바꿔 할래? (2020)

(7,3) basato su 3 voti
Data di uscita
mar 16, 2020
01h 00m
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Film Simili a 바꿔 할래?

Housemaid Mom

Woo-joo, who has a lot of work due to word of mouth as a prostitute, does all her work even if she got pregnant and dreams of a normal life. Sepn, the daughter of Woo-joo who is about to graduate from high school, stays in a palace-like house but feels unreal. She seems to smile brightly at her mother who seem to be the object of resentment all her life. Seon’s joy didn’t last long. It’s not easy to manage a house that big. She doesn’t want her mother to do the chores, so she’s not making excuses to stay at home. To look good for her boyfriend, her mom would give her money, but she feels uneasy to accept it. Good house, good food to eat every day, the more she wants to have more. Seon acts cutely to the quiet and kind-looking house owner to ask for money. He shows her the shoes he never wore, thoughtlessly looking cute. Seon gets quite a bit of money from a nice, older guy, but this guy seems to be a bit dark.
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Housemaid Mom


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Main Tera Hero

Seenu loves Sunaina but they're chased by a stalking cop, an infatuated beauty and her mafia don dad - can Seenu's heroics work?
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Main Tera Hero


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A grieving young inventor finds solace in repairing an antique typewriter.
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Main Krishna Hoon

In answer to an orphan boy's prayers, the divine Lord Krishna comes to Earth, befriends the boy, and helps him find a loving family.
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Main Krishna Hoon


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Conglomerated Assets, a brokerage firm is sinking fast as its CEO checks out and leaves the company to his inept film school drop out son. Enter Quincy, Waverly, Erica, Rudy, Tina and Yasmine. Team QWERTY--six sexy secretaries that must save the day.
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Call-center workers receive a phone call from God.
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The King's Avatar: For the Glory

Film prequel di Quan Zhi Gao Shou, che tratta dell'ingresso originale di Ye Xiu nel mondo dei videogiochi professionisti di Glory e del primo torneo della serie Pro League.
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The King's Avatar: For the Glory


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Rahul Subramanian: Kal Main Udega

Rahul Subramanian's stand up comedy solo 'Kal Main Udega' is filled with unrelated topics, no transitions, inconsequential takes on consequential subjects and also a bit of mildly bad dancing.
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Rahul Subramanian: Kal Main Udega


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13 Exorcisms

After participating in a séance, young Laura begins to behave strangely. Alarmed, her parents ask Father Olmedo, one of the few exorcists authorized by the Vatican to intervene in cases of demonic possession, for help.
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13 Exorcisms


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Maine-Ocean Express

"Maine-Ocean" is the name of a train that rides from Paris to Saint-Nazaire (near the ocean). In that train, Dejanira, a Brazilian, has a brush with the two ticket inspectors. Mimi, another traveler and also a lawyer, helps her. The four of them will meet together later and live a few shifted adventures with a strange-speaking sailor (Mimi's client).
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Maine-Ocean Express


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Cine Gibi 9: Vamos Fazer de Conta!

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Cine Gibi 9: Vamos Fazer de Conta!


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Joy in Moscow

Pretty Joy and her friend come to Moscow to shoot a commercial. A taxi driver, who recruits girls for an underground organization run by a distant descendant of Rasputin, suggests they visit the Rasputin Museum. During the tour, the girls are hypnotized by the evil character, who hypnotizes his victims before using their charms to seduce the rich tourists.
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Joy in Moscow


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Rewind 2: 1996

When Marty's car is stolen, he sets out on a mission to find it; however, he soon realizes that the person who stole it is much more dangerous than he thinks.
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Rewind 2: 1996


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Gasping for Air

When his sister disappears after leaving their home in hopes of singing stardom, Luis tracks her down and discovers the grim reality of her whereabouts.
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Gasping for Air


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Altri dieci giorni tra il bene e il male

Un investigatore privato malconcio, distrutto e in lutto deve farsi strada attraverso un groviglio di bugie per scoprire la verità su un omicidio perpetrato in una villa.
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Altri dieci giorni tra il bene e il male


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L'invasione degli astromostri

Due astronauti (il giapponese Fuji e l'americano Glenn) si dirigono verso un misterioso Pianeta X scoperto vicino a Giove. Improvvisamente vengono attaccati da King Ghidorah, e vengono salvati dagli alieni chiamati Xiliens. Gli alieni spiegano che sono costretti dalle continue incursioni di King Ghidorah (che loro chiamano Mostro 0) a vivere nel sottosuolo. Per questo chiedono ai terrestri di aiutarli: se loro 'presteranno' agli Xiliens Godzilla (Mostro 1) e Rodan (Mostro 2) per combattere il Mostro 0, gli alieni in cambio consegneranno un'assistenza alla loro scienza medica.
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L'invasione degli astromostri


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Radio Killer 2 - Fine della corsa

Quattro amici in viaggio verso Las Vegas, alla ricerca di divertimento sfrenato e soldi facili, proprio non immaginano che una valanga carica di tensioni, torture e paure primordiali sta per investirli. Improvvisamente la loro auto si ferma in mezzo al nulla e la loro strada incrocia quella di Rusty Nails, un camionista omicida assetato di sangue. Niente potrà fermarlo: i quattro ragazzi dovranno pagare il pedaggio, brandello dopo brandello!
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Radio Killer 2 - Fine della corsa


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Six A.M.

