Όλα Για Όλα (2018)

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Film Simili a Όλα Για Όλα

Life of a Mutt

Through seven scenes, the film follows the life and destinies of stray dogs from the margins of our society, leading us to reconsider our attitude towards them. Through the seven “wandering” characters that we follow at different ages, from birth to old age, we witness their dignified struggle for survival. At the cemetery, in an abandoned factory, in an asylum, in a landfill, in places full of sorrow, our heroes search for love and togetherness. By combining documentary material, animation and acting interpretation of the thoughts of our heroes, we get to know lives between disappointment and hope, quite similar to ours.
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Life of a Mutt


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Mantovani, the King of Strings

Documentario britannico sul direttore d'orchestra Annunzio Paolo Mantovani (1905-1980).
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Mantovani, the King of Strings


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Rewind 2: 1996

When Marty's car is stolen, he sets out on a mission to find it; however, he soon realizes that the person who stole it is much more dangerous than he thinks.
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Rewind 2: 1996


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Two teenagers are playing by night in a dirty parking lot. After they are driving on an empty road, they start to tease each other on the way to the sea, but they seem to be too young to drive and the road is a bit strange.
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La sirenetta - The Little Mermaid

Una nonna racconta alle due nipoti la storia della Sirenetta. Nonostante la giovanissima età, le due non credono alla storia e la nonna decide di raccontarne un'altra: molti anni prima, un giovane reporter di nome Cam Harrison non riusciva a guadagnarsi da vivere quando con la sorella minore Elle ha incontrato in un circo una bellissima sirena intrappolata in una vasca di vetro...
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La sirenetta - The Little Mermaid


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Evangelion: 2.22 You Can (Not) Advance

Continua la lotta serrata dell'umanità, rappresentata dai membri dell'Agenzia Speciale Nerv, alle misteriose creature chiamate "Angeli". A occuparsi del risveglio del Terzo Angelo è Mari, pilota assegnato all'unità provvisoria Evangelion 05. Asuka, invece, s'impegna a eliminare il Settimo Angelo a bordo del suo Eva-02. Dopo avere sconfitto l'Ottavo Angelo, il Nono Angelo è un nemico più infido, capace di insinuarsi nella nuovissima unità Evangelion 03 e impossessarsi del pilota assegnato al collaudo, ossia Asuka. Ha inizio il Third Impact.
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Evangelion: 2.22 You Can (Not) Advance


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Maze Runner - La rivelazione

Thomas e gli altri ribelli non si sono ancora dati per vinti e, mentre il mondo va sempre più in malora, continuano a lottare per proteggere i propri amici, in particolare per salvare Minho e altri giovani catturati da Wicked e fuggire poi insieme a loro verso lidi migliori con una nave. Quando si accorgono che Minho non è però tra i ragazzi che hanno estratto da un treno in corsa, Thomas decide di andare nella tana del leone, in una città fortificata da Wicked per fare un ultimo tentativo di salvare l'amico. Diversi altri ribelli si rifiutano di lasciarlo andare da solo e si aggregano alla difficile missione, ma a complicare le cose è soprattutto Teresa, che dopo averli traditi è diventata una ricercatrice di Wicked e rivela una posizione ambigua verso entrambe le fazioni, che rischia di compromettere i piani ribelli.
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Maze Runner - La rivelazione


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Rate Me

A portrait of teen escort, 'Coco'.
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Rate Me


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The Blue Lotus

Tintin is visited in India by a Chinese gentleman who brings him a message. Then, an unseen marksman throws a poisonous dart right into his neck. The only clue Tintin receives from the now mad messenger is that there are problems in Shanghai related to a man named Mitsuhirato.
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The Blue Lotus


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King Ottokar's Sceptre

An absent-minded sigillographer gets Tintin involved in a dangerous political intrigue in the Balkan nation of Syldavia.
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King Ottokar's Sceptre


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Six A.M.

