Monsieur Naphtali (1999)

(3,5) basato su 4 voti
Data di uscita
ago 04, 1999
01h 25m
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Film Simili a Monsieur Naphtali

Android Re-Enactment

Ermus Daglek, retired Empathtek engineer, commandeers a defunct factory where he creates androids based on persons from his past and recreates a dinner party where he lost the love of his life - until they malfunction and escape.
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Android Re-Enactment


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The Secret Six

Bootlegger/cafe owner, Johnny Franks recruits crude working man Scorpio to join his gang, masterminded by crooked criminal defense lawyer Newton. Scorpio eventually takes over Frank's operation, beats a rival gang, becomes wealthy and dominates the city for several years until a secret group of 6 masked businessmen have him prosecuted and sent to the electric chair.
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The Secret Six


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La tribù del pallone 5

"The Wild Soccer Bunch" celebra la sua ultima vittoria contro i "Silver Lights" - e stabilisce un record in una partita di volley-pass dopo l'altra nella foresta. Ma non sono soli: i vampiri prendono di mira la squadra. Per attirarli nel loro bunker, rapiscono Leon. Vanessa lo rivedrà più?
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La tribù del pallone 5


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Spider-Man: Il ritorno di Goblin

Azione, brivido e un tremendo, pericolosissimo folletto verde attendono Spiderman che in SPIDERMAN: IL RITORNO DI GOBLIN si ritrova ingarbugliato in una ragnatela di inganni.
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Spider-Man: Il ritorno di Goblin


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Le deportate della sezione speciale SS

Young women in Nazi-occupied countries are packed onto a train and shipped off to a prison camp, where the sadistic commandant uses them as rewards for his lesbian guards and perverted and deviate troops.
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Le deportate della sezione speciale SS


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Out of Season

Mathieu vive a Parigi, Alice in una piccola località di mare nella Francia occidentale. Lui è un famoso attore in procinto di compiere cinquant’anni, lei un’insegnante di piano sulla quarantina. Innamorati quindici anni fa, successivamente separati. Il tempo è passato. Ciascuno ha preso la propria strada e le ferite si sono lentamente rimarginate. Quando Mathieu va in una spa per cercare di superare la malinconia che lo attanaglia, si imbatte in Alice.
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Out of Season


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The Forbidden Legend: Sex & Chopsticks 2

Rich and powerful Simon Qing has been schooled in the ways of sex by his virile father, but is still a virgin. That is, until he meets his first love Violetta who has fun with him all over his father’s estate. Their love does not last, so Simon embarks on a journey. Along the way he meets the comely nun Moon whom Simon deflowers and then marries. He then becomes enamored of Golden Lotus but she is married to dwarf Wu Da-Lang.
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The Forbidden Legend: Sex & Chopsticks 2


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Il Natale più dolce

A pochi giorni dal Natale, Miranda trova un indizio che potrebbe condurla dal padre che non ha mai conosciuto e che dovrebbe abitare in una cittadina del New England.
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Il Natale più dolce


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Robot Chicken: Star Wars Episodio II

Seth Green e Matthew Senreich propongono una satira più esilarante ispirata a Star Wars in questa seconda raccolta di sketch con la bizzarra animazione in stop-motion di "Robot Chicken" di Adult Swim. Gary lo stormtrooper ha a che fare con il capo irascibile Darth Vader durante Take Your Daughter to Work Day, mentre Anakin fa da babysitter a un certo Jedi emergente. Carrie Fisher, Billy Dee Williams, Conan O'Brien e altre star forniscono le voci.
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Robot Chicken: Star Wars Episodio II


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Uman – The Perfect Man

Florence, a lawyer overwhelmed by her family life, decides to buy a humanoid robot with a perfect physique. The robot meets all her expectations: maintain the house, take care of the children, and more... By maliciously disrupting their daily routine, the robot also arouses the jealousy of her self-centered careless husband, Franck, a second-class actor who suddenly realizes he must make some efforts not to lose the love of his wife.
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Uman – The Perfect Man


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A personal examination of the rise and fall of Lance Armstrong.
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Clockwork Bananas

Gilles, who operates a money losing garage, teams up with his friends Max, who operates a scrap yard, and lawyer Xavier to open a brothel catering to women. They get the idea from Gilles' secretary Irma, a former prostitute. They are assisted in the implementation by Max's wife Juliette and Sabine who is mad for Gilles. Unfortunately Gilles has fallen for Florence the daughter of the conservative Prime Minister and his wife. When the Prime Minister tries to shut down the brothel Gilles decides to stand against him in the election.
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Clockwork Bananas