After drinking all night, Monty and his friend try to get home, but it turns out to be not easy. The next day, Monty tries to win the heart of a theater actress.
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Six A.M.


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Road to Damascus

Drowning in debt, child support and bills all while white knuckling it through sobriety, Francis is coming undone. When his roommate, Shelly, goes missing, Francis is thrown headlong into her private world; a slip stream of money, violence and terrifying allegiances.
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Road to Damascus


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Rate Me

A portrait of teen escort, 'Coco'.
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Rate Me


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Xx: Where Your Heart Should Be

Todd Verow's experimental narrative feature heralding the end time. Split up into 20 short films, the film explores the fear and longing of several characters as they wait for some unspecified apocalyptic event. Some try to escape physically, emotionally or sexually while others welcome the end with open arms. A woman (PHILLY) is busy dragging her own corpse, trying to find a resting place for it, when she encounters an old lover (MICHAEL BURKE) who used to be a she but has transitioned to a man. He wants to get out of town but she wants to stay it's the end of time when nothing is a crime. Several gay men engage in more and more extreme sexual activity, they want to experience it all before the big collapse. Two gay ex-lovers try to reconnect and feel something, anything but total emptiness. Porn actors and producers make more unsafe films as fantasies grow darker and more violent. Will the world end with a whimper or a bang? Or worse will it not end at all.
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Xx: Where Your Heart Should Be


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John Ford: The Man Who Invented America

Over a 50-year career and more than a hundred movies, filmmaker John Ford (1894-1973) forged the legend of the Far West. By giving a face to the underprivileged, from humble cowboys to persecuted minorities, he revealed like no one else the great social divisions that existed and still exist in the United States. More than four decades after his death, what remains of his legacy and humanistic values in the memory of those who love his work?
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John Ford: The Man Who Invented America


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A Broadway actress uses her sex appeal to ruin a marriage only to dump her lover for a richer prospect.
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Reign of Chaos

When the world is gripped by a plague unleashed by the evil lord Chaos, and humans are turned into rabid creatures, mankind can only be saved by three young women, descendants of a Goddess, with the power to stop Chaos' evil.
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Reign of Chaos


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Article 20

Tells the story of prosecutor Han Ming who is involved in a difficult case where the intentional injury of people is turned into a legitimate defense.
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Article 20


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I 5 draghi d'oro

While travelling through Hong Kong, Bob Mitchell accidentally stumbles into the middle of criminal negotiations between a mean gang, the Five Golden Dragons and the local mobsters.
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I 5 draghi d'oro


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Super Live (2021) - Debut 50th Anniversary ~ The Rainbow Goblins Final

Masayoshi Takanaka and his fellow musicians celebrate his 50th debut anniversary, by playing The Rainbow Goblins album in full live, along with songs from his previous albums.
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Super Live (2021) - Debut 50th Anniversary ~ The Rainbow Goblins Final


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Il miracolo di Sharon

Sharon Stevens è una parrucchiera tenace e testarda con la vocazione nell'aiutare il prossimo. Coinvolta nell'organizzazione del funerale di una sconosciuta, la donna decide di occuparsi della sua giovane figlia, Ashley, che ha bisogno di un trapianto di fegato. Dopo aver coinvolto la sua comunità in una rocambolesca raccolta fondi ed aver convinto il padre della bambina ad accettare i soldi, Sharon si trova però a dover fronteggiare la più grande nevicata nella storia del Kentucky, che si abbatte sullo Stato proprio quando Ashley avrebbe dovuto raggiungere l'ospedale. Facendo appello ancora una volta sulla propria comunità, Sharon troverà quindi il modo di risolvere la situazione.
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Il miracolo di Sharon


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Gantz Revolution

Dopo essere stati salvati dalla morte e trasportati nel limbo della Gantz, Kei e Kato hanno preso decisioni differenti: mentre il secondo si rifiuta di sottomettersi alla dilagante violenza prospettata, Kei ha accettato gli ordini impartiti e si impegna con tutte le sue forze a cacciare il maggior numero di alieni possibile. L'obiettivo che si è prefissato è quello di raggiungere quanto prima i cento punti che gli garantirebbero il ritorno a una esistenza normale, in cui i ricordi di tutta l'esperienza vissuta andrebbero cancellati, e la possibilità di riportare in vita un altro giocatore della Gantz. Seguito del film Gantz (2010).
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Gantz Revolution


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Busty Cops: Protect and Serve!

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Busty Cops: Protect and Serve!


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Emmanuelle 7

Attraverso le meraviglie della realtà virtuale, Emmanuelle cerca di aiutare un ex compagno di scuola a superare un passato sessuale traumatico.
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Emmanuelle 7


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