After drinking all night, Monty and his friend try to get home, but it turns out to be not easy. The next day, Monty tries to win the heart of a theater actress.
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Six A.M.


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Cigars of the Pharaoh

While on vacation in Egypt, Tintin encounters an eccentric archaeologist who believes to have found the whereabouts of Pharaoh Kih-Oskh's tomb. Tintin finds there a cigar marked with a strange emblem.
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Cigars of the Pharaoh


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The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Parte 2

Bella si sveglia trasformata. Ora è madre e vampiro. Il suo autocontrollo è stupefacente, così come la sua forza fisica. Per paradossale che sia, non si è mai sentita più viva. Deve, però, fare i conti con l'imprinting di Jacob su sua figlia Renesmee e rimandare quelli con Charlie, che chiede spiegazioni che non può avere. Ma il vero pericolo arriva quando la piccola viene scambiata per una bambina immortale, ovvero un'umana trasformata, troppo pericolosa per essere lasciata in vita, a causa della sete da neonato e dell'incapacità di mantenere la segretezza. La notizia, sebbene menzognera, giunge ai Volturi, che raccolgono le forze per sbarazzarsi per sempre del clan dei Cullen.
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The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Parte 2


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Alvin Superstar 3 - Si salvi chi può!

In questo terzo episodio vedremo i Chipmunks impegnati in un’avventura grandiosa e spettacolare: in ALVIN SUPERSTAR 3. SI SALVI CHI PUO’, i Chipmunks e le Chipettes trasformano una lussuosa nave da crociera in una personale area giochi, fino al momento in cui non vengono catapultati fuori bordo e approdano su un’isola deserta. Mentre i sei scoiattoli studiano un modo per riuscire a tornare a casa, scoprono che il loro approdo non è poi così deserto come sembra.
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Alvin Superstar 3 - Si salvi chi può!


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A terminally ill crime boss, known only as "The Man", hires a hit man named Frank to carry out his own assassination as well as the assassination of "The Woman" he loves. When "The Woman" turns out to be Frank's long lost lover, he turns against "The Man" becoming the target himself.
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Naruto, the Genie, and the Three Wishes, Believe It!

Naruto discovers a genie's bottle while he and the gang are at a genin grill party. When everyone finds out about the genie's ability to grant wishes, the ultimate chase begins.
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Naruto, the Genie, and the Three Wishes, Believe It!


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God's Not Dead 2 - Dio non è morto 2

Al liceo Martin Luther King Jr. di Hope Springs, l'insegnante Grace Wesley aiuta gli studenti a capire e apprezzare la storia. Il suo amore per l'insegnamento, per gli studenti e per la vita, nascono dall'amore che ha nei confronti di Cristo e della religione. Quando Brooke, una studentessa che soffre per la perdita del fratello, le porge una domanda su Cristo, Grace si ritrova in grossi guai ancor prima di finire la sua risposta, iniziando una epica battaglia giudiziaria che potrebbe costarle la carriera.
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God's Not Dead 2 - Dio non è morto 2


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The Secret of the Unicorn

Tintin buys an old model ship at a flea market as a gift for Captain Haddock, who tells him about the exploits of a famous ancestor related to it. Then, Tintin learns that it is not an ordinary model ship.
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The Secret of the Unicorn


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Straight to the Heart

An unemployed man with individualist and pacifist values is inevitably brainwashed by society and the mass media to conform to the dominant ideology and embrace war. His soul is destroyed but his heart cannot be conquered.
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Straight to the Heart


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Measure of a Man

A bullied teen experiences a turning point summer in which he learns to stand up for himself.
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Measure of a Man


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The Black Island

Tintin is out on a peaceful walk. But the comfortable atmosphere will not last long. When an aircraft with an engine failure lands, Tintin does his part to help, but he is shot and ends up in hospital.
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The Black Island


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Yes or No 2: Rak Mai Rak Ya Kak Loei