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John Mulaney & The Sack Lunch Bunch

John Mulaney and his kid pals tackle existential topics for all ages with catchy songs, comedy sketches and special guests in a nostalgic variety special.
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John Mulaney & The Sack Lunch Bunch


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Educazione fisica

I genitori di tre alunni vengono convocati dalla preside di una scuola media di provincia: è successo un fattaccio, di cui i loro figli sono i responsabili. Ma è difficile da credere e da accettare. La palestra si trasforma in un’aula di tribunale improvvisata, dove ha inizio un processo feroce nel tentativo ostinato di smentire e nascondere la verità.
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Educazione fisica


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Pigs 2: The Last Blood

Franz Maurer, a compromised cop, former officer of the criminal department of the Warsaw's police, is released from prison where he was doing time for his brutality and murders. He is awaited by Nowy, a former police colleague. Franz tries to go straight starting hard work in a steel mill. Nevertheless, he must leave the factory as a criminal with an uncertain past when he doesn't join the strike organized by the workers' union. At the same time, a merciless war continues in former Yugoslavia. Wolf and William, two high rank officers, come to Poland in order to organize a network selling and smuggling arms to Yugoslavia by way of Albania.
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Pigs 2: The Last Blood


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Buoni a nulla

Quante ingiustizie deve ancora subire il povero Gianni? Dai colleghi d’ufficio, alla vicina di casa pestilenziale, fino alle pretese impossibili della ex moglie, le angherie quotidiane sono infinite. Marco invece è un uomo buono, gentile, indifeso e innamorato di Cinzia, la giovane collega che lo schiavizza e lo illude. Bisognerebbe arrabbiarsi e imparare a farsi rispettare, ma come si fa? Da soli è difficile ma forse unendo le forze..
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Buoni a nulla


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Magnum Opus

(Quinto cortometraggio). Groot si propone di dipingere un ritratto di famiglia con se stesso e i Guardiani, scoprirete quanto possa essere disordinato il processo artistico.
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Magnum Opus


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Park manager Fiona is tasked with taking care of some former friends who won an exclusive private sneak preview of Halloween at Liseberg - a whole night, all alone in the empty park. But cotton candy, lovely rides and lots of laughter soon turn into something completely different, as they realize they are not alone in the park. And the night of dreams quickly turns into a true nightmare.
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La gang della spider rossa

Due bambini ricchi escogitano un modo per scappare dal nonno e visitare la madre. Sfortunatamente per due sfortunati cracker sicuri, diventano parte del piano.
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La gang della spider rossa


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Dev Kumar Verma comes from a middle-class family and must find employment to support his dad and mom. Dev, however, has set his mind upon becoming a music sensation like Elvis Presley. He loses his job because of this, and refuses to work until and unless he gets a job to his liking, much to the dismay of his parents and his brother, Shiv Kumar. Dev does get employment at Charlie's Disco, where he meets with Maya and falls in love with her. When Charlie's Disco's competitor, Rana, finds out about Dev, he wants to hire Dev, but Dev decides to continue to work with Charlie's Disco, as a result Dev and Charlie get a beating by Rana's men, and Dev is unable to sing. After recuperating, Dev is devastated to find out that Maya and Shiv Kumar are in love with each other. What impact will this have on Dev and his brother on one hand, and what of his career in music?
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Atomik Circus

James Bataille is in love. He attempts to stage an elaborate motorcycle stunt to impress the girl, but when it goes sour, he ends up in prison with a 133-year sentence. Bataille escapes from behind bars to make an appointment to fix the car of music biz tycoon, as well as watch the love of his life take part in the town's annual talent show.
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Atomik Circus


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Because he forgot his identity card, Elias cannot take the entrance exam to Sciences Po. In search of a job while waiting to be able to take the exam again, he becomes an educator in a children's home. Confronted with an environment he doesn't know how to work, Elias doesn't yet know how much this experience will change his life.
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Fulltime Killer

Professional assassin O has resided in an isolated world of killing and loneliness. But his life begins to change once he meets the innocent Chin; hired to clean O's apartment. However, soon the flamboyent and reckless Tok enters Chin's life with a mission to unveil O's identity and usurp his place as the number one sharp-shooting assassin in the game.
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Fulltime Killer


