. Ma anche lì va incontro a un fallimento.
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Io sono un autarchico


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Antony is a ruthless gangster in a town and has a close-knit group, which includes Ann Maria, a college student trained in MMA. Maria and Antony soon get into trouble due to unforeseen circumstances and they set out to solve the issues in violent ways.
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Simply Red: Live at Montreux 2003

Simply Red are one of the most successful British acts of all time with global album sales in excess of 50 million. Both the band and Mick Hucknall as a solo artist have been frequent visitors to Montreux across their 25 year career. This concert, filmed on July 15th 2003, was part of the tour in support of their multi-platinum album Home. It features several tracks from that album, including many of their biggest hits and best loved album tracks. It s a typically polished and sparkling Simply Red performance with Mick Hucknall in excellent voice and the band in fine form
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Simply Red: Live at Montreux 2003


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Neo Chinpira: Zoom Goes the Bullet

Junko (Sho Aikawa) is a low-level yakuza in the service of Yoshikawa (Toru Minegishi), despite the misgivings of his uncle (Jo Shishido). He lives off of the money earned by his girlfriend and is more interested in trying to look cool than anything else. He meets Yumeko (Chikako Aoyama), an innocent but dangerous narcoleptic runaway, after she steals his car, and she soon moves in with him. Following the assassination of a high-ranking member by the Kazama Family, Junko is called on to be the lookout while the family gets revenge. However, the other men quickly "zoom", or escape from their duty, leaving the task to Junko. Will he take out Kazama, or will he zoom?
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Neo Chinpira: Zoom Goes the Bullet


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Siempre la duda

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Siempre la duda


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The Browsing Effect

The seemingly endless possibilities of dating apps send a group of friends into a whirlwind of sex, jealousy, and self-doubt in this ensemble comedy that examines dating culture in the age of swiping.
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The Browsing Effect


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Paul leaves his wealthy parents behind to go on a spiritual quest. He meets up with a pilgrim, leader of a vegetarian cult whose members survive by begging for food in uncomfortable robes. The religious fanatics draw the ire of local peasants when they are arrested for stealing eggs. Marianne is one of the followers, and she and Paul go to a remote island to live off seaweed and vegetation, but a development company moves in to wreck the paradise. Paul is brokenhearted when Mariane goes off with one of the greedy developers in this symbolic film that decries the allure of the material world.
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Keiko who leads a lonely life as a fortune teller on the streets meets Goro, a leader of the con-artists. One day, Goro witnesses a group of men kidnapping a middle-aged man in the parking garage. Goro records the man on his cell phone without knowing he could be in big trouble.
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Own The Sky

Self-flight heroes Nelson Tyler & Bill Suitor, join forces with rookie David Mayman on his gravity defying quest to build & fly the world's first Jet Pack.
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Own The Sky


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Il cenerentolo

Cenerentolo (Jerry Lewis) è un ragazzo buono e onesto che viene maltrattato continuamente dalla matrigna e dai suoi due fratellastri. Un giorno però, il suo Padrino Fatato (Ed Wynn) si adopererà per trasformare il maldestro ragazzo in un affascinante scapolo, così da permettergli di conquistare la sua Principessa Azzurra (Anna Maria Alberghetti).
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Il cenerentolo


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Kristina is a transgender sex worker in Serbia. She plays herself in an eponymous film that portrays her daily life with reticence in accordance with the rules of fiction. We’re in Kristina’s home with her. With camp elegance, she contentedly arranges ikebana in the luxuriant, baroque shade of her garden. The surprisingly shrill ringtone of her telephone disrupts the idyllic scene and Kristina reels off the prices of her services to the caller. Tracing an inner journey in the secret calm of churches and forests, the film also opens up a space of confession in its core, in frontal shots where Kristina tells her story. It does not, however, follow the path of repentance. On the contrary, it asserts the profound freedom of a modern woman, captured majestically in a bold portrait with strokes inspired by iconostases that tend towards the divine.
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King Lily of the Valley

Spring is in the air and Puck and Einar, as well as Christer Wijk are invited to a wedding in Skoga. The day before the wedding, the bride-to-be enters a flower-shop in order to inspect her bridal bouquet of lily of the valley, but suddenly vanishes without at trace. When she eventually turns up again, it is Christer who finds her. She lies dead outside her home with a bouquet of lily of the valley in her hand. Everybody close to the bride are suspects, not least her best friend, whom Christer has just begun flirting with. Everybody seems to have something to hide. Question is: are their secrets connected to the murder?
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King Lily of the Valley


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In una fabbrica della Russia zarista il suicidio di un operaio ingiustamente punito provoca lo sciopero dei suoi compagni, già in subbuglio per le durissime condizioni di lavoro e l'esiguità dei salari. I padroni non trattano, gli scioperanti impegnano o vendono i loro miseri averi, la polizia tenta in ogni modo di rompere il fronte dei lavoratori. Alla fine avviene un massacro di uomini, donne, bambini. È la prima regia di S. M. Ejzenstejn: innovativa, epica, di grande impatto figurativo. Autentica protagonista è la massa, il lavoro sperimentale sul montaggio è agli inizi ma già preannuncia i capolavori successivi.
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Pekka ja Pätkä miljonääreinä

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Pekka ja Pätkä miljonääreinä


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Selma, Lord, Selma

In 1965 Alabama, an 11 year old girl is touched by a speech by Martin Luther King, Jr. and becomes a devout follower. But her resolution is tested when she joins others in the famed march from Selma to Montgomery.
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Selma, Lord, Selma


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Ryuichi Sakamoto: async at the Park Avenue Armory

A live performance film capturing an intimate concert by composer, pianist and music producer Ryuichi Sakamoto in New York City. The performance marked the first public unveiling of Sakamoto’s new opus, async, hailed as one of the best albums of 2017 by Rolling Stone and Pitchfork.
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Ryuichi Sakamoto: async at the Park Avenue Armory


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