Kim and Pie are in love, but after graduation they have to travel into two different directions for their internship; Kim is going to work in a farm in the northern province of Nan, while Pie is going South to work in a fishery center. Their love is being tested by the distance between them.
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Yes or No 2: Rak Mai Rak Ya Kak Loei


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The Seven Crystal Balls

Tintin and his friends investigate when something ominous haunts seven archaeologists, just after their return from an ethnographic expedition to the Andes, where they have dug up the tomb of Inca Rascar Capac.
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The Seven Crystal Balls


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Le Galline Selvatiche e la vita

Una gita scolastica a contatto con la natura e' l'occasione per un gruppo di ragazzi per esprimere liberamente i propri sentimenti e intrecciare relazioni sentimentali...
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Le Galline Selvatiche e la vita


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Dabangg 2

L'impavido poliziotto Chulbul Pandey (Salman Khan) si è felicemente sposato con Rajjo. Trasferito nel dipartimento di Kanpur, Chulbul cerca di combattere contro tutte le attività della malavita con la sua solita foga. Il suo principale nemico diventa però presto Bacca Bhaiyaa, uno dei candidati favoriti per le prossime elezioni, con frequenti contatti con la criminalità organizzata.
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Dabangg 2


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Fred 2: Night of the Living Fred

When Fred suspects that his new music teacher is a vampire, he and his friend Bertha set out to save the town from this garlic-hating fiend.
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Fred 2: Night of the Living Fred


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The story of Charlotte Brown,a waitress and young single mother who will do anything for her daughter Jenny, and when push comes to shove, she does. With a menacing figure on the other end of the phone and a time limit of two hours,she must raise enough money to ensure that she sees the smiling face of her child again. Charlotte's customers are her only hope. The clock is ticking as we see the desperate young mother dealing with one eccentric customer after the next, displaying her charming vulnerability and inspiring strength through all the chaos. With her feet firmly planted on the ground, Charlotte maintains her focus and attempts to beat the clock and save the day.
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Marty Feldman: Six Degrees of Separation

A documentary about the legendary and influential comedian, actor and writer, who went out from the BBC to conquer Hollywood, but sadly the system quickly withdrew its support when they couldn't contain his talents. This portrait is spiked with many comments from people who knew Feldman privately or had dealt with him professionally. His early death sadly rendered him all but forgotten by the public. The compilation consists of interviews, some film clips and photos as well as various audio clips from him.
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Marty Feldman: Six Degrees of Separation


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Scusa ma ti voglio sposare

Seguito di "Scusa ma ti chiamo amore". Ritroviamo Alex e Niki tre anni dopo che si sono giurati amore eterno al faro: adesso lui ha capito che Niki è la donna della sua vita, nonostante la differenza d'età, e le chiede di sposarlo. Sulle prime, Niki è felice, ma poi con l'avvicinarsi della data fatidica non riesce a tenere a bada la paura sempre più crescente e decide di mandare a monte tutto. Ma per loro non sarà finita, perchè ci saranno nuovi colpi di scena in arrivo.
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Scusa ma ti voglio sposare


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Big Sur Gay Porn

Cult filmmaker Tom DeSimone (Reform School Girls; Erotikus: A History of the Gay Movie) revisits the production of a lost gay film and resurrects youthful adventures on the California coast. From the creators of Raw! Uncut! Video!.
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Big Sur Gay Porn


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Hello! Project DVD Magazine Vol.3

Various introductions corners, card games, quizes, 'Making Of', and concert 'Backstage Footage'.
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Hello! Project DVD Magazine Vol.3


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RDX: Robert Dony Xavier

Once-menacing, anger fueled, trained martial arts fighters Robert, Dony and Xavier settle down to peaceful lives, after a significant event prompts them. Fate orchestrates their reunion and return from exile to their fighting ways, when their history linger ominously and one of them faces a violent attack.
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RDX: Robert Dony Xavier


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