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We follow Ichi during his high school years. Mr. Dai is the best fighter in school... whenever he fights Ichi is there and has a huge smile on his face. Mr. Dai thinks that Ichi is laughing at him but in fact he enjoys watching the violence that goes through the fights. Everyone is bullying, taunting and making fun of Ichi... even little kids from his karate class. Yet Ichi refuses to let go of his anger and fight others. Just when Mr. Dai is about to get Ichi, a new transfer student starts to make his own laws... by beating up everyone and breaking their bones! In a fight with the new student, Mr. Dai ends up on the ground, beaten and broken up from almost everywhere. It seems like this new guy wants to fight Ichi because supposedly he is the only one that could give him some challenge.
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Torrente: Il braccio idiota della legge

Torrente, The Stupid Arm of The Law by Santiago Segura stars Javier Cámara as a corrupt, poor, delusional, sexist, egocentric, drunk and right-winged Madrid cop named Torrente. This over the top comedy shows Torrente on his search for heroin drug dealers and the outrageous characters he passes on his way. A cult film and one of the funniest Spanish films was the most successful box-office film.
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Torrente: Il braccio idiota della legge


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Groot fa il bagno

(Quarto cortometraggio). Tutti hanno bisogno di un po' di tempo da soli per rilassarsi e lavarsi, ma le cose vanno in modo molto diverso quando sei un piccolo Flora Colossi.
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Groot fa il bagno


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Alison Flesh, a rebellious and intrepid Nice police captain, is forced by her superior, Commissioner Djiba, to work in tandem with Parisian lieutenant Leïla Balani, an expert in criminology but a real drag in the field. On the trail of a serial killer, Flesh and Balani will have to team up even if it means turning over the entire Riviera.
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Il padrino - Parte III

Michael Corleone, il padrino della cupola mafiosa italo-americana, ormai anziano, decide di ripulire la sua vita ed i suoi affari cercando di instaurare un regime di convivenza pacifica con le altre famiglie di New York. Ma a malincuore é costretto a rivedere la sua posizione quando una delle altre famiglie rivendica dei diritti sui Corleone.
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Il padrino - Parte III


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Tom & Jerry - Di nuovo a Oz

Dopo aver sconfitto la perfida Strega dell'Ovest, Tom e Jerry sono rientrati a casa così come Dorothy quando un nuovo pericolo si profila all'orizzonte nel magico regno di Oz: il Re Gnomo. Dopo aver catturato la Strega Buona, il Re Gnomo e il suo esercito scatenano il caos ma necessitano delle scarpette rosse di Dorothy per prendere controllo della Città di Smeraldo. Ancora una volta toccherà a Tom e Jerry collaborare per salvare Oz
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Tom & Jerry - Di nuovo a Oz


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La storia di crescita e trasformazione di un uomo che è partito dai sobborghi fino ad arrivare al successo. Il calcio è stato la liberazione di Zlatan Ibrahimovic da un ambiente difficile: il suo notevole talento e la fiducia in se stesso lo hanno catapultato contro ogni probabilità ai vertici del calcio internazionale, portandolo a giocare in squadre come l’Ajax Amsterdam, la Juventus, l’Inter, il Milan, il Barcellona, il Paris Saint-Germain e il Manchester United.
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Frozen Fever

È il 19esimo compleanno di Anna, ed Elsa, Olaf, Kristoff e Sven hanno intenzione di farle una festa a sorpresa. Anna deve seguire una stringa che percorre tutto il regno fino alla festa di compleanno. Mentre Anna percorre tutto il regno, Elsa scopre di aver preso il raffreddore e inconsapevolmente produce piccoli pupazzetti di neve, che ad ogni suo starnuto rovinano una decorazione della festa...
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Frozen Fever


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Trama non disponibile
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Friends battle former U.S. presidents when they come back from the dead as zombies on the Fourth of July.
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Il vendicatore tossico 4

La Scuola per Ragazzi Molto Speciali di Tromaville è attaccata dalla Mafia del Pannolino. Accorso in salvataggio, Toxie viene catapultato da un’esplosione nell’universo parallelo di Amortville, in cui resta intrappolato mentre il suo doppio malvagio Noxie prende possesso della sua tranquilla cittadina. Si annuncia un epico scontro tra Bene e Male, mentre la ragazza di Toxie porta in grembo i figli di entrambi i mostruosi eroi.
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Il vendicatore tossico 